
时间:2014-01-07 03:07:18

标签: r

这是一篇很长的帖子。我无法在lme4版本之间获得一致的模型结果。我的旧计算机运行R 3.0.0“Masked Marvel”,带有0.999999-2版本的lme4,我的新工作计算机运行R 3.0.2“Frisbee Sailing”和lme4版本1.1-2。他们没有给我相同的模型输出。省略了新的lme4,我在旧笔记本电脑上逐一安装了每个软件包更新并运行了模型。然后,更新R本身并运行模型。最后,我对R 3.0.2的软件包进行了进一步的更新,并再次运行了这些模型。它们与原始分析保持一致。我无法使用最新的MASS软件包和R 3.0.0以及最新的R 3.0.2中的nlme软件包运行模型。我在这些情况下收到的错误消息是相同的,如下所示: “validObject(.Object)中的错误:无效的类”mer“对象:插槽L必须是单调的LL'大小调整因子化['q']”

我想知道在更新到lme4 1.1-2以完成我的分析之前是否有人可以帮助阐明这一点。 R Studio中链接的地址似乎没有更改日志...



lme4版本0.999999-2 R版本3.0.0(2013-04-03) - “Masked Marvel”

at1500o <- glmer(apred ~ 
                 (1 | fFarm) + (1 | Eps) + (1 | fExp),
                 family = binomial,
                 data = PU3.atristis)                

Number of levels of a grouping factor for the random effects
is *equal* to n, the number of observations
Warning message: In mer_finalize(ans) : false convergence (8)

Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation 
Formula: apred ~ (1 | fFarm) + (1 | Eps) + (1 | fExp) 
   Data: PU3.atristis 
   AIC      BIC     logLik      deviance
   182.2    193     -87.11      174.2
Random effects:
 Groups      Name           Variance    Std.Dev.  
 Eps        (Intercept)     1.6630e+01  4.0780e+00
 fFarm      (Intercept)     2.4393e+00  1.5618e+00
 fExp       (Intercept)     5.8587e-13  7.6542e-07
Number of obs: 110, groups: Eps, 110; fFarm, 17; fExp, 2

Fixed effects:
                Estimate  Std. Error  z value   Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)     -6.1406     0.7126    -8.618   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

虚假融合didn’t seem to be a problem

at1500a <- glmer(apred ~ 
                      pctfield1500 * factor(SiteTrt) +
                      (1 | fFarm) + (1 | Eps) + (1 | fExp),
                    family = binomial,
                    data = PU3.atristis)                

Number of levels of a grouping factor for the random effects
is *equal* to n, the number of observations
Warning message: In mer_finalize(ans) : false convergence (8)

Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation 
Formula: apred ~ pctfield1500 + factor(SiteTrt) + pctfield1500:factor(SiteTrt) + (1 | fFarm) + (1 | Eps) + (1 | fExp) 
   Data: PU3.atristis 

   AIC      BIC     logLik      deviance
   185.2    209.5   -83.59      167.2

Random effects:
 Groups     Name            Variance    Std.Dev.  
 Eps        (Intercept)     2.4539e+01  4.95370375
 fFarm      (Intercept)     8.1397e-01  0.90220336
  fExp      (Intercept)     1.3452e-08  0.00011598
Number of obs: 110, groups: Eps, 110; fFarm, 17; fExp, 2

Fixed effects:
                               Estimate  Std. Error  z value  Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept)                    -6.82245    2.64044    -2.584   0.00977 **
pctfield1500                   -0.01041    0.10849    -0.096   0.92353   
factor(SiteTrt)2               2.47654     3.97069     0.624   0.53282   
factor(SiteTrt)3               4.33391     4.65551     0.931   0.35190   
pctfield1500:factor(SiteTrt)2  -0.05073    0.13117    -0.387   0.69895   
pctfield1500:factor(SiteTrt)3  -0.05729    0.14524    -0.394   0.69323   
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
                (Intr)  pc1500    f(ST)2   f(ST)3  p1500:(ST)2
pctfild1500         -0.876                                 
fctr(StTr)2     -0.665  0.582                          
fctr(StTr)3     -0.571  0.504     0.380                   
p1500:(ST)2     0.724   -0.827   -0.850   -0.417            
p1500:(ST)3     0.654   -0.747   -0.435   -0.887    0.618

