Android TextView中的波动画

时间:2014-01-06 20:48:29

标签: android android-animation textview


txtSize.setText("This is my Text");


我在这里找到了这个示例,但我不知道如何在我的情况下使用它(从左到右滑动,TextView而不是GridView):{{3} }


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)

尝试使用Number Tweening技术(例如Timely App)!

enter image description here


 public class NumberMorphingView extends View {

    private final Interpolator mInterpolator;
    private final Paint mPaint;
    private final Path mPath;

    // Numbers currently shown.
    private int mCurrent = 0;
    private int mNext = 1;

    // Frame of transition between current and next frames.
    private int mFrame = 0;

    // The 5 end points. (Note: The last end point is the first end point of the
    // next segment.
    private final float[][][] mPoints = {
    { { 44.5f, 100 }, { 100, 18 }, { 156, 100 }, { 100, 180 }, { 44.5f, 100 } }, // 0
    { { 77, 20.5f }, { 104.5f, 20.5f }, { 104.5f, 181 }, { 104.5f, 181 }, { 104.5f, 181 } }, // 1
    { { 56, 60 }, { 144.5f, 61 }, { 108, 122 }, { 57, 177 }, { 147, 177 } }, // 2
    { { 63.25f, 54 }, { 99.5f, 18 }, { 99.5f, 96 }, { 100, 180 }, { 56.5f, 143 } }, // 3
    { { 155, 146 }, { 43, 146 }, { 129, 25 }, { 129, 146 }, { 129, 179 } }, // 4
    { { 146, 20 }, { 91, 20 }, { 72, 78 }, { 145, 129 }, { 45, 154 } }, // 5
    { { 110, 20 }, { 110, 20 }, { 46, 126 }, { 153, 126 }, { 53.5f, 100 } }, // 6
    { { 47, 21 }, { 158, 21 }, { 120.67f, 73.34f }, { 83.34f, 126.67f }, { 46, 181 } }, // 7
    { { 101, 96 }, { 101, 19 }, { 101, 96 }, { 101, 179 }, { 101, 96 } }, // 8
    { { 146.5f, 100 }, { 47, 74 }, { 154, 74 }, { 90, 180 }, { 90, 180 } } // 9

    // The set of the "first" control points of each segment.
    private final float[][][] mControlPoint1 = {
    { { 44.5f, 60 }, { 133, 18 }, { 156, 140 }, { 67, 180 } }, // 0
    { { 77, 20.5f }, { 104.5f, 20.5f }, { 104.5f, 181 }, { 104.5f, 181 } }, // 1
    { { 59, 2 }, { 144.5f, 78 }, { 94, 138 }, { 57, 177 } }, // 2
    { { 63, 27 }, { 156, 18 }, { 158, 96 }, { 54, 180 } }, // 3
    { { 155, 146 }, { 43, 146 }, { 129, 25 }, { 129, 146 } }, // 4
    { { 91, 20 }, { 72, 78 }, { 97, 66 }, { 140, 183 } }, // 5
    { { 110, 20 }, { 71, 79 }, { 52, 208 }, { 146, 66 } }, // 6
    { { 47, 21 }, { 158, 21 }, { 120.67f, 73.34f }, { 83.34f, 126.67f } }, // 7
    { { 44, 95 }, { 154, 19 }, { 44, 96 }, { 154, 179 } }, // 8
    { { 124, 136 }, { 42, 8 }, { 152, 108 }, { 90, 180 } } // 9

    // The set of the "second" control points of each segment.
    private final float[][][] mControlPoint2 = {
    { { 67, 18 }, { 156, 60 }, { 133, 180 }, { 44.5f, 140 } }, // 0
    { { 104.5f, 20.5f }, { 104.5f, 181 }, { 104.5f, 181 }, { 104.5f, 181 } }, // 1
    { { 143, 4 }, { 130, 98 }, { 74, 155 }, { 147, 177 } }, // 2
    { { 86, 18 }, { 146, 96 }, { 150, 180 }, { 56, 150 } }, // 3
    { { 43, 146 }, { 129, 25 }, { 129, 146 }, { 129, 179 } }, // 4
    { { 91, 20 }, { 72, 78 }, { 145, 85 }, { 68, 198 } }, // 5
    { { 110, 20 }, { 48, 92 }, { 158, 192 }, { 76, 64 } }, // 6
    { { 158, 21 }, { 120.67f, 73.34f }, { 83.34f, 126.67f }, { 46, 181 } }, // 7
    { { 44, 19 }, { 154, 96 }, { 36, 179 }, { 154, 96 } }, // 8
    { { 54, 134 }, { 148, -8 }, { 129, 121 }, { 90, 180 } } // 9

    public NumberMorphingView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);

    mInterpolator = new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator();

    // A new paint with the style as stroke.
    mPaint = new Paint();

    mPath = new Path();

    public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    int count = canvas.saveLayer(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), null, Canvas.MATRIX_SAVE_FLAG


    // Frames 0, 1 is the first pause.
    // Frames 9, 10 is the last pause.
    // Constrain current frame to be between 0 and 6.
    final int currentFrame;
    if (mFrame < 2) {
    currentFrame = 0;
    } else if (mFrame > 8) {
    currentFrame = 6;
    } else {
    currentFrame = mFrame - 2;

