,例如"Fraction > 1/2"
。尽管Fraction实现了Cannot perform '>' operation on WindowsFormsApplication1.Fraction and System.Double
TextFieldParser parser = new TextFieldParser(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\data.csv");
parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited;
DataTable data = new DataTable();
data.Columns.Add("Fraction", typeof(Fraction));
while (!parser.EndOfData)
string[] input = parser.ReadFields();
object[] output = new object[input.Length];
output[0] = new Fraction(input[0]);
这是我在阅读CSV文件后想要做的事情。但是,它会产生Cannot perform '>' operation on WindowsFormsApplication1.Fraction and System.Double
DataView matches = new DataView(data);
matches.RowFilter = "Fraction > 1/2";
dataGridView1.DataSource = matches;
class Fraction : IComparable
private int n;
private int d;
public Fraction(string value)
n = Convert.ToInt32(value);
d = 1;
catch (Exception)
n = Convert.ToInt32(value.Split('/')[0]);
d = Convert.ToInt32(value.Split('/')[1]);
private void Reduce()
int gcd = GCD(n, d);
n = n / gcd;
d = d / gcd;
if (d < 0)
n = -1 * n;
d = -1 * d;
private static int GCD(int a, int b)
return (b == 0) ? a : GCD(b, a % b);
private double ToDouble()
return (double)n / d;
public override string ToString()
return n + ((d == 1) ? "" : "/" + d);
public int CompareTo(object obj)
Fraction f = (Fraction)obj;
return this < f ? -1 : this > f ? 1 : 0;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is Fraction)
Fraction f = (Fraction)obj;
return n == f.n && d == f.d;
else if (obj is int)
int i = (int)obj;
return n == i && d == 1;
else if (obj is double)
double x = ToDouble();
double y = (double)obj;
return !(x < y || x > y);
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
return n.GetHashCode() * 17 + d.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(Fraction a, Fraction b) { return a.Equals(b); }
public static bool operator !=(Fraction a, Fraction b) { return !a.Equals(b); }
public static bool operator <(Fraction a, Fraction b) { return a.n * b.d < b.n * a.d; }
public static bool operator >(Fraction a, Fraction b) { return a.n * b.d > b.n * a.d; }
public static bool operator <=(Fraction a, Fraction b) { return a.n * b.d <= b.n * a.d; }
public static bool operator >=(Fraction a, Fraction b) { return a.n * b.d >= b.n * a.d; }
public static bool operator ==(Fraction a, int b) { return a.Equals(b); }
public static bool operator !=(Fraction a, int b) { return !a.Equals(b); }
public static bool operator <(Fraction a, int b) { return a.n < b * a.d; }
public static bool operator >(Fraction a, int b) { return a.n > b * a.d; }
public static bool operator <=(Fraction a, int b) { return a.n <= b * a.d; }
public static bool operator >=(Fraction a, int b) { return a.n >= b * a.d; }
public static bool operator ==(Fraction a, double b) { return a.Equals(b); }
public static bool operator !=(Fraction a, double b) { return !a.Equals(b); }
public static bool operator <(Fraction a, double b) { return a.n < b * a.d; }
public static bool operator >(Fraction a, double b) { return a.n > b * a.d; }
public static bool operator <=(Fraction a, double b) { return a.n <= b * a.d; }
public static bool operator >=(Fraction a, double b) { return a.n >= b * a.d; }
public static implicit operator Fraction(string s) { return new Fraction(s); }
public static implicit operator string(Fraction f) { return f.ToString(); }
public static implicit operator double(Fraction f) { return f.ToDouble(); }