Lme4版本1.1-2 R版本3.0.2(2013-09-25) - “飞盘航行”

at1500o <- glmer(apred ~ 
                 (1 | fFarm) + (1 | Eps) + (1 | fExp),
                 family = binomial,
                 data = PU3.atristis)                

Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood ['glmerMod']
 Family: binomial ( logit )
Formula: apred ~ (1 | fFarm) + (1 | Eps) + (1 | fExp) 
   Data: PU3.atristis 

      AIC           BIC         logLik      deviance 
      236.8296      247.6316    -114.4148   228.8296 

Random effects:
 Groups      Name           Variance    Std.Dev. 
 Eps        (Intercept)     4.799e+01   6.927e+00
 fFarm      (Intercept)     6.542e-01   8.088e-01
 fExp       (Intercept)     6.056e-10   2.461e-05
Number of obs: 110, groups: Eps, 110; fFarm, 17; fExp, 2

Fixed effects:
             Estimate     Std. Error     z value   Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)   -7.975        1.115        -7.154   8.43e-13 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1


at1500a <- glmer(apred ~ 
                      pctfield1500 * factor(SiteTrt) +
                      (1 | fFarm) + (1 | Eps) + (1 | fExp),
                    family = binomial,
                    data = PU3.atristis)                

Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood ['glmerMod']
 Family: binomial ( logit )
Formula: apred ~ pctfield1500 + factor(SiteTrt) + pctfield1500:factor(SiteTrt) + (1 | fFarm) + (1 | Eps) + (1 | fExp) 
   Data: PU3.atristis 

      AIC           BIC         logLik      deviance 
      242.7874      267.0917    -112.3937   224.7874 

Random effects:
 Groups     Name            Variance    Std.Dev. 
 Eps        (Intercept)     3.346e+01   5.784e+00
 fFarm      (Intercept)     1.809e-07   4.253e-04
 fExp       (Intercept)     4.380e-11   6.618e-06
Number of obs: 110, groups: Eps, 110; fFarm, 17; fExp, 2

Fixed effects:
                              Estimate  Std. Error  z value   Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)                   -7.46800      3.04197     -2.455    0.0141 *
pctfield1500                   0.00032      0.12301     0.003     0.9979  
factor(SiteTrt)2               2.05618      4.57444     0.450     0.6531  
factor(SiteTrt)3               6.72139      5.20895     1.290     0.1969  
pctfield1500:factor(SiteTrt)2 -0.04882      0.14911     -0.327    0.7434  
pctfield1500:factor(SiteTrt)3 -0.11324      0.16495     -0.686    0.4924  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr)  pc1500    f(ST)2   f(ST)3  p1500:(ST)2
pctfild1500 -0.875                                 
fctr(StTr)2 -0.665  0.582                          
fctr(StTr)3 -0.584  0.511     0.388                   
p1500:(ST)2 0.722   -0.825   -0.850   -0.422            
p1500:(ST)3 0.653   -0.746   -0.434   -0.886    0.615 

干杯, 纳瓦

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



因为内部计算机器发生了变化,结果来自于   lme4的最新版本在数字上与那些不同   从以前的版本。对于合理定义的拟合,他们会   非常接近(在1e-4左右的数值公差范围内),但是   对于不稳定或不明确的拟合,结果可能会发生变化,而且非常   不稳定的适合可能会失败,当他们(显然)与之前的成功   版本。同样,新版本的某些配合可能会更慢,   虽然平均而言新版本应该更快更稳定。   现在有更多的数字调整选项(见下文);   非默认设置可以恢复适合的速度和/或能力   特殊型号没有错误。如果您注意到重要或   使用新版本的lme4拟合模型时出现令人不安的变化,   请通知维护者。
