
时间:2013-12-31 09:06:01

标签: multithreading haskell stm


import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import System.Random

randomDelay t = randomRIO (0, t) >>= threadDelay

printer str = forkIO . forever $ do
  randomDelay 1000000 -- μs
  putStrLn str

main = do
  printer "Hello"
  printer "World"
  return ()


>> main

如何确保一次只有一个线程可以写入stdout?这似乎是STM应该擅长的事情,但是对于某些STM a,所有STM事务必须具有a类型,并且打印到屏幕的操作具有类型IO a似乎没有办法将IO嵌入STM

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:13)


import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import System.Random

randomDelay t = randomRIO (0, t) >>= threadDelay

printer queue str = forkIO . forever $ do
  randomDelay 1000000 -- μs
  atomically $ writeTChan queue str

prepareOutputQueue = do
    queue <- newTChanIO
    forkIO . forever $ atomically (readTChan queue) >>= putStrLn
    return queue

main = do
  queue <- prepareOutputQueue
  printer queue "Hello"
  printer queue "World"
  return ()

答案 1 :(得分:4)



import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import System.Random

randomDelay t = randomRIO (0, t) >>= threadDelay

printer lock str = forkIO . forever $ do
  randomDelay 1000000
  withMVar lock (\_ -> putStrLn str)

main = do
  lock <- newMVar ()
  printer lock "Hello"
  printer lock "World"
  return ()


有些人更喜欢将锁声明为top-level global variable,但目前这需要unsafePerformIO并且依赖于GHC的属性,AFAIK不属于Haskell语言报告(特别是它依赖于事实上,在执行程序期间,最多只评估一次具有非多态类型的全局变量。

答案 2 :(得分:4)

基于Petr Pudlák's answer的一些研究表明,Control.Concurrent.Lock包中有一个模块concurrent-extra,它提供了基于MVar ()的锁的抽象。


import           Control.Concurrent
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Lock as Lock
import           Control.Monad
import           System.Random

randomDelay t = randomRIO (0, t) >>= threadDelay

printer lock str = forkIO . forever $ do
  randomDelay 1000
  Lock.with lock (putStrLn str)

main = do
  lock <- Lock.new
  printer lock "Hello"
  printer lock "World"
  return ()

答案 3 :(得分:0)


import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
import Control.Concurrent.MVar  (newMVar, takeMVar, putMVar, MVar)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

{-# NOINLINE lock #-}
lock :: MVar ()
lock = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar ()

printer x = forkIO . forever $ do
   randomDelay 100000
   () <- takeMVar lock
   let atomicPutStrLn str =  putStrLn str >> putMVar lock ()
   atomicPutStrLn x

randomDelay t = randomRIO (0, t) >>= threadDelay

main = do
  printer "Hello"
  printer "World"
  return ()

答案 4 :(得分:0)

尽管newtype Lock = Lock (TVar Status) data Status = Locked | Unlocked newLocked :: IO Lock newLocked = Lock <$> newTVarIO Locked newUnlocked :: IO Lock newUnlocked = Lock <$> newTVarIO Unlocked -- | Acquire a lock. acquire :: Lock -> IO () acquire (Lock tv) = atomically $ readTVar tv >>= \case Locked -> retry Unlocked -> writeTVar tv Locked -- | Try to acquire a lock. If the operation succeeds, -- return `True`. tryAcquire :: Lock -> IO Bool tryAcquire (Lock tv) = atomically $ readTVar tv >>= \case Locked -> pure False Unlocked -> True <$ writeTVar tv Locked -- | Release a lock. This version throws an exception -- if the lock is unlocked. release :: Lock -> IO () release (Lock tv) = atomically $ readTVar tv >>= \case Unlocked -> throwSTM DoubleRelease Locked -> writeTVar tv Unlocked data DoubleRelease = DoubleRelease deriving Show instance Exception DoubleRelease where displayException ~DoubleRelease = "Attempted to release an unlocked lock." -- | Release a lock. This version does nothing if -- the lock is unlocked. releaseIdempotent :: Lock -> IO () releaseIdempotent (Lock tv) = atomically $ writeTVar tv Unlocked -- | Get the status of a lock. isLocked :: Lock -> IO Status isLocked (Lock tv) = readTVarIO tv 几乎肯定会表现更好,但实际上您可以根据需要使用STM来实现锁。


release / MVar对需要仔细的屏蔽和异常处理,就像原始的retry操作一样。该文档建议,但实际上并未声明,STM操作withMVar可以中断。假设这是正确的,则retry使用的相同方法将在此处工作。注意:我已经打开GHC ticket来记录getElementById()的可中断性。