在Pandas / Python中使用GroupBy进行绘图

时间:2014-01-04 01:45:57

标签: python matplotlib pandas

虽然在熊猫中绘制groupby对象是直截了当且容易的,但我想知道从groupby对象中获取唯一组的最pythonic(pandastic?)方式是什么。例如:   我正在处理大气数据并尝试绘制几天或更长时间内的昼夜趋势。以下是包含许多天数据的DataFrame,其中时间戳是索引:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 10909 entries, 2013-08-04 12:01:00 to 2013-08-13 17:43:00
Data columns (total 17 columns):
Date     10909  non-null values
Flags    10909  non-null values
Time     10909  non-null values
convt    10909  non-null values
hino     10909  non-null values
hinox    10909  non-null values
intt     10909  non-null values
no       10909  non-null values
nox      10909  non-null values
ozonf    10909  non-null values
pmtt     10909  non-null values
pmtv     10909  non-null values
pres     10909  non-null values
rctt     10909  non-null values
smplf    10909  non-null values
stamp    10909  non-null values
no2      10909  non-null values
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(11), int64(2), object(3)

为了能够在几分钟内每分钟对数据进行平均(并采用其他统计数据),我将数据帧分组:     data = no.groupby('Time')


ax = figure(figsize=(12,8)).add_subplot(111)
title('Diurnal Profile for NO, NO2, and NOx: East St. Louis Air Quality Study')
ylabel('Concentration [ppb]')
data.no.mean().plot(ax=ax, style='b', label='Mean')
data.no.apply(lambda x: percentile(x, 25)).plot(ax=ax, style='r', label='25%')
data.no.apply(lambda x: percentile(x, 75)).plot(ax=ax, style='r', label='75%')


fill_between(x, y1, y2=0, where=None, interpolate=False, hold=None, **kwargs)


  1. 迭代groupby对象并创建组数组
  2. 从原始DataFrame中抓取所有唯一的时间条目
  3. 我可以做这些工作,但我知道有更好的方法。 Python太漂亮了。任何想法/提示?

    更新 可以使用unstack()(例如

    no_new = no.groupby('Time')['no'].describe().unstack()
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    Index: 1440 entries, 00:00 to 23:59
    Data columns (total 8 columns):
    count    1440  non-null values
    mean     1440  non-null values
    std      1440  non-null values
    min      1440  non-null values
    25%      1440  non-null values
    50%      1440  non-null values
    75%      1440  non-null values
    max      1440  non-null values
    dtypes: float64(8)



    ax = figure(figzise=(12,8)).add_subplot(111)
    ax.fill_between(no_new.index, no_new['mean'], no_new['75%'], alpha=.5, facecolor='green')


    TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-6-47493de920f1> in <module>()
          2 ax = figure(figsize=(12,8)).add_subplot(111)
          3 ax.plot(no_new['mean'])
    ----> 4 ax.fill_between(no_new.index, no_new['mean'], no_new['75%'], alpha=.5,     facecolor='green')
          5 #title('Diurnal Profile for NO, NO2, and NOx: East St. Louis Air Quality Study')
          6 #ylabel('Concentration [ppb]')
    C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\User\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\axes.pyc in fill_between(self, x, y1, y2, where, interpolate, **kwargs)
       6987         # Convert the arrays so we can work with them
    -> 6988         x = ma.masked_invalid(self.convert_xunits(x))
       6989         y1 = ma.masked_invalid(self.convert_yunits(y1))
       6990         y2 = ma.masked_invalid(self.convert_yunits(y2))
    C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\User\lib\site-packages\numpy\ma\core.pyc in masked_invalid(a, copy)
       2237         cls = type(a)
       2238     else:
    -> 2239         condition = ~(np.isfinite(a))
       2240         cls = MaskedArray
       2241     result = a.view(cls)
    TypeError: ufunc 'isfinite' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''

    截至目前的情节如下:enter image description here

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

将groupby统计信息(平均值/ 25/75)存储为新数据框中的列,然后传递新数据框的index作为x的{​​{1}}参数对我有用(已测试与matplotlib 1.3.1)。如,


gdf = df.groupby('Time')[col].describe().unstack() plt.fill_between(gdf.index, gdf['25%'], gdf['75%'], alpha=.5) 应如下所示:


更新:要解决<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 12 entries, 00:00:00 to 22:00:00 Data columns (total 8 columns): count 12 non-null float64 mean 12 non-null float64 std 12 non-null float64 min 12 non-null float64 25% 12 non-null float64 50% 12 non-null float64 75% 12 non-null float64 max 12 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(8) 异常,必须先将TypeError: ufunc 'isfinite' not supported列从“HH:MM”格式的一系列字符串对象转换为一系列Time对象,可以按如下方式完成:
