
时间:2014-01-02 18:21:30

标签: java android sql

我有一个Android项目(在模拟器中运行),其中单击主菜单上的“Novels”按钮应该导致SQL数据库中'pieceTable'中typeField = 0(即false)的片段值通过ArrayList显示在ListActivity中。



更新 - 在LogCat上,过滤器未设置为“错误”!


01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.lawson.englishlitrevision/com.lawson.englishlitrevision.Novel}: java.lang.NullPointerException
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:1956)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:1981)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at android.app.ActivityThread.access$600(ActivityThread.java:123)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1147)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4424)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:784)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:551)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at android.widget.ArrayAdapter.getCount(ArrayAdapter.java:330)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at android.widget.ListView.setAdapter(ListView.java:460)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at android.app.ListActivity.setListAdapter(ListActivity.java:265)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at com.lawson.englishlitrevision.Novel.onCreate(Novel.java:24)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:4465)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1049)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:1920)
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  ... 11 more




 * Main Menu (launcher item)
 * @author Daniel Lawson
 * @Version 29/12/13

package com.lawson.englishlitrevision;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;

public class MainMenu extends Activity {

    /** Button for accessing novels area */
    private Button novelBut;
    /** Button for accessing plays area */
    private Button playBut;
    /** Button for viewing progress/statistics */
    private Button progressBut;
    /** Button for viewing about screen */
    private Button aboutBut;
    /** Button for exiting the application */
    private Button exitBut;

     * Method called when activity is started. Sets up required data.
     * @param savedInstanceState
     *            : The saved state of the application

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // Sets up layout

    /** Sets up the buttons */
    public void createButton() {
        novelBut = (Button) findViewById(R.id.novelBut);
        playBut = (Button) findViewById(R.id.playBut);
        progressBut = (Button) findViewById(R.id.addNovBut);
        aboutBut = (Button) findViewById(R.id.aboutBut);
        exitBut = (Button) findViewById(R.id.exitBut);

     * Method called when novel button is clicked. Starts novel activity.
     * @param novBut
     *            : The view of the novel button, which has been clicked.
    public void goNovel(View novBut) {
        startActivity(new Intent(this, Novel.class));

     * Method called when play button is clicked. Starts play activity.
     * @param playBut
     *            : The view of the play button, which has been clicked.

    public void goPlay(View playBut) {
        startActivity(new Intent(this, Play.class));

     * Method called when progress button is clicked. Starts stats activity.
     * @param progBut
     *            : The view of the progress button, which has been clicked.
    public void goStats(View progBut) {
        startActivity(new Intent(this, Stats.class));

     * Method called when abpit button is clicked. Starts about activity.
     * @param aboutBut
     *            : The view of the about button, which has been clicked.
    public void goAbout(View aboutBut) {
        startActivity(new Intent(this, About.class));

     * Method called when exit button is clicked. Quits application.
     * @param closeBut
     *            : The view of the exit button, which has been clicked.
    public void goClose(View closeBut) {



package com.lawson.englishlitrevision;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import android.app.ListActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.ListView;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.content.Context;

public class Novel extends ListActivity {

    ArrayList<String> novels = new ArrayList<String>();

    public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
        ManipulateDatabase md = new ManipulateDatabase(this);

        novels = md.getPieces("0");
        setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
                android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, novels));


    public void addNovel() {
        // show text input
        // add the String put in to database as new novel
        // update list

    public void deleteNovel() {
        // show checkboxes
        // allow selection
        // delete selected records from database
        // update list



 * Contains SQL statements and manages connections
 * @author Daniel Lawson
 * @version 29/12/13
package com.lawson.englishlitrevision;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;

public class ManipulateDatabase {

    /** String representing the name of the database */
    private static final String databaseName = "EnglishDatabase.db";

    /** Int representing the current version of the database */
    private static final int databaseVersion = 1;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * String representing the table that stores the name of the piece and
     * whether it is a play or not.
    private static final String pieceTable = "pieceTable";

     * String representing the table that stores the name of the point made,
     * which piece it belongs to, and which element it pertains to.

    private static final String specificTable = "specificTable";

     * String representing the table that stores the element, the piece it
     * belongs to, and whether or not it is a character.

