
时间:2014-01-01 16:01:34

标签: authentication



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在ASP.NET MVC应用程序中,为了处理自定义身份验证和授权,人们通常会编写自定义Authorize属性。他们不处理任何OnAuthenticateRequest事件。那是老派。顺便说一句,如果你要做一些自定义令牌认证,为什么甚至关心表单身份验证?为什么不替换它?


public class MyAuthorizeAttribute: AuthorizeAttribute
    protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
        string token = GetTokenFromHttpContext(httpContext);
        if (IsTokenValid(token))
            // The user has provided a valid token => you need to set the User property
            // Obviously here based on the token value you already know which is the
            // associated user and potential roles, so you could do additional checks

            var identity = new GenericIdentity("john.smith");
            var user = new GenericPrincipal(identity, new string[0]);
            httpContext.User = user;

            return true;

        // Notice that here we are never calling the base AuthorizeCore method
        // but you could call it if needed 

        return false;

    private string GetTokenFromHttpContext(HttpContextBase httpContext)
        // TODO: you know what to do here: get the token from the current HTTP Context
        // depending on how the client passed it in: HTTP request header, query string parameter, cookie, ...
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    private bool IsTokenValid(string token)
        // TODO: You know what to do here: go validate the token
        throw new NotImplementedException();


public ActionResult SomeAction()
    // if you get that far you could use the this.User property
    // to access the currently authenticated user

答案 1 :(得分:0)




但是,即使表单存在,您的自定义模块也可以覆盖当前请求的标识集。另请注意,在发布表单cookie之前,表单模块不会设置标识。使用表单模块和SessionAuthenticationModule这是很常见的 - 表单可以重定向到登录页面,会话auth模块可以处理自己的身份验证cookie。


达林提出了另一种方法,这当然也是有效的。身份验证模块(与身份验证过滤器相比)的一个优点是身份验证模块可以支持其他ASP.NET子系统(Web表单/ wcf / webapi)。