IPS Connect未通过cookie登录

时间:2013-12-21 16:16:28

标签: php phpfox ipb

所以我将我的IPB安装设置为奴隶,并将PHPFox安装为我的主人。 当我登录PHPFox时,我将使用的所有信息都被放入cookie中,因为它是支持的。当我去我的论坛时,我仍然可以看到所有信息的cookie,但我还没有登录...这是为什么?

PHPFox和IPB都使用md5哈希和salt。唯一的区别是IPB中的盐是5长和PHPFox 3.但是我认为没有任何说法,因为它在IPS连接中再次被哈希


{if Phpfox::isUser() && !Phpfox::getUserBy('profile_page_id')}
                    setcookie( 'ipscm_user', Phpfox::getUserBy('user_name'), time()+60*60*24*30, '/' );
                    setcookie( 'ipscm_pass',  Phpfox::getLib('hash')->setHash('password'), time()+60*60*24*30, '/' );
                    setcookie( 'ipsconnect_' . md5( $url . 'ipsconnect.php' ), '1', time()+60*60*24*30, '/' );

这是我的IPSConnect.php文件。有没有办法关闭调试模式,所以我可以看看是否有任何错误? include.php文件连接到数据库并检查用户是否匹配表。当我在包含文件中打印时,所有信息都是正确的。

 * @class   ipsConnect
 * @brief   This is where you put the code for your application
class ipsConnect
     * Constructor
     * Use this to do any initiation required by your application
    public function __construct()
        $this->secret_key = '----';

        require_once 'include.php';
        $this->url = 'http://www.simgoodies.com/com';
        $this->url_to_this_file = $this->url . '/ipsconnect.php';

        $this->db = $db;
     * Process Login
     * @param   string  Identifier - may be 'id', 'email' or 'username'
     * @param   string  Value for identifier (for example, the user's ID number)
     * @param   string  The password, md5 encoded
     * @param   string  md5( IPS Connect Key (see login method) . Identifier Value )
     * @param   string  Redirect URL, Base64 encoded
     * @param   string  md5( IPS Connect Key . $redirect )
     * @return  mixed   If the redirect URL is provided, this function should redirect the user to that URL with three additional paramaters:
     *                      connect_status      value from below
     *                      connect_id          the ID number in this app
     *                      connect_username    the username
     *                      connect_displayname the display name
     *                      connect_email       the email address
     *                      connect_unlock      If the account is locked, the number of seconds until it unlocks
     *                  If blank, will output to screen a JSON object with the same parameters
     *                  Values:
     *                      SUCCESS         login successful
     *                      WRONG_AUTH      Password incorrect
     *                      NO_USER         Identifier did not match member account
     *                      MISSING_DATA    Identifier or password was blank
     *                      ACCOUNT_LOCKED  Account has been locked by brute-force prevention
     *                      VALIDATING      Account has not been validated
    public function login( $identifier, $identifierValue, $md5Password, $key, $redirect, $redirectHash )
        if ( $redirect )
            $redirect = ( ( $key == md5( $this->masterKey . $identifierValue ) ) and ( $redirectHash == md5( $this->masterKey . $redirect ) ) ) ? $redirect : base64_encode( $this->url );

        if ( !$identifier or !$identifierValue or !$md5Password )
            $this->_return( $redirect, array( 'connect_status' => 'MISSING_DATA' ) );

        switch ( $identifier )
            case 'id':
                $user = $this->db->query( "SELECT * FROM phpfox_user WHERE user_id=" . intval( $identifierValue ) )->fetch_array();

            case 'username':
                $user = $this->db->query( "SELECT * FROM phpfox_user WHERE user_name='". $this->db->escape_string( $identifierValue ) ."'" )->fetch_array();

            case 'email':
                $user = $this->db->query( "SELECT * FROM phpfox_user WHERE email='". $this->db->escape_string( $identifierValue ) ."'" )->fetch_array();

        echo "Tester";
        echo $user['user_name'];

        if ( isset( $user['user_id'] ) )
            if ( $md5Password == $user['password'] )
                if ( $redirect )
                    setcookie( 'ipscm_user', $user['user_name'], time()+60*60*24*30, '/' );
                    setcookie( 'ipscm_pass', $user['password'], time()+60*60*24*30, '/' );
                    setcookie( 'ipsconnect_' . md5( $this->url_to_this_file ), '1', time()+60*60*24*30, '/' );

                $this->_return( $redirect, array( 'connect_status' => 'SUCCESS', 'connect_id' => $user['user_id'], 'connect_username' => $user['user_name'], 'connect_displayname' => $user['user_name'], 'connect_email' => $user['email'], 'connect_unlock' => 0 ) );
                $this->_return( $redirect, array( 'connect_status' => 'WRONG_AUTH', 'connect_id' => $user['user_id'], 'connect_username' => $user['user_name'], 'connect_displayname' => $user['user_name'], 'connect_email' => $user['email'], 'connect_unlock' => 0 ) );
            $this->_return( $redirect, array( 'connect_status' => 'NO_USER' ) );

     * Process Logout
     * @param   int     ID number
     * @param   string  md5( IPS Connect Key (see login method) . ID number )
     * @param   string  Redirect URL, Base64 encoded
     * @param   string  md5( IPS Connect Key . $redirect )
     * @return  mixed   If the redirect URL is provided, this function should redirect the user to that URL
     *                  If blank, will output blank screen
    public function logout( $id, $key, $redirect, $redirectHash )
        // Check key
        if ( $key != md5( $this->secret_key . $id ) )
            $this->_return( base64_encode( $this->url ) );

        setcookie( 'ipscm_user', '', -1, '/' );
        setcookie( 'ipscm_pass', '', -1, '/' );
        setcookie( 'ipsconnect_' . md5( $this->url_to_this_file ), '0', time()+60*60*24*30, '/' );

        // Return
        if ( $redirect )
            $redirect = ( $redirectHash == md5( $this->masterKey . $redirect ) ) ? $redirect : base64_encode( $this->url );     
        $this->_return( $redirect );

     * Register a new account
     * @param   string  Key - this can be anything which is known only to the applications. Never reveal this key publically.
     *                  For IPS Community Suite installs, this key can be obtained in the Login Management page in the ACP
     * @param   string  Username
     * @param   string  Display name
     * @param   string  The password, md5 encoded
     * @param   string  Email address
     * @param   string  If set, this account should be considered to be waiting for email validation. If this is the case, a URL is provided which will be the URL from which the user to resend the email.
     * @return  void    Outputs to screen JSON object with 2 parameters 
                        'status'    One of the following values:
                                        BAD_KEY             The key provided was invalid
                                        SUCCESS             Account created
                                        EMAIL_IN_USE        Email is already in use
                                        USERNAME_IN_USE     Username is already in use
                                        BAD_KEY             Key was invalid
                                        MISSING_DATA        Not all data was provided
                                        FAIL                Other error
                        'id' with master ID number (0 if fail) - if user already exists, will provide ID of existing user
    public function register( $key, $username, $displayname, $md5Password, $email, $revalidateurl )
        // Check key
        if ( $key != $this->secret_key )
            echo json_encode( array( 'status' => 'BAD_KEY', 'user_id' => 0 ) );

        if ( !$email or !$md5Password )
            echo json_encode( array( 'status' => 'MISSING_DATA', 'user_id' => 0 ) );

        // Create the account
        $this->db->query( "INSERT INTO phpfox_user ( user_name, email, password ) VALUES ( '". $this->db->escape_string( $username ) ."', '". $this->db->escape_string( $email ) ."', '". $this->db->escape_string( $md5Password ) ."' )" );

        // Return
        echo json_encode( array( 'status' => 'FAIL', 'user_id' => 0 ) );

     * Validate Cookie Data
     * @param   string  JSON encoded cookie data
     * @return  void    Outputs to screen a JSON object with the bollowing properties:
     *                      connect_status      SUCCESS, VALIDATING (successful, but account has not been validated) or FAIL
     *                      connect_id          the ID number in this app
     *                      connect_username    the username
     *                      connect_displayname the display name
     *                      connect_email       the email address
    public function cookies( $data )
        $cookies = json_decode( stripslashes( urldecode( $data ) ), TRUE );

        if ( isset( $cookies['ipscm_user'] ) )
            if ( $user = $this->db->query( "SELECT * FROM phpfox_user WHERE user_name='". $this->db->escape_string( $cookies['ipscm_user'] ) ."'" )->fetch_array() )
                if ( $user['password'] == $cookies['ipscm_pass'] )
                    echo json_encode( array( 'connect_status' => 'SUCCESS', 'connect_id' => $user['user_id'], 'connect_username' => $user['user_name'], 'connect_displayname' => $user['user_name'], 'connect_email' => $user['email'] ) );

        echo json_encode( array( 'connect_status' => 'FAIL' ) );

     * Check data
     * @param   string  Key - this can be anything which is known only to the applications. Never reveal this key publically.
     *                  For IPS Community Suite installs, this key can be obtained in the Login Management page in the ACP
     * @param   int     If provided, do not throw an error if the "existing user" is the user with this ID
     * @param   string  Username
     * @param   string  Display Name
     * @param   string  Email address
     * @return  void    Outputs to screen a JSON object with four properties (status, username, displayname, email) - 'status' will say "SUCCESS" - the remainding 3 properties will each contain a boolean value, or NULL if no value was provided.
     *                  The boolean value indicates if it is OK to register a new account with that data (this may be because there is no existing user with that, or the app allows duplicates of that data)
     *                  If the key is incorrect - 'status' will be "BAD_KEY" and the remaining 3 parameters will all be NULL.
    public function check( $key, $id, $username, $displayname, $email )
        $return = array( 'user_name' => NULL, 'user_name' => NULL, 'email' => NULL );

        // Check key
        if ( $key != $this->secret_key )
            echo json_encode( array_merge( array( 'status' => 'BAD_KEY' ), $return ) );

        // Check username
        if ( $username )
            if ( $user = $this->db->query( "SELECT * FROM phpfox_user WHERE user_name='". $this->db->escape_string( $username ) ."'" )->fetch_array() )
                $return['user_name'] = FALSE; 
                $return['user_name'] = TRUE;

        // Check displayname
        if ( $displayname )
            if ( $username == $displayname )
                $return['displayname'] = $return['username'];
                if ( $user = $this->db->query( "SELECT * FROM phpfox_user WHERE user_name='". $this->db->escape_string( $displayname ) ."'" )->fetch_array() )
                    $return['displayname'] = FALSE; 
                    $return['displayname'] = TRUE;

        // Check Email
        if ( $email )
            if ( $user = $this->db->query( "SELECT * FROM phpfox_user WHERE email='". $this->db->escape_string( $email ) ."'" )->fetch_array() )
                $return['email'] = FALSE; 
                $return['email'] = TRUE;

        // Return
        echo json_encode( array_merge( array( 'status' => 'SUCCESS' ), $return ) );

     * Change account data
     * @param   int     ID number
     * @param   string  md5( IPS Connect Key (see login method) . ID number )
     * @param   string  New username (blank means do not change)
     * @param   string  New displayname (blank means do not change)
     * @param   string  New email address (blank means do not change)
     * @param   string  New password, md5 encoded (blank means do not change)
     * @param   string  Redirect URL, Base64 encoded
     * @param   string  md5( IPS Connect Key . $redirect )
     * @return  mixed   If the redirect URL is provided, this function should redirect the user to that URL with a single paramater - 'status'
     *                  If blank, will output to screen a JSON object with the same parameter
     *                  Values:
     *                      BAD_KEY             Invalid Key
     *                      NO_USER             ID number not match any member account
     *                      SUCCESS             Information changed successfully
     *                      USERNAME_IN_USE     The chosen username was in use and as a result NO information was changed
     *                      DISPLAYNAME_IN_USE  The chosen username was in use and as a result NO information was changed
     *                      EMAIL_IN_USE        The chosen username was in use and as a result NO information was changed
     *                      MISSING_DATA        No details to be changed were provided
    public function change( $id, $key, $username, $displayname, $email, $md5Password, $redirect, $redirectHash )
        if ( $key != md5( $this->secret_key . $id ) )
            $this->_return( base64_encode( $this->url ), array( 'status' => 'BAD_KEY' ) );

        if ( $redirect )
            $redirect = ( $redirectHash == md5( $this->masterKey . $redirect ) ) ? $redirect : base64_encode( $this->url );

        $user = $this->db->query( "SELECT * FROM phpfox_user WHERE user_name='". $this->db->escape_string( $_COOKIE['ipscm_user'] ) ."'" )->fetch_array();
        if ( !isset( $user['user_id'] ) )
            $this->_return( $redirect, array( 'status' => 'NO_USER' ) );

        $update = array();

        if ( $username and $username != $user['user_name'] )
            if ( $_user = $this->db->query( "SELECT * FROM phpfox_user WHERE user_name='". $this->db->escape_string( $username ) ."'" )->fetch_array() )
                $this->_return( $redirect, array( 'status' => 'USERNAME_IN_USE' ) );

