
时间:2013-12-30 16:28:24

标签: arrays vb.net csv


Dim File As New System.IO.StreamWriter(varFileName)
    Dim NumberOfRows As Long = Array.GetUpperBound(0) ' Count number of rows.
    Dim NumberOfColumns As Long = Array.GetUpperBound(1) ' Count number of columns.

    Dim FileRows(NumberOfRows) As String
    'The idea here is to make up the row first by adding all of the columns together then write each row to the file.
    For i0 = 0 To NumberOfRows 'Loop through all of the Rows
        For i1 = 0 To NumberOfColumns 'Loop through all of the Columns
            If FileRows(i0) = "" Then 'Check if it is the first column then we dont need the ","
                FileRows(i0) = Array(i0, i1) 'If it is the first column we start the row with the first column
                FileRows(i0) = FileRows(i0) + ","c + Array(i0, i1) 'Now we take what we have so far and add "," and add the the next column
            End If
        Next ' We repeat this process untill of of the columns are written to a row.

        File.Write(FileRows(i0)) ' Now we write that row to the file.

    Next ' Move on to the next row.





我猜测代码的第一个版本更正确,但我不确定如何修复缺少换行符。任何援助将不胜感激。 PS愚蠢了一下,我已经盯着这段代码两天了,我的思绪已经融化了一点。


 Dim FileData As New System.IO.StreamReader(varFileName)

    Dim FileRows() As String = FileData.ReadToEnd().Split(Environment.NewLine) 'Read in each row.
    Dim NumberOfRows As Long = FileRows.GetUpperBound(0) ' Count number of rows.

    Dim FileColumns() As String = FileRows(0).Split(","c) 'Split row 1 data in to columns.
    Dim NumberOfColumns As Long = FileColumns.GetUpperBound(0) ' Count number of columns.

    ReDim dataArray(NumberOfRows, NumberOfColumns) 'Declare the array correctly with new data

    For x = 0 To NumberOfRows 'Cycle through all the rows
        FileColumns = FileRows(x).Split(","c) 'Split row into columns
        For y = 0 To NumberOfColumns 'Now cycle through all the columns on that row
                dataArray(x, y) = FileColumns(y) 'Set each piece of data into the array.
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try

    FileData.Close() 'This piece of code takes the csv file and turns it into an array. The data can now be called using Array(1,1) to get the first value

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


File.Write(FileRows(i0)) ' Now we write that row to the file.

File.WriteLine(FileRows(i0)) ' Now we write that row to the file.


For i0 = 0 To NumberOfRows 'Loop through all of the Rows
    Dim Line as string = nothing
    For i1 = 0 To NumberOfColumns 'Loop through all of the Columns
        If line is nothing Then 'Check if it is the first column then we dont need the ","
            line = Array(i0, i1) 'If it is the first column we start the row with the first column
            line &= ","c + Array(i0, i1) 'Now we take what we have so far and add "," and add the the next column
        End If
    Next ' We repeat this process until all of the columns are written to a row.

    File.WriteLine(line) ' Now we write that row to the file.

Next ' Move on to the next row.


Public nonAplaNum As New Regex("[^a-z_0-9]", RegexOptions.Compiled Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)

' wrap each array assignment with this ...
line &= ","c + nonAlphaNum.replace(Array(i0, i1),"")

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Dim File As New System.IO.StreamWriter(varFileName)
Dim rows As Long = Array.GetUpperBound(0) ' Count number of rows.
Dim cols As Long = Array.GetUpperBound(1) ' Count number of columns.

For row As Integer = 0 To rows 'Loop through all of the Rows
    For col = 0 To cols 'Loop through all of the Columns
        Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
        sb.Append(Array(col, row)
        If col < cols Then sb.Append(",")
    Next col ' We repeat this process untill of of the columns are written to a row.

    If sb.ToString().InexOf(vbCrLf) > 0 Then sb.Replace(vbCrLf, "")
    File.WriteLine(sb.ToString()) ' Now we write that row to the file.

Next row ' Move on to the next row.


我建议检查你的数组,看看是否有任何流氓CR / LF或其他破坏性字符导致问题。

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