oldip <- read.csv("/home/USER/Dropbox/System/R/oldip.csv")
symdiff <- function( x, y) { setdiff( union(x, y), intersect(x, y))}
for(i in symdiff(oldip, installed))
install.packages(i,repos="http://cran.at.r-project.org/" )
update.packages(checkBuilt = TRUE, ask = FALSE, repos="http://cran.at.r-project.org/")
write.csv(oldip, "/home/USER/Dropbox/System/R/oldip.csv")
答案 0 :(得分:1)
# 2014.01.28 This is a grand package unifier: a function that ensures that
# you have the same set of R packages installed across all computers that
# this function may be called from. Prerequisites: you must keep your R
# packages listed in a synced folder, like Dropbox or SpiderOak Hive. To
# keep things neat, since those synced folders can get pretty messy, put
# your R package lists in a subfolder of their own, say named syncR. The
# name of the synced folder ('SpiderOak Hive' or 'Dropbox' is the function
# argument).
syncPacks <- function(syncfolder = "Dropbox") {
# Get this computer's info
thisPuter <- Sys.info()
# Find the path of the sync folder. Default spot: in your home folder on a
# Mac, in Documents on a PC. If your setup is different, or you need to
# sync R also on Linux or FreeBSD machines, fiddle with this block of code
# accordingly:
root <- paste("/Users", thisPuter["user"], syncfolder, sep = "/")
if (thisPuter["sysname"] == "Windows") {
root <- paste("c:/users", thisPuter["user"], "documents", syncfolder,
sep = "/")
if (!file.exists(root)) {
stop(paste("Could not find the folder", syncfolder, "on this computer.",
sep = " "))
# Also if your syncR folder is called something else, fiddle here:
root <- paste(root, "/syncR", sep = "")
# collect the working directory
mywd <- getwd()
# Refresh the packages data set for the computer you're on
fi <- paste(thisPuter["nodename"], ".packs.RData", sep = "")
packs <- as.data.frame(installed.packages())
save(packs, file = fi)
# You may already have R package lists from other computers in your sync
# folder:
namelist <- dir(getwd())[grep("RData", dir(getwd()))]
namelist <- gsub(".packs.RData", "", namelist[grep("RData", namelist)])
namelist <- union(namelist, thisPuter["nodename"])
# Install any packages present on any other computer but missing on this
# one. 3 steps:
installMissing <- function(puter) {
# Step 2: Find what you need to install.
runMySetdiff <- function(puter) {
others <- setdiff(namelist, puter)
# Step 1: return packages on all computers as a list of as many elements as
# computers.
getMyPacks <- function() {
out <- list()
for (i in namelist) {
packz <- paste(i, "packs.Rdata", sep = ".")
out[[i]] <- as.character(packs$Package)
mypacks <- getMyPacks()
# Combine packages from all other computers in one vector.
others <- unique(unlist(mypacks[others]))
mine <- unlist(mypacks[[puter]])
# Return the list of packages missing on this computer.
toadd <- setdiff(others, mine)
print(paste(length(toadd), "packages to add.", sep = " "))
needThese <- runMySetdiff(puter)
if (length(needThese) > 0) {
} else {
print("good to go.")
# Step 3: run the installer function for this computer
# Refresh the package list again to reflect any new additions
packs <- as.data.frame(installed.packages())
save(packs, file = fi)
# restore the working directory to whatever it was
# Now just run the whole thing