
时间:2014-01-01 18:58:55

标签: c++ macos c++11 clang

这个问题来自于尝试在Accelerated C++中进行练习(第3章中的5,对于任何拥有副本的人),并且已确认仅在运行Lion和Mountain Lion的Mac计算机上进行5.0和llvm g ++ 4.2.1。该程序在带有g ++ 4.8.2的linux上按预期工作。


#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
using std::streamsize;
using std::setprecision;
using std::string;
using std::vector;

typedef vector<double>::size_type vec_sz;

int main()
    vector<string> students;
    vector<double> grades;
    string name;

    cout << "Enter the student name or EOF to exit and print the grade chart: ";

    while (cin >> name) {

        cout << "Enter the student's midterm exam grade: ";
        int midterm;
        cin >> midterm;

        cout << "Enter the student's final exem grade: ";
        int fexam;
        cin >> fexam;

        cout << "Enter the student's homework grades followed by an EOF: ";
        vector<double> homework;
        double grade;
        while (cin >> grade) {
        vec_sz h_size = homework.size();

        if (h_size == 0){
            cout << endl << "You must enter the student's grades. Please try again." << endl;
            return 1;

        double median = h_size % 2 == 0
            ? (homework[h_size/2] + homework[h_size/2 - 1]) / 2
            : homework[h_size/2];

        grades.push_back(0.2 * midterm + 0.4 * fexam + 0.4 * median);
        cout << "Enter the student name or EOF to exit and print the grade chart: ";

    cout << endl;

    if (students.size() != grades.size()) {
        cout << "There was an error in the data processing."
        << "The number of students does not equal the number of grades calculated" << endl;
        return 1;

    for (vec_sz size = students.size(), x = 0; x < size; ++x) {
        cout << students[x] << ": " << grades[x] << endl;

    return 0;

输入一个学生的信息后,错误就会变得明显。该程序应该返回while (cin >> name)并接收另一个学生的名字并重复或退出循环EOF。相反,跳过循环,表明cin循环后while (cin >> grade)仍处于错误状态。看起来不应该发生这种情况,下一行会有cin.clear()

这是一个错误cin没有重置,是否有解决方案,或者我错过了其他什么?看起来奇怪的是,这种便携式语言的功能会出现如此根本的差异。 提前谢谢!


我在Mac和Linux上运行程序检查cin.eof()的状态,在while (cin >> grade)的每次迭代以及{{1}之前和之后输出它们}:


系统似乎同意这些值,这两个位在循环中为while (cin >> grade) { homework.push_back(grade); // check status } // check status cin.clear(); // check status ,在0之后1并在0之后重置为cin.clear(),这似乎表明当函数成功时,输入流确实已关闭,如Dietmar Külh所述。那么问题就是为什么这会发生在Mac系统而不是Linux上。


Enter the student name or EOF to exit and print the grade chart: Tom
Enter the student's midterm exam grade: 90
Enter the student's final exem grade: 95
Enter the student's homework grades followed by an EOF: 99 67 80
Enter the student name or EOF to exit and print the grade chart: 

此时,意外的行为是程序跳过直接输入任何内容的可能性,走出while (cin >> name),打印一个等级:

Tom: 88

0 个答案:
