这是我的精灵为我的游戏移动的代码。我在线查看了教程和课程,以帮助我解决这个问题。我需要知道每次按下某个键时如何更改角色精灵。 (例如,左键:左侧面向精灵,右侧键:右侧面向精灵)我已经看过线但是我;我不知道如何将它集成到我的代码中。我相信我可以使用我的“MageChar”类中的枚举列表来改变精灵,但我不知道如何开始。任何帮助表示赞赏。
namespace RPG
public class MageChar : charMovement
//variable where sprite file name is stored
const string MageAssetName = "MageChar";
//starting x position
const int StartPositionX = 0;
//starting y position
const int StartPositionY = 0;
//speed that the sprite will move on screen
const int MageSpeed = 160;
//move sprite 1 up/down when the arrow key is pressed
const int MoveUp = 1;
const int MoveDown = -1;
const int MoveLeft = -1;
const int MoveRight = 1;
//used to store the current state of the sprite
enum State
//set to current state of the sprite. initally set to walking
State CurrentState = State.Walking;
//stores direction of sprite
Vector2 Direction = Vector2.Zero;
//stores speed of sprite
Vector2 Speed = Vector2.Zero;
//stores previous state of keyboard
KeyboardState PreviousKeyboardState;
public void LoadContent(ContentManager theContentManager)
//sets position to the top left corner of the screen
Position = new Vector2(StartPositionX, StartPositionY);
base.LoadContent(theContentManager, MageAssetName);
//checks state of the keyboard
private void UpdateMovement(KeyboardState aCurrentKeyboardState)
//run if the sprite is walking
if (CurrentState == State.Walking)
//sets direction and speed to zero
Speed = Vector2.Zero;
Direction = Vector2.Zero;
//if left key is pressed, move left
if (aCurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) == true)
//speed of sprite movement
Speed.X = MageSpeed;
//moves the sprite left
Direction.X = MoveLeft;
//if right key is pressed, move right
else if (aCurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) == true)
//speed of sprite movement
Speed.X = MageSpeed;
//moves the sprite right
Direction.X = MoveRight;
//if up key is pressed, move up
if (aCurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up) == true)
//speed of sprite movement
Speed.Y = MageSpeed;
//moves sprite up
Direction.Y = MoveUp;
//if down key is pressed, move down
else if (aCurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down) == true)
//speed of sprite movement
Speed.Y = MageSpeed;
//moves sprite down
Direction.Y = MoveDown;
public void Update(GameTime theGameTime)
//obtains current state of the keyboard
KeyboardState aCurrentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState();
//calls in UpdateMovement and passes in current keyboard state
//set previous state to current state
PreviousKeyboardState = aCurrentKeyboardState;
//call update method of the charMovement class
base.Update(theGameTime, Speed, Direction);
namespace RPG
public class charMovement
//The asset name for the Sprite's Texture
public string charSprite;
//The Size of the Sprite (with scale applied)
public Rectangle Size;
//The amount to increase/decrease the size of the original sprite.
private float mScale = 1.0f;
//The current position of the Sprite
public Vector2 Position = new Vector2(0,0);
//The texture object used when drawing the sprite
private Texture2D charTexture;
//Load the texture for the sprite using the Content Pipeline
public void LoadContent(ContentManager theContentManager, string theCharSprite)
//loads the image of the sprite
charTexture = theContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("charSprite");
charSprite = theCharSprite;
//creates a new rectangle the size of the sprite
Size = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(charTexture.Width * mScale), (int)(charTexture.Height * mScale));
//Update the Sprite and change it's position based on the set speed, direction and elapsed time.
public void Update(GameTime theGameTime, Vector2 theSpeed, Vector2 theDirection)
Position += theDirection * theSpeed * (float)theGameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
//Draw the sprite to the screen
public void Draw(SpriteBatch theSpriteBatch)
//draw the sprite to the screen inside a rectangle
theSpriteBatch.Draw(charTexture, Position,
new Rectangle(0, 0, charTexture.Width, charTexture.Height),
Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, mScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
namespace RPG
public class MageChar : charMovement
//variable where sprite file name is stored
const string MageAssetName = "MageChar";
//starting x position
const int StartPositionX = 0;
//starting y position
const int StartPositionY = 0;
//speed that the sprite will move on screen
const int MageSpeed = 160;
//move sprite 1 up/down when the arrow key is pressed
const int MoveUp = 1;
const int MoveDown = -1;
const int MoveLeft = -1;
const int MoveRight = 1;
//used to store the current state of the sprite
enum State
//set to current state of the sprite. initally set to walking
State CurrentState = State.Walking;
//stores direction of sprite
Vector2 Direction = Vector2.Zero;
//stores speed of sprite
Vector2 Speed = Vector2.Zero;
//stores previous state of keyboard
KeyboardState PreviousKeyboardState;
public void LoadContent(ContentManager theContentManager)
//sets position to the top left corner of the screen
Position = new Vector2(StartPositionX, StartPositionY);
base.LoadContent(theContentManager, MageAssetName);
//checks state of the keyboard
private void UpdateMovement(KeyboardState aCurrentKeyboardState)
//run if the sprite is walking
if (CurrentState == State.Walking)
//sets direction and speed to zero
Speed = Vector2.Zero;
Direction = Vector2.Zero;
//if left key is pressed, move left
if (aCurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) == true)
//speed of sprite movement
Speed.X = MageSpeed;
//moves the sprite left
Direction.X = MoveLeft;
//if right key is pressed, move right
else if (aCurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) == true)
//speed of sprite movement
Speed.X = MageSpeed;
//moves the sprite right
Direction.X = MoveRight;
//if up key is pressed, move up
if (aCurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up) == true)
//speed of sprite movement
Speed.Y = MageSpeed;
//moves sprite up
Direction.Y = MoveUp;
//if down key is pressed, move down
else if (aCurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down) == true)
//speed of sprite movement
Speed.Y = MageSpeed;
//moves sprite down
Direction.Y = MoveDown;
public void Update(GameTime theGameTime)
//obtains current state of the keyboard
KeyboardState aCurrentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState();
//calls in UpdateMovement and passes in current keyboard state
//set previous state to current state
PreviousKeyboardState = aCurrentKeyboardState;
//call update method of the charMovement class
base.Update(theGameTime, Speed, Direction);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
首先,您需要创建精灵纹理:将角色的所有图像放在一个纹理中(如下所示:https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTl7XCFrVrnkzcNtpokcpJf3SKxcALw-IpbuSgVP4xNRBgtsnN4)。让我们说现在你的角色有两种不同的状态 - 朝左和朝右,两种纹理都是64x64。所以我们有这样的事情:
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| <-- | --> |
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您需要向状态枚举添加更多值。假设你的状态枚举将有两个值 Left 和 Right 而不是 Walking 。 现在,您可以使用第三个参数在绘图方法中切换帧:
if (CurrentState == State.Left)
theSpriteBatch.Draw(charTexture, Position,
new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64), // first frame
Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, mScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
else if (CurrentState == State.Right)
theSpriteBatch.Draw(charTexture, Position,
new Rectangle(64, 0, 64, 64), // second frame
Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, mScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
if (aCurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) == true)
//speed of sprite movement
Speed.X = MageSpeed;
//moves the sprite left
Direction.X = MoveLeft;
CurrentState = State.Left; // set current state to left
else if (aCurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) == true)
//speed of sprite movement
Speed.X = MageSpeed;
//moves the sprite right
Direction.X = MoveRight;
CurrentState = State.Right; // set current state to right