我目前正在使用cfdocument标签创建PDF。 PDF不仅仅是一堆链接到其他PDF的链接。
<a href="Another_PDF.pdf">Another PDF</a>
<a href="http://www.mywebsite.com/media/PDF/Another_PDF.pdf">Another PDF</a>
<a href="File:/D:/website/media/PDF/Another_PDF.pdf">Another PDF</a>
<a href="Another_PDF.pdf">Another PDF</a>
创建PDF并将URL链接转换为实际的PDF GoTo标签后,有没有办法(可能使用iText或其他东西)打开PDF?
5 0 obj<</C[0 0 1]/Border[0 0 0]/A<</URI(File:///75110_002.PDF)/S/URI>>/Subtype/Link/Rect[145 502 184 513]>>endobj
19 0 obj<</SGoToR/D[0/XYZ null null 0]/F(75110_002.PDF)>>endobj
20 0 obj<</Subtype/Link/Rect[145 502 184 513]/Border[0 0 0]/A 19 0 R>>endobj
哇这真是踢我的屁股! :)
我很糟糕! :)答案 0 :(得分:1)
This thread有一个通过修改pdf注释来更新链接操作的示例。它是用iTextSharp 5.x编写的,但java代码并没有太大的不同。
util = createObject("component", "path.to.ThisComponent");
util.fixLinks( "c:/path/to/sourceFile.pdf", "c:/path/to/newFile.pdf");
component {
Convert all absolute links, in the given pdf, to relative links (file name only)
@source - absolute path to the source pdf file
@destination - absolute path to save copy
public function fixLinks( string source, string destination) {
// initialize objects
Local.reader = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader").init( arguments.source );
Local.pdfName = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfName");
// check each page for hyperlinks
for ( Local.i = 1; Local.i <= Local.reader.getNumberOfPages(); Local.i++) {
//Get all of the annotations for the current page
Local.page = Local.reader.getPageN( Local.i );
Local.annotations = Local.page.getAsArray( Local.PdfName.ANNOTS ).getArrayList();
// search annotations for links
for (Local.x = 1; !isNull( Local.annotations) && Local.x < arrayLen(Local.annotations); Local.x++) {
// get current properties
Local.current = Local.annotations[ Local.x ];
Local.dictionary = Local.reader.getPdfObject( Local.current );
Local.subType = Local.dictionary.get( Local.PdfName.SUBTYPE );
Local.action = Local.dictionary.get( Local.PdfName.A );
Local.hasLink = true;
//Skip this item if it does not have a link AND action
if (Local.subType != Local.PdfName.LINK || isNull(Local.action)) {
Local.hasLink = false;
//Skip this item if it does not have a URI
if ( Local.hasLink && Local.action.get( Local.PdfName.S ) != Local.PdfName.URI ) {
Local.hasLink = false;
//If it is a valid URI, update link
if (Local.hasLink) {
// extract file name from URL
Local.oldLink = Local.action.get( Local.pdfName.URI );
Local.newLink = getFileFromPath( Local.oldLink );
// replace link
// WriteDump("Changed link from ["& Local.oldLink &"] ==> ["& Local.newLink &"]");
Local.pdfString = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfString");
Local.action.put( Local.pdfName.URI, Local.pdfString.init( Local.newLink ) );
// save all pages to new file
copyPDF( Local.reader , arguments.destination );
Copy all pages in pdfReader to the given destination file
@pdfReader - pdf to copy
@destination - absolute path to save copy
public function copyPDF( any pdfReader, string destination) {
try {
Local.doc = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.Document").init();
Local.out = createObject("java", "java.io.FileOutputStream").init( arguments.destination );
Local.writer = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfCopy").init(Local.doc, Local.out);
// open document and save individual pages
for (Local.i = 1; i <= arguments.pdfReader.getNumberOfPages(); Local.i++) {
Local.writer.addPage( Local.writer.getImportedPage( arguments.pdfReader, Local.i) );
// cleanup
if (structKeyExists(Local, "doc")) { Local.doc.close(); }
if (structKeyExists(Local, "writer")) { Local.writer.close(); }
if (structKeyExists(Local, "out")) { Local.out.close(); }
答案 1 :(得分:1)