            $update['user_name'] = $this->db->escape_string( $username );

        if ( !$username and $displayname and $displayname != $user['user_name'] )
            if ( $_user = $this->db->query( "SELECT * FROM phpfox_user WHERE user_name='". $this->db->escape_string( $displayname ) ."'" )->fetch_array() )
                $this->_return( $redirect, array( 'status' => 'DISPLAYNAME_IN_USE' ) );

            $update['user_name'] = $this->db->escape_string( $displayname );

        if ( $email and $email != $user['email'] )
            if ( $_user = $this->db->query( "SELECT * FROM phpfox_user WHERE email='". $this->db->escape_string( $email ) ."'" )->fetch_array() )
                $this->_return( $redirect, array( 'status' => 'DISPLAYNAME_IN_USE' ) );

            $update['email'] = $this->db->escape_string( $email );

        if ( $md5Password )
            $update['password'] = md5( $md5Password );

        if ( empty( $update ) )
            $this->_return( $redirect, array( 'status' => 'MISSING_DATA' ) );

        $update['user_name'] = isset( $update['user_name'] ) ? $update['user_name'] : $user['user_name'];
        $update['email'] = isset( $update['email'] ) ? $update['email'] : $user['email'];
        $update['password'] = isset( $update['password'] ) ? $update['password'] : $user['password'];
        $this->db->query( "UPDATE phpfox_user SET user_name='{$update['username']}', email='{$update['email']}', password='{$update['password']}' WHERE user_id={$user['user_id']};" );

        if ( $redirect )
            setcookie( 'ipscm_pass', $update['password'], time()+60*60*24*30, '/' );
        $success = TRUE;

        $this->_return( $redirect, array( 'status' => 'SUCCESS' ) );


     * Account is validated
     * @param   int     ID number
     * @param   string  md5( IPS Connect Key (see login method) . ID number )
    public function validate( $id, $key )
        if ( $key != md5( $this->secret_key . $id ) )
            echo json_encode( array( 'status' => 'BAD_KEY' ) );

        echo json_encode( array( 'status' => 'SUCCESS' ) );

     * Delete account(s)
     * @param   array   ID Numbers
     * @param   string  md5(  IPS Connect Key (see login method) . json_encode( ID number ) )
    public function delete( $ids, $key )
        if ( $key != md5( $this->secret_key . json_encode( $ids ) ) )
            echo json_encode( array( 'status' => 'BAD_KEY' ) );

        foreach ( json_decode( $ids, TRUE ) as $id )
            $id = intval( $id );
            $this->db->query( "DELETE FROM phpfox_user WHERE id={$id};" );

        echo json_encode( array( 'status' => 'SUCCESS' ) );

     * Handle redirect / output
     * @param   string  Redirect URL, Base64 encoded
     * @param   array   Params
     * @return  null    Outputs to screen or redirects
    protected function _return( $redirect, $params=array() )
        if ( $redirect )
            header( 'Location: ' . base64_decode( $redirect ) . ( ( isset( $_REQUEST['noparams'] ) and $_REQUEST['noparams'] ) ? '' : ( '&' . http_build_query( $params ) ) ) );
            if ( !empty( $params ) )
                echo json_encode( $params );

 * Map - can modify to add additional parameters, but the IPS Community Suite will only send the defaults
$map = array(
    'login'     => array( 'idType', 'id', 'password', 'key', 'redirect', 'redirectHash' ),
    'logout'    => array( 'id', 'key', 'redirect', 'redirectHash' ),
    'register'  => array( 'key', 'username', 'displayname', 'password', 'email', 'revalidateurl' ),
    'cookies'   => array( 'data' ),
    'check'     => array( 'key', 'id', 'username', 'displayname', 'email' ),
    'change'    => array( 'id', 'key', 'username', 'displayname', 'email', 'password', 'redirect', 'redirectHash' ),
    'validate'  => array( 'id', 'key' ),
    'delete'    => array( 'id', 'key' )

 * Process Logic - do not modify
$ipsConnect = new ipsConnect();
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['act'] ) and isset( $map[ $_REQUEST['act'] ] ) )
    $params = array();
    foreach ( $map[ $_REQUEST['act'] ] as $k )
        if ( isset( $_REQUEST[ $k ] ) )
            $params[ $k ] = $_REQUEST[ $k ];
            $params[ $k ] = '';

    call_user_func_array( array( $ipsConnect, $_REQUEST['act'] ), $params );


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