如何使用SimplePagination jquery

时间:2014-01-03 03:33:32

标签: javascript jquery html jquery-pagination

我正在尝试在代码上使用simplePagination。 (我正在使用MVC4 C#进行开发)


            <td><input type="checkbox" name="select-all" id="select-all" /></td>
            <td style="text-align: left">Name</td>
            <td style="text-align: left">Created By</td>
            <td style="text-align: left">Created Date</td>
        <tr class="post">
            <td><p><input Length="0" name="314" type="checkbox" value="true" /><input name="314" type="hidden" value="false" /></p></td>
            <td>01/01/2014 12:00:00 AM</td>
        <tr class="post">
            <td><p><input Length="0" name="314" type="checkbox" value="true" /><input name="314" type="hidden" value="false" /></p></td>
            <td>01/01/2014 12:00:00 AM</td>
        <tr class="post">
            <td><p><input Length="0" name="314" type="checkbox" value="true" /><input name="314" type="hidden" value="false" /></p></td>
            <td>01/01/2014 12:00:00 AM</td>
        <tr class="post">
            <td><p><input Length="0" name="314" type="checkbox" value="true" /><input name="314" type="hidden" value="false" /></p></td>
            <td>01/01/2014 12:00:00 AM</td>
        <tr class="post">
            <td><p><input Length="0" name="314" type="checkbox" value="true" /><input name="314" type="hidden" value="false" /></p></td>
            <td>01/01/2014 12:00:00 AM</td>




$(function() {
        items: 100,
        itemsOnPage: 10,
        cssStyle: 'light-theme'



<div class="pagination-page"></div>


$(function() {
        items: 100,
        itemsOnPage: 10,
        cssStyle: 'light-theme'
  1. 我应该用类名替换'Selector'吗?如果是,我该怎么做?
  2. 其次是如何声明此simplePagination,以便每页只显示2行(只有2个类'Post')?
  3. *表示第一页仅显示

    | [] |  Name  | CreatedBy | CreatedDate            | 
    | [] | Window | John      | 01/01/2014 12:00:00 AM | 
    | [] | Door   | Chris     | 01/01/2014 12:00:00 AM | 


    | [] |  Name  | CreatedBy | CreatedDate            | 
    | [] | Floor  | Michael   | 01/01/2014 12:00:00 AM | 
    | [] | Car    | James     | 01/01/2014 12:00:00 AM | 



6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:46)



jQuery(function($) {
    // Consider adding an ID to your table
    // incase a second table ever enters the picture.
    var items = $("table tbody tr");

    var numItems = items.length;
    var perPage = 2;

    // Only show the first 2 (or first `per_page`) items initially.

    // Now setup the pagination using the `.pagination-page` div.
        items: numItems,
        itemsOnPage: perPage,
        cssStyle: "light-theme",

        // This is the actual page changing functionality.
        onPageClick: function(pageNumber) {
            // We need to show and hide `tr`s appropriately.
            var showFrom = perPage * (pageNumber - 1);
            var showTo = showFrom + perPage;

            // We'll first hide everything...
                 // ... and then only show the appropriate rows.
                 .slice(showFrom, showTo).show();

    // EDIT: Let's cover URL fragments (i.e. #page-3 in the URL).
    // More thoroughly explained (including the regular expression) in: 
    // https://github.com/bilalakil/bin/tree/master/simplepagination/page-fragment/index.html

    // We'll create a function to check the URL fragment
    // and trigger a change of page accordingly.
    function checkFragment() {
        // If there's no hash, treat it like page 1.
        var hash = window.location.hash || "#page-1";

        // We'll use a regular expression to check the hash string.
        hash = hash.match(/^#page-(\d+)$/);

        if(hash) {
            // The `selectPage` function is described in the documentation.
            // We've captured the page number in a regex group: `(\d+)`.
            $(".pagination-page").pagination("selectPage", parseInt(hash[1]));

    // We'll call this function whenever back/forward is pressed...
    $(window).bind("popstate", checkFragment);

    // ... and we'll also call it when the page has loaded
    // (which is right now).