    // A factor of the difference between current
    // and next frame based on interpolation.
    // Only 6 frames are used between the transition.
    final float factor = mInterpolator.getInterpolation(currentFrame / 6.0f);

    // Reset the path.

    final float[][] current = mPoints[mCurrent];
    final float[][] next = mPoints[mNext];

    final float[][] curr1 = mControlPoint1[mCurrent];
    final float[][] next1 = mControlPoint1[mNext];

    final float[][] curr2 = mControlPoint2[mCurrent];
    final float[][] next2 = mControlPoint2[mNext];

    // First point.
    mPath.moveTo(current[0][0] + ((next[0][0] - current[0][0]) * factor), current[0][3]
    + ((next[0][4] - current[0][5]) * factor));

    // Rest of the points connected as bezier curve.
    for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
    mPath.cubicTo(curr1[i - 1][0] + ((next1[i - 1][0] - curr1[i - 1][0]) * factor),
    curr1[i - 1][6] + ((next1[i - 1][7] - curr1[i - 1][8]) * factor),
    curr2[i - 1][0] + ((next2[i - 1][0] - curr2[i - 1][0]) * factor),
    curr2[i - 1][9] + ((next2[i - 1][10] - curr2[i - 1][11]) * factor), current[i][0]
    + ((next[i][0] - current[i][0]) * factor), current[i][12]
    + ((next[i][13] - current[i][14]) * factor));

    // Draw the path.
    canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);


    // Next frame.

    // Each number change has 10 frames. Reset.
    if (mFrame == 10) {
    // Reset to zarro.
    mFrame = 0;

    mCurrent = mNext;

    // Reset to zarro.
    if (mNext == 10) {
    mNext = 0;
    } else {



这些数字不是直接来自作为TextView绘制的字体,   而是构建为多个细分

如果您忘记了Android View层次结构: enter image description here


答案 1 :(得分:9)


  1. 覆盖onDraw
  2. 的自定义视图
  3. 在测量后或之后创建的Path在屏幕上生成类似波形的形状(docs
  4. 在切换到动画模式时,在每个绘制过程中使用Canvas的drawTextOnPath (String text, Path path, float hOffset, float vOffset, Paint paint)docs)递增hOffset
  5. 对于不熟悉Android中自定义视图的未来读者,here is the developer resource


    1. setText(...)当然
    2. resetTextPosition()重置传入的动画
    3. animateToRight(double millis duration)以时间开始动画。
    4. 我们的类与LayoutParams一起工作也很重要,例如像素高度,WRAP_CONTENT和MATCH_PARENT。现在这很棘手,因为要以一种非常糟糕的方式完全这样做,继承实践通常意味着重写很多东西。所以,(顶部提示),我们继续让布局参数为开发人员指定文本的所需宽度和高度,然后我们为topPaddingbottomPadding {{1}引入新含义在视图上:

      1. setPadding:参数topPadding和bottomPadding设置将为添加的空间
      2. 以下是一些可编辑的可用代码:

        setPadding(int ...)


        • 我们使用public class WaveyTextView extends TextView { private int leftOffset = 0; private enum TransitionState{TRANSITION_STARTING, TRANSITION_RUNNING, TRANSITION_NONE}; private TransitionState transitionState; private double animDuration = 0; private double startTimeMillis; private Path wavePath = null; private final int pxWLength = 175; public WaveyTextView(final Context ctx) { super(ctx); } public final void resetTextPosition() { leftOffset = 0; transitionState = TransitionState.TRANSITION_NONE; invalidate(); } public final void animateToRight(final double animDuration) { this.animDuration = animDuration; transitionState = TransitionState.TRANSITION_STARTING; invalidate(); } @Override public void onDraw(final Canvas canvas) { if(wavePath==null) { generateWavePath(); } boolean done = true; switch(transitionState) { case TRANSITION_STARTING: done = false; transitionState = TransitionState.TRANSITION_RUNNING; startTimeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); break; case TRANSITION_RUNNING: double normalized = (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTimeMillis) / animDuration; done = normalized >= 1.0; normalized = Math.min(normalized, 1.0); leftOffset = (int) (getWidth() * normalized); break; default: break; } canvas.drawTextOnPath(getText().toString(), wavePath, leftOffset, (getHeight()-(getPaddingTop()+getPaddingBottom()))/4, getPaint()); if(!done) { invalidate(); } } private void generateWavePath() { wavePath = new Path(); int lOffset = 0; int ct = 0; wavePath.moveTo(0, getHeight()/2); while(lOffset < getWidth()) { wavePath.quadTo(lOffset+pxWLength/4, getHeight() * (ct++ % 2), lOffset+pxWLength/2, getHeight()/2); lOffset += pxWLength/2; } } 将视图置于三种状态。 enum设置初始变量并告诉视图 进入TRANSITION_STARTING状态。这种状态不断 TRANSITION_RUNNING(通过UI消息队列重新调用invalidates()) 视图的状态,因此将使用新参数再次绘制。在Android的内部视图和小部件代码库中,您将经常看到这种模式。

        • onDraw是一个可调整的参数,表示波浪的波长。

        • pxWLength我们需要修改路径的水平偏移量,因为(另一个顶尖 Android绘制路径上方对齐的路径 - 所以否则文本将被压在你的波浪的低谷。


        canvas.drawTextOnPath(getText().toString(), wavePath, leftOffset, (getHeight()-(getPaddingTop()+getPaddingBottom()))/4, getPaint());