    private static final String elementTable = "elementTable";

     * String representing the table that stores the quote and the point it
     * links to.

    private static final String quoteTable = "quoteTable";

     * String representing the table that stores the piece and the
     * correct/incorrect responses on various dates

    private static final String statsTable = "statsTable";

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** String representing the piece field of the piece table */

    private static final String pieceField = "piece";

    /** String representing the type field of the piece table */

    private static final String typeField = "isPlay";

    /** String representing the point field of the specific table */

    private static final String pointField = "point";

    /** String representing the element field of the element table */

    private static final String elementField = "element";

    /** String representing the elType field of the element table */

    private static final String elTypeField = "isCharacter";

    /** String representing the quote field of the quote table */

    private static final String quoteField = "quote";

    /** String representing the ID field of the stats table */

    private static final String idField = "statId";

    /** String representing the correct field of the stats table */

    private static final String correctField = "correct";

    /** String representing the incorrect field of the stats table */

    private static final String incorrectField = "incorrect";

    /** String representing the date field of the stats table */

    private static final String dateField = "date";

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** String array representing all the fields of the piece table */

    private static final String[] pieceTableFields = { pieceField, typeField };

    /** String array representing all the fields of the specific table */

    private static final String[] specificTableFields = { pointField,
            pieceField, elementField };

    /** String array representing all the fields of the quote table */

    private static final String[] quoteTableFields = { quoteField, pointField };

    /** String array representing all the fields of the element table */

    private static final String[] elementTableFields = { elementField,
            pieceField, elTypeField };

    /** String array representing all the fields of the stats table */

    private static final String[] statsTableFields = { idField, pieceField,
            correctField, incorrectField, dateField };

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** SQL statement to create the piece table. */

    private static final String createPieceTable = "CREATE TABLE " + pieceTable
            + " (" + pieceField + " TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, " + typeField
            + " INTEGER);";

    /** SQL statement to create the specific table. */

    private static final String createSpecificTable = "CREATE TABLE "
            + specificTable + "(" + pointField + " TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,"
            + pieceField + " TEXT NOT NULL," + elementField + " TEXT NOT NULL)";

    /** SQL statement to create the quotes table. */

    private static final String createQuoteTable = "CREATE TABLE " + quoteTable
            + "(" + quoteField + " TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY," + pointField
            + " TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)";

    /** SQL statement to create the element table. */

    private static final String createElementTable = "CREATE TABLE "
            + elementTable + "(" + elementField + " TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,"
            + pieceField + " TEXT NOT NULL," + elTypeField + " INTEGER)";

    /** SQL statement to create the stats table. */

    private static final String createStatsTable = "CREATE TABLE " + statsTable
            + "(" + idField + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + pieceField
            + " TEXT NOT NULL," + correctField + " INTEGER," + incorrectField
            + " INTEGER," + dateField + " DATE)";

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * SQL statement to search the piece table - replace [columnName] and
     * [value] with field to be searched and what value to look for.

    private static final String searchPieceTable = "SELECT * FROM "
            + pieceTable + " WHERE [columnName] = '[value]';";

     * SQL statement to search the specific table - replace [columnName] and
     * [value] with field to be searched and what value to look for.

    private static final String searchSpecificTable = "SELECT * FROM "
            + specificTable + " WHERE [columnName] = '[value]'";

     * SQL statement to search the quote table - replace [columnName] and
     * [value] with field to be searched and what value to look for.

    private static final String searchQuoteTable = "SELECT * FROM "
            + quoteTable + " WHERE [columnName] = '[value]'";

     * SQL statement to search the element table - replace [columnName] and
     * [value] with field to be searched and what value to look for.

    private static final String searchElementTable = "SELECT * FROM "
            + elementTable + " WHERE [columnName] = '[value]'";

     * SQL statement to search the stats table - replace [columnName] and
     * [value] with field to be searched and what value to look for.

    private static final String searchStatsTable = "SELECT * FROM "
            + statsTable + " WHERE [columnName] = '[value]'";

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * SQL statement to update the piece table - replace [assignValues] and
     * [condition] with items to be altered + their new values and the condition
     * where if true, this change should be applied.