如果您想更全面地了解这一切的实际效果,您可以找到正在运行的示例here以及有关simplePagination here的更全面的指南。

编辑:添加了一段代码来处理URL片段(在重新加载和后退/前进时),因为Mike O'Connor强调了需要。您可以看到URL片段处理here的实时示例。

编辑2:如果您需要跨浏览器兼容性进行后向/前向片段更新(即IE11 ...),请在实现上述代码之前包含History.js脚本。感谢Mike O'Connor:)

编辑3 :如果您要动态添加或删除内容,则需要手动更新分页器以反映这些更改。我也为此掀起了一个例子。您可以看到它正在运行here

答案 1 :(得分:3)

好的,我已经测试了Bilal Akil的jQuery(功能($),这对我来说是一个好的开始 - 感谢Bilal。它有效,但有一些不足之处。一,如果你去了到his first link并点击第2页,然后该号码会在#34; http://bilalakil.github.io/bin/simplepagination/#page-2&#34; ---#page-2中显示在位置框中。但如果您复制整个网址并将其粘贴到另一个标签或窗口的位置框中,以模拟链接到第2页的人,然后它就无法正常工作;您将在第1页找到自己。或者在您点击页面后2按钮并转到第2页,您只需重新加载页面;您将在第1页找到自己。


  var items = $("#content .page");
  var numItems = items.length;
  var hashPageNum = getPageNum();  //code for getPageNum() is below
  items.hide().slice(hashPageNum-1, hashPageNum).show();

  // now setup pagination

    items: numItems,
    itemsOnPage: 1,
    cssStyle: "light-theme",
    onPageClick: function(pageNumber) {
    items.hide().slice(pageNumber-1, pageNumber).show();

  $('#pagination').pagination('drawPage', hashPageNum);


<div id="pagination"></div>
<table id="content"><tbody><tr class="page"><td>...

我只使用perPage = 1,一个&lt; tr&gt;每页,但重要的区别是这一行:

items.hide().slice(hashPageNum-1, hashPageNum).show();


第二个问题是使用Bilal的裸码完成了后退和前进按钮的功能失调。如果您将分页栏放在长页的底部,读者肯定会想要使用浏览器的内置页面导航。 编辑: Bilal已经更新了他的代码以消除这些问题。


function getPageNum(){
  var hashtag = parent.location.hash;
  var hashPageNum = 1; //default
  if (hashtag == '#page-1') {
  } else if (hashtag == '#page-2'){
  } else if (hashtag == '#page-3') {
  } else if (hashtag == '') {
    parent.location.hash = '#page-1';
  return hashPageNum;



window.onpopstate = function(e){
  var pagenum = getPageNum();
  $("#content .page").hide().slice(pagenum-1, pagenum).show();
  $('#pagination').pagination('drawPage', pagenum);

然后我似乎完成了。我可以使用#page-n后缀复制URL并在其他地方启动它们并且它们可以工作。前进和后退按钮工作。请注意&#39; drawPage&#34;上面代码中的位只是调整分页栏中的指示。


首先转到this github project然后输入&#34; t&#34;对于文件(哈!)并单击history.min.js然后在Raw按钮上并在浏览器中执行SaveAs。因此,您将使用该JavaScript库,该库有效地为不会提升它们的浏览器创建popstate事件(和其他事件)。

现在,在上面的代码中删除window.onpopstate = function(e){}但保存其代码块并将其插入jQuery的末尾(函数($),就在$(&#39;#)之后分页&#39;)。分页(&#39; drawPage&#39;,hashPageNum);,如下:

  $(window).on('popstate', function(e) {
  var pagenum = getPageNum();
   $("#content .page").hide().slice(pagenum-1, pagenum).show();
   $('#pagination').pagination('drawPage', pagenum);

编辑我必须补充说,如果你在你的网站上放置一个这样分页的页面的链接 - 例如,你的主页可能在菜单中有一些锚点转到你的某些分页页面---那么如果你把target =&#34; _blank&#34;在链接和href放到www.yourdomain.com/yourpaginatedpage,一切都会好的。这样会很好,因为您不会尝试使用浏览器上的后退箭头返回主页,因为分页页面将作为新选项卡或新窗口打开。

但是......如果你离开目标=&#34; _blank&#34;因此,在同一窗口中打开分页页面,您会发现后退按钮不起作用。当您按下后退箭头时,会看到历史记录(实际上它是错误的,因为有两个您的标签页的列表)但没有点击箭头会导致它工作。