public function resetLinks( string source, string destination) {
try {
// initialize objects
Local.reader = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader").init( arguments.source );
Local.pdfName = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfName");
Local.annot = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAnnotation");
Local.out = createObject("java", "java.io.FileOutputStream").init( arguments.destination );
Local.stamper = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper").init(Local.reader, Local.out);
Local.PdfAction = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAction");
Local.PdfRect = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.Rectangle");
Local.PdfBorderArray = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfBorderArray").init(javacast("float", "0"), javacast("float", "0"), javacast("float", "0"));
Local.newAnnots = [];
// check each page for hyperlinks
// Save the data to a structure then write it to an array
// then delete the hyperlink Annotation
for ( Local.i = 1; Local.i <= Local.reader.getNumberOfPages(); Local.i = Local.i + 1) {
//Get all of the annotations for the current page
Local.page = Local.reader.getPageN( Local.i );
Local.annotations = Local.page.getAsArray( Local.PdfName.ANNOTS ).getArrayList();
// search annotations for links
for (Local.x = arrayLen(Local.annotations); !isNull( Local.annotations) && Local.x > 0; Local.x--) {
// get current properties
Local.current = Local.annotations[ Local.x ];
Local.dictionary = Local.reader.getPdfObject( Local.current );
Local.subType = Local.dictionary.get( Local.PdfName.SUBTYPE );
Local.action = Local.dictionary.get( Local.PdfName.A );
Local.hasLink = true;
//Skip this item if it does not have a link AND action
if (Local.subType != Local.PdfName.LINK || isNull(Local.action)) {
Local.hasLink = false;
//Skip this item if it does not have a URI
if ( Local.hasLink && Local.action.get( Local.PdfName.S ) != Local.PdfName.URI ) {
Local.hasLink = false;
//If it is a valid URI, update link
if (Local.hasLink) {
// extract file name from URL
Local.oldLink = Local.action.get( Local.pdfName.URI );
Local.newLink = getFileFromPath( Local.oldLink );
Local.Rect = Local.dictionary.Get(PdfName.Rect);
arrayStruct = StructNew();
arrayStruct.rectSTR = Local.Rect.toString();
arrayStruct.link = Local.newLink;
arrayStruct.page = Local.i;
ArrayAppend(Local.newAnnots, arrayStruct);
// Delete
// Now really remove them!
// Now loop over the saved annotations and put them back!!
for ( Local.z = 1; Local.z <= ArrayLen(Local.newAnnots); Local.z++) {
// Parse the rect we got save into an Array
theRectArray = ListToArray(ReplaceNoCase(ReplaceNoCase(Local.newAnnots[z].rectSTR, "[", ""), "]", ""));
// Create the GoToR action
theAction = Local.PdfAction.gotoRemotePage(javacast("string", '#Local.newAnnots[z].link#'), javacast("string", '#Local.newAnnots[z].link#'), javacast("boolean", "false"), javacast("boolean", "false"));
// Create the Link Annotation with the above Action and the Rect
theAnnot = Local.annot.createLink(Local.stamper.getWriter(), Local.PdfRect.init(javacast("int", theRectArray[1]), javacast("int", theRectArray[2]), javacast("int", theRectArray[3]), javacast("int", theRectArray[4])), Local.annot.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT, theAction);
// Remove the border the underlying underlined text will flag item as a link
// Add the Annotation to the Page
Local.stamper.addAnnotation(theAnnot, Local.newAnnots[z].page);
finally {
// cleanup
if (structKeyExists(Local, "reader")) { Local.reader.close(); }
if (structKeyExists(Local, "stamper")) { Local.stamper.close(); }
if (structKeyExists(Local, "out")) { Local.out.close(); }