
时间:2013-12-25 15:39:18

标签: excel vba




我用来阅读这些属性的代码如下(来自Alex K)

Using VBA to get extended file attributes

Dim sFile As Variant
Dim oShell: Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Dim oDir:   Set oDir = oShell.Namespace("c:\foo")

For Each sFile In oDir.Items
 Debug.Print oDir.GetDetailsOf(sFile, 24) '24 - index corresponding to comments  

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

' a bit of a play with classes works OK

'Harry S

'you need a work sheet with a command button
'and some properties listed on a row
' a standard module
' three class modules named  node , shelBtree, shelprop

' in the worksheet module
Option Explicit: Option Compare Text
' shell does not have nice CallByName  VBGet of VBLet as in
'            Thisp = CallByName(DSO.SummaryProperties, Ars(Dp + 1), VbGet)
'           CallByName DSO.SummaryProperties, ass(2), VbLet, Thisp & ";" & Ars(Dp + 2)
' however  it will replace the datemodified
' about the  only let or write property that I can work in namespace in VBA
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
    TreeGrown = False  '
    ' store names and index in binary tree for fast searching
    ' use a collection or a dictionary  but tree is fast
    'and can also  be used as  unique value sort
    ' demo listing comment out
    ShelOut "p:\testbad", Range("f6:AJ6")
    ' folder for files, range where you have a row of the properties that you want listed
    'like .. Name     Size  Rating   tags  Authors  Title Subject Folder name Folder path Folder   Participants   Path
    ' should list down columns  F  .. AJ  whatever properties for the files in the folder p:\testbad

End Sub

' in a standard module

Public pShelT As ShelBTree, TreeGrown As Boolean, WSP As ShelProp

Sub GrowShellTree()
    If Not TreeGrown Then
        Dim ObjShell, ObjFolder, li%, ws$
        Set pShelT = Nothing
        Set pShelT = New ShelBTree
        Set ObjShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        Set ObjFolder = ObjShell.Namespace("C:\")  ' any folder will do

        For li = 0 To 290    ' about 285
            ws$ = ObjFolder.GetDetailsOf(ObjFolder.Items, li)
            If ws <> "" Then
                Set WSP = New ShelProp
                WSP.id = li
                WSP.Name = ws
                pShelT.Insert WSP
            End If
            Cells(li + 3, 3) = li
            Cells(li + 3, 4) = ws
        Next li
        TreeGrown = True
    End If
End Sub
Sub ShelOut(FoldN, RaP As Range)
    ' FoldN  works OK but FoldN$ is not a variant
    Dim ObjShell, ObjFolder, li%, IDx%, ws$, Fname, ro%
    Set ObjShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    Set ObjFolder = ObjShell.Namespace(FoldN)
    For Each Fname In ObjFolder.Items
        ro = ro + 1
        For li = 1 To RaP.Columns.Count
            IDx = pShelT.FindId(RaP(1, li))
            If IDx >= 0 And IDx < 290 Then
                RaP(ro + 2, li) = ObjFolder.GetDetailsOf(Fname, IDx)
            End If
        Next li
    Next Fname
End Sub


'in ShelBtree class module
Option Explicit: Option Compare Text
' a poor programmers fast dictionary
Private wShelProp As ShelProp, Fname$, Wid%
Private Parent As Node, NewNode As Node, Outi%
'Private m_List As ListBox
Public Sub Insert(x As ShelProp)
    Set NewNode = New Node  ' makes Left & Right nothing
    Set NewNode.fb = x
    Set wShelProp = x
    If Parent Is Nothing Then
        Set Parent = NewNode
        PutTheNode Parent
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub PutTheNode(AtNode As Node)
    If wShelProp.Name > AtNode.fb.Name Then
        If Not (AtNode.Right Is Nothing) Then
            PutTheNode AtNode.Right
            Set AtNode.Right = NewNode
        End If
    End If
    ' use else if you want to add if =
    If wShelProp.Name < AtNode.fb.Name Then
        If Not (AtNode.Left Is Nothing) Then
            PutTheNode AtNode.Left
            Set AtNode.Left = NewNode
        End If
    End If

End Sub
Private Sub Findat(AtNode As Node)
    If AtNode.fb.Name = Fname Then
        Wid = AtNode.fb.id
        If AtNode.fb.Name < Fname Then
            If Not (AtNode.Right Is Nothing) Then
                Findat AtNode.Right
                Wid = -2
            End If
        End If
        If AtNode.fb.Name > Fname Then
            If Not (AtNode.Left Is Nothing) Then
                Findat AtNode.Left
                Wid = -3
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Public Function FindId%(Nam$)
    Fname = Nam: Wid = 0
    If Fname = "Name" Then
        FindId = 0
        If Not Parent Is Nothing Then
            Findat Parent
            FindId = Wid
            FindId = -1    ' as no tree
        End If
    End If
End Function

Public Sub EnumThem()
    Outi = 0
    If Not Parent Is Nothing Then
        Outi = 2
        RecEnum Parent
        MsgBox "Parent is nothing"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub RecEnum(AtNode As Node)
    If Not (AtNode.Left Is Nothing) Then RecEnum AtNode.Left
    Outi = Outi + 1
    ' two lines only for demo
    Cells(Outi, 1) = AtNode.fb.Name
    Cells(Outi, 2) = AtNode.fb.id
    If Not (AtNode.Right Is Nothing) Then RecEnum AtNode.Right
End Sub
Public Sub DeleteAll()
    If Not Parent Is Nothing Then RecursiveDelete Parent
End Sub
'While deleting, first delete left then right then head
Private Sub RecursiveDelete(AtNode As Node)
    If Not (AtNode.Left Is Nothing) Then RecursiveDelete AtNode.Left
    If Not (AtNode.Right Is Nothing) Then RecursiveDelete AtNode.Right
    Set AtNode = Nothing
End Sub

'in   Node  class module
' not a big class but it does some very good work
Option Explicit
Public fb As ShelProp, Left As Node, Right As Node

' in ShelProp class module
Option Explicit: Option Compare Text

Private PName$, Pid%

Public Property Get id%()
    id = Pid
End Property
Public Property Let id(v%)
    Pid = v
End Property

Public Property Let Name(v$)
    PName = v
End Property

Public Property Get Name$()
    Name = PName
End Property