治愈只是将www.yourdomain.com/yourpaginatedpage#page-1作为您的href ...使用#page-1。然后后退箭头将起作用。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我测试了Bilal Akil的jQuery(函数($)),我发现了一个我想纠正的错误 - 并且感谢Bilal参与了这个主题。

由于我无法发表评论或建议修改他的帖子,我会在此直接发布我的答案。欲了解更多信息,请查看Bilal Akil的帖子。


// mind the slight change below, personal idea of best practices
jQuery(function($) {
    // consider adding an id to your table,
    // just incase a second table ever enters the picture..?
    var items = $("table tbody tr");

    var numItems = items.length;
    var perPage = 2;

    var pagination_placeholder_selector = ".pagination-page"; // put in a variable to ensure proper changes in the future
    var myPageName = "#page-"; // a number will follow for each page

    // only show the first 2 (or "first per_page") items initially

    // now setup your pagination
    // you need that .pagination-page div before/after your table
        items: numItems,
        itemsOnPage: perPage,
        cssStyle: "light-theme",
        hrefTextPrefix: myPageName,
        onPageClick: function(pageNumber) { // this is where the magic happens
            // someone changed page, lets hide/show trs appropriately
            var showFrom = perPage * (pageNumber - 1);
            var showTo = showFrom + perPage;

            items.hide() // first hide everything, then show for the new page
                 .slice(showFrom, showTo).show();

    // EDIT: extra stuff to cover url fragments (i.e. #page-3)
    // https://github.com/bilalakil/bin/tree/master/simplepagination/page-fragment
    // is more thoroughly commented (to explain the regular expression)

    // we'll create a function to check the url fragment and change page
    // we're storing this function in a variable so we can reuse it
    var checkFragment = function() {
        // if there's no hash, make sure we go to page 1
        var hash = window.location.hash || (myPageName+"1");

        // we'll use regex to check the hash string
        var re = new RegExp("^"+myPageName+"(\\d+)$");
        hash = hash.match(re);

            // the selectPage function is described in the documentation
            // we've captured the page number in a regex group: (\d+)
            $(pagination_placeholder_selector).pagination("selectPage", parseInt(hash[1]));

    // we'll call this function whenever the back/forward is pressed
    $(window).bind("popstate", checkFragment);

    // and we'll also call it to check right now!


答案 3 :(得分:0)

我已将Bilal Akil的工作转换为函数,并在我通过ajax调用加载数据时将其调用为ajax。它很棒。感谢所有参与者。



答案 4 :(得分:0)


<script type="text/javascript" src="mio_path_js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="mio_path_js/jquery.simplePagination.js"></script>

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="mio_path_css/simplePagination.css"/>


$(function() {
    items: 100,
    itemsOnPage: 10,
    cssStyle: 'light-theme'


$。AJAX({     ......     ......     成功:功能(响应,状态,xhr){         jQuery(function($){         var pageParts = $(&#34; .paginate&#34;);         var numPages = countSelect;         var perPage = 10;         pageParts.slice(perPage).hide();

        items: numPages,
        itemsOnPage: perPage,
        cssStyle: "light-theme",
        currentPage: numeroSelezionato,
            onPageClick: function(pageNum) {
                var start = perPage * (pageNum - 1);
                var end = start + perPage;
                numeroSelezionato = pageNum;



<div id="id_paginator"></div>

enter image description here

对于其他Jquery simplePagination示例,请参阅here

或者要加载更多元素: https://lentux-informatica.com/paginazione-liste-con-jquery-parte-2-2-simplepagination-js/

答案 5 :(得分:0)


function paginationTable() {

    var items = $("table tbody tr");
    var tablaeBody = $("table tbody");
        var numItems = items.length;
        var perPage = 20;

        // Only show the first 20 (or first `per_page`) items initially.
        // Now setup the pagination using the `.pagination-page` div.
            items: numItems,
            itemsOnPage: perPage,
            cssStyle: "light-theme",

            // This is the actual page changing functionality.
            onPageClick: function(pageNumber) {
                // We need to show and hide `tr`s appropriately.
                var showFrom = perPage * (pageNumber - 1);
                var showTo = showFrom + perPage;


