Sub openfilesandsave()
On Error GoTo WriteLog 'proceed to error log file and print the error information.
On Error Resume Next 'procedd to next step if any error occurs
For i = 2 To 4
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error GoTo WriteLog
With Workbooks.Open(Range("B" & i)) 'Open the workbook in the cell range of i in B column
strFileFullName = ActiveWorkbook.FullName ' stores the current opened link into strFileFullName variable
Open "\Documents\Error Log.txt" For Append As #1
Print #1, strFileFullName ' Printing strFileFullName values into log file.
Close #1
.RefreshAll 'Refresh current workbook
.Save 'Save the current opened workbook
.Saved = True
'Check if the current workbook saved or not and print the result into log file
If ActiveWorkbook.Saved = False Then
Open "\\Documents\Error Log.txt" For Append As #1
Print #1, " File Not Saved"
Print #1, "----------------------------------------------------"
Close #1
Open "\\Documents\Error Log.txt" For Append As #1
Print #1, "File Saved Successfully"
Print #1, "----------------------------------------------------"
Close #1
End If
.Close 0 ' Close current workbook
End With
'Open the errorlog file and print the error discription
Open "\\Documents\Error Log.txt" For Append As #1
Print #1, Err.Description & Format$(Now(), " mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss")
Print #1, "----------------------------------------------------"
Close #1
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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我建议您重新考虑代码以使用更常规的错误处理 关于改进结构的其他建议也包括在内。
Option Explicit
Sub OpenFilesAndSave()
Dim i As Long '<-- Declare all variables
Dim strFileFullName As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim strErrorLog As String
strErrorLog = "C:\Users\Chris\Documents\Scratch\Error Log.txt"
For i = 2 To 4
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
strFileFullName = Range("B" & i) '<-- Move to here. stores the current opened link into strFileFullName variable
Set wb = Nothing
On Error Resume Next ' <-- use a Try/Catch style error handler
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(strFileFullName) ' <-- set reference to opend workbook
If wb Is Nothing Then
WriteLog strErrorLog, Err.Description & Format(Now(), " mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss"), True
On Error GoTo 0
On Error GoTo 0
With wb 'Open the workbook in the cell range of i in B column
'strFileFullName = .FullName ' <-- moved
'Open "\Documents\Error Log.txt" For Append As #1 '<-- need to use \\Documents...
WriteLog strErrorLog, strFileFullName, False
.RefreshAll 'Refresh current workbook
.Save 'Save the current opened workbook
'.Saved = True '<-- Why? will be true if save succeeded.
'Check if the current workbook saved or not and print the result into log file
' <-- use with reference
If .Saved = False Then
WriteLog strErrorLog, "File Not Saved"
WriteLog strErrorLog, "File Saved Successfully"
End If
.Close SaveChanges:=False ' Close current workbook
End With
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
' End '<-- don't do this.
End Sub
Private Sub WriteLog(LogFile As String, Message As String, Optional Divider As Boolean = True)
Open LogFile For Append As #1
Print #1, Message
If Divider Then
Print #1, "----------------------------------------------------"
End If
Close #1
End Sub