我正在调用这样的方法: NSDictionary * convertedData = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithXMLData:data];
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<title>Kaze no Tani no Nausicaa</title>
<english>Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind</english>
<synonyms>Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind; Warriors of the Wind</synonyms>
<status>Finished Airing</status>
<synopsis>A thousand years after a global war, a seaside kingdom known as the Valley Of The Wind remains one of only a few areas still populated. Led by the courageous Princess Nausicaä, the people of the Valley are engaged in a constant struggle with powerful insects called ohmu, who guard a poisonous jungle that is spreading across the Earth. Nausicaä and her brave companions, together with the people of the Valley, strive to restore the bond between humanity and the Earth. <br />
<br />
(Source: Disney)</synopsis>
"__name" = anime;
entry = {
english = {
id = 572;
title = "Kaze no Tani no Nausicaa";
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<status>Finished Airing</status>
<synopsis>In the year 2075, mankind has reached a point where journeying between Earth, the moon and the space stations is part of daily life. However, the progression of technology in space has also resulted in the problem of the space debris, which can cause excessive and even catastrophic damage to spacecrafts and equipment. This is the story of Technora&#039;s Debris Collecting section, its EVA worker, Hachirota &quot;Hachimaki&quot; Hoshino, and the newcomer to the group, Ai Tanabe. <br />
<br />
(Source: ANN)</synopsis>
<title>Planetes Picture Drama</title>
<synonyms>Planetes Audio Drama</synonyms>
<status>Finished Airing</status>
<synopsis>Planetes picture drama.</synopsis>
"__name" = anime;
entry = (
"end_date" = "2004-04-17";
episodes = 26;
id = 329;
image = "http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/8/50463.jpg";
score = "8.42";
"start_date" = "2003-10-04";
status = "Finished Airing";
synopsis = "In the year 2075, mankind has reached a point where journeying between Earth, the moon and the space stations is part of daily life. However, the progression of technology in space has also resulted in the problem of the space debris, which can cause excessive and even catastrophic damage to spacecrafts and equipment. This is the story of Technora's Debris Collecting section, its EVA worker, Hachirota "Hachimaki" Hoshino, and the newcomer to the group, Ai Tanabe. <br />\n<br />\n(Source: ANN)";
title = Planetes;
type = TV;
"end_date" = "2009-09-25";
episodes = 9;
id = 10735;
image = "http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/9/29571.jpg";
score = "6.27";
"start_date" = "2009-09-25";
status = "Finished Airing";
synonyms = "Planetes Audio Drama";
synopsis = "Planetes picture drama.";
title = "Planetes Picture Drama";
type = Special;
另外,如果我传递一个大的XML文件(比如一个包含50个项目的搜索结果),它只会解析其中的一半。我怀疑是否有人想要阅读所有内容,但为了以防万一,这里是XML http://pastebin.com/aQTc8S9x,这里是NSDictionary出来http://pastebin.com/MwuexaZV