    private static final String updatePieceTable = "UPDATE " + pieceTable
            + " SET [assignValues] WHERE [condition]";

     * SQL statement to update the specific table - replace [assignValues] and
     * [condition] with items to be altered + their new values and the condition
     * where if true, this change should be applied.

    private static final String updateSpecificTable = "UPDATE " + specificTable
            + " SET [assignValues] WHERE [condition]";

     * SQL statement to update the quote table - replace [assignValues] and
     * [condition] with items to be altered + their new values and the condition
     * where if true, this change should be applied.

    private static final String updateQuoteTable = "UPDATE " + quoteTable
            + " SET [assignValues] WHERE [condition]";

     * SQL statement to update the element table - replace [assignValues] and
     * [condition] with items to be altered + their new values and the condition
     * where if true, this change should be applied.

    private static final String updateElementTable = "UPDATE " + elementTable
            + " SET [assignValues] WHERE [condition]";

     * SQL statement to update the stats table - replace [assignValues] and
     * [condition] with items to be altered + their new values and the condition
     * where if true, this change should be applied.

    private static final String updateStatsTable = "UPDATE " + statsTable
            + " SET [assignValues] WHERE [condition]";

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * SQL statement to delete from the piece table - replace [condition] the
     * condition where if true, this deletion should be applied.

    private static final String deleteFromPieceTable = "DELETE FROM "
            + pieceTable + " WHERE [condition]";

     * SQL statement to delete from the specific table - replace [condition] the
     * condition where if true, this deletion should be applied.

    private static final String deleteFromSpecificTable = "DELETE FROM "
            + specificTable + " WHERE [condition]";

     * SQL statement to delete from the quote table - replace [condition] the
     * condition where if true, this deletion should be applied.

    private static final String deleteFromQuoteTable = "DELETE FROM "
            + quoteTable + " WHERE [condition]";

     * SQL statement to delete from the element table - replace [condition] the
     * condition where if true, this deletion should be applied.

    private static final String deleteFromElementTable = "DELETE FROM "
            + elementTable + " WHERE [condition]";

     * SQL statement to delete from the stats table - replace [condition] the
     * condition where if true, this deletion should be applied.

    private static final String deleteFromStatsTable = "DELETE FROM "
            + statsTable + " WHERE [condition]";

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * SQL statement to insert into the piece table - replace [values] with the
     * values to be inserted.

    private static final String insertIntoPieceTable = "INSERT INTO "
            + pieceTable + " VALUES ([values])";

     * SQL statement to insert into the specific table - replace [values] with
     * the values to be inserted.

    private static final String insertIntoSpecificTable = "INSERT INTO "
            + specificTable + " VALUES ([values])";

     * SQL statement to insert into the quote table - replace [values] with the
     * values to be inserted.

    private static final String insertIntoQuoteTable = "INSERT INTO "
            + quoteTable + " VALUES ([values])";

     * SQL statement to insert into the element table - replace [values] with
     * the values to be inserted.

    private static final String insertIntoElementTable = "INSERT INTO "
            + elementTable + " VALUES ([values])";

     * SQL statement to insert into the quote table - replace [values] with the
     * values to be inserted.

    private static final String insertIntoStatsTable = "INSERT INTO "
            + statsTable + " VALUES ([values])";

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * SQLiteDatabase representing the English database

    private SQLiteDatabase dataBase;

     * Instance of DatabaseHelper class utilised to 'access' database

    private DatabaseHelper baseHelper;

     * Content of the Database Manipulator (ManipulateDatabase class)

    private Activity context;

     * Boolean to store whether or not this is the first time this base/version
     * has been launched

    private boolean initialLaunch = false;

     * Scanners to read the .txt lists to to input to database

    private Scanner pieceScan = new Scanner("pieceList.txt");

    private Scanner specificScan = new Scanner("specificList.txt");

    private Scanner elementScan = new Scanner("elementList.txt");

    private Scanner quoteScan = new Scanner("quoteList.txt");

     * Method to open the database

    private void openSesame() {
        try {
            dataBase = baseHelper.getWritableDatabase();
        } catch (SQLiteException e) {
            System.out.println("Database couldn't be opened");

