OCaml - 通过stdin stdout输入,显示,验证枚举类型

时间:2014-01-07 00:13:14

标签: ocaml


type sex = | M | F | Undef;;


type sex = | M | F | Undef;;
type loop = | Yes | No;;

let match_sex s str =
    match s with
    | M -> print_endline "Male"
    | F -> print_endline "Female"
    | Undef ->
            Printf.fprintf stdout "You entered '%s'. Please enter single character(M\\F)\n" str;;

let looping = ref Yes;;

while !looping = Yes do
    let s = looping := No; print_string "Enter sex(M\\F)->"; read_line() in
    let c = Char.uppercase s.[0] in
    let ans =
        match (c, String.length s) with
        | 'M', 1 -> M
        | 'F', 1 -> F
        | _ -> looping := Yes; Undef in match_sex ans s


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


type sex = M | F

let rec prompt () =
  let input =
    print_string "Enter sex(M\\F)->";
    read_line() in
  match String.uppercase input with
  | "M" -> print_endline "Male"; M
  | "F" -> print_endline "Female"; F
  | bad_input ->
    Printf.printf "You entered '%s'. Please enter single character(M\\F)\n" bad_input;
    prompt ()


  • 更喜欢递归而不是循环
  • 额外的功能在这里买不到你所以我摆脱它
  • 我删除了Undef性,因为它永远不会被退回。
  • Printf.printf超过Printf.fprintf stdout

答案 1 :(得分:0)

type sex = | Male | Female;;

let match_sex sx =
    match sx with
    | Male -> "Male"
    | Female -> "Female";;

let rec get_sex() =
    let str = print_string "Enter sex(M/F)->"; read_line() in
    match Char.uppercase (str.[0]), String.length str with
    | 'M', 1 -> Male
    | 'F', 1 -> Female
    | undef_sex ->
            Printf.fprintf stdout "Your entry '%s' was invalid. Please try again.\n" str; get_sex();;

Printf.fprintf stdout "Your sex is->%s\n" (match_sex (get_sex()));;