     * Method to close the database

    private void closeSesame() {

    public ArrayList<String> getPieces(String typePiece) {
        try {
            ArrayList<String> pieces = new ArrayList<String>();
            String command = searchPieceTable
                    .replace("[columnName]", typeField);
            command = command.replace("[value]", typePiece);

            Cursor cursor = dataBase.rawQuery(command, null);
            while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) {
            return pieces;
        } catch (SQLiteException e) {
            System.out.println("SQL Problem");
            return null;

     * Constructor
     * @param contextIn
     *            Context of the MainpulateDatabase class

    public ManipulateDatabase(Activity contextIn) {
        baseHelper = new DatabaseHelper(contextIn);
        context = contextIn;
        String line;
        String pieceName;
        String isDrama;
        String point;
        String element;
        String quote;
        String isCharacter;
        int commaPoint;
        int commaPoint2;

        if (initialLaunch) {
            while (pieceScan.hasNext()) {
                line = pieceScan.nextLine();
                commaPoint = line.indexOf(",");
                pieceName = line.substring(0, commaPoint);
                isDrama = line.substring(commaPoint + 1, line.length() - 1);
                ContentValues pv = new ContentValues();
                pv.put(pieceField, pieceName);
                pv.put(typeField, isDrama);
                dataBase.insert(pieceTable, null, pv);

                System.out.println("DAMN YOU MORONIC CRETIN!!");
            while (specificScan.hasNext()) {
                line = specificScan.nextLine();
                commaPoint = line.indexOf(",");
                point = line.substring(0, commaPoint);
                commaPoint2 = (line
                        .substring(commaPoint + 1, line.length() - 1)
                pieceName = line.substring(commaPoint + 1, commaPoint2);
                element = line.substring(commaPoint2 + 1, line.length() - 1);

                ContentValues sv = new ContentValues();
                sv.put(pointField, point);
                sv.put(pieceField, pieceName);
                sv.put(elementField, element);
                dataBase.insert(specificTable, null, sv);
            while (elementScan.hasNext()) {
                line = elementScan.nextLine();
                commaPoint = line.indexOf(",");
                element = line.substring(0, commaPoint);
                commaPoint2 = (line
                        .substring(commaPoint + 1, line.length() - 1)
                pieceName = line.substring(commaPoint + 1, commaPoint2);
                isCharacter = line
                        .substring(commaPoint2 + 1, line.length() - 1);

                ContentValues ev = new ContentValues();
                ev.put(elementField, element);
                ev.put(pieceField, pieceName);
                ev.put(elTypeField, isCharacter);
                dataBase.insert(elementTable, null, ev);

            while (quoteScan.hasNext()) {
                line = quoteScan.nextLine();
                commaPoint = line.indexOf(",");
                quote = line.substring(0, commaPoint);
                point = line.substring(commaPoint + 1, line.length() - 1);

                ContentValues qv = new ContentValues();
                qv.put(quoteField, quote);
                qv.put(pointField, point);
                dataBase.insert(quoteTable, null, qv);



    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Database helper - Three basic methods - required database tasks
     * @author Daniel Lawson
     * @version 30/12/13

    private class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

        private DatabaseHelper(Context theContext) {
            super(theContext, databaseName, null, databaseVersion);

        public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
            try {
                 * db.execSQL(createSpecificTable);
                 * db.execSQL(createQuoteTable); db.execSQL(createElementTable);
                 * db.execSQL(createStatsTable);
                // initialLaunch = true;

            } catch (SQLiteException e) {
                System.out.println("Failed to create table(s)");


        public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
            db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + pieceTable);
            db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + specificTable);
            db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + quoteTable);
            db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + elementTable);
            db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + statsTable);



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at android.widget.ArrayAdapter.getCount(ArrayAdapter.java:330)


novels = md.getPieces("0");


public ArrayList<String> getPieces(String typePiece) {


答案 1 :(得分:0)

novels ArrayList为空


Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
01-02 18:26:06.344: E/AndroidRuntime(548):  at android.widget.ArrayAdapter.getCount(ArrayAdapter.java:330)


329    public int getCount() {
330        return mObjects.size();
331    }


 novels = md.getPieces("0");