
时间:2013-12-21 07:41:22

标签: perl copy-paste subroutine


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# this is a csv which will contains IP addresses of one specific category for e.g malware.
my $seculert_qradar_list = "$seculert_dir/seculert.csv";

#ssh connection information 
my $qradar_console = '';
my $qradar_ssh_key = "$seculert_dir/qr-id_dsa";
my $qradar_ssh_knownhosts = "$seculert_dir/known_hosts";


# NOTE: this is the "OUT" file.
# 1 - Name
# 2 - Sub-Name
# 3 - IP Address
# 4 - is colour, deprecated
# 5 - database length, deprecated
# 6 - asset weight, deprecated
# 7 - an ID for the 'record' each unique name pair (first 2 columns) gets an ID
my $source = 'BAD-IP-Addresses-LABEL';
my $type_description = 'honeypots-for-examnple';

# Based upon the format described above I want to render the csv as written in print OUT statement. This format is important, because the endsystem process the file (remotenet.conf) based upon the provided layout.
open(FP, ">>$seculert_qradar_list");
for my $line (<FP>) {
    my ($hostname, $ip, $something1, $something2) = split(/,/, $line);
    print OUT "$source $type_description $ip #FF0000 0 90  29\n";

# Here I just want the contents of modified csv to be written over remotenet.conf. This file is then processed through auto-deploy script by the system. The results get populated on front-end webserver.    
print "Sending to QRadar...\n";
# SSH To QRadar's Console and push out file + trigger update
`scp -i $qradar_ssh_key -o UserKnownHostsFile=$qradar_ssh_knownhosts -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root\@$qradar_console:/store/configservices/staging/globalconfig/remotenet.conf .`;
`sed -i -e '/^SECULERT/d' remotenet.conf`;
`cat $seculert_qradar_list >> remotenet.conf`;
`scp -i $qradar_ssh_key -o UserKnownHostsFile=$qradar_ssh_knownhosts -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no remotenet.conf root\@$qradar_console:/store/configservices/staging/globalconfig/remotenet.conf`;

print "Cleaning up...\n";
# Remove our SECULERT list and the newly pushed out qradar conf
unlink($seculert_qradar_list); unlink ('remotenet.conf');

print "Deploying in QRadar...(takes time to complete)\n";
# QRadar magic
`ssh -i $qradar_ssh_key -o UserKnownHostsFile=$qradar_ssh_knownhosts -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root\@$qradar_console /opt/qradar/upgrade/util/setup/upgrades/`;
print "Complete!\n\n";


  1. virus.csv
  2. bot.csv
  3. malware.csv
  4. 我是否需要使用不同的句柄为每个csv文件重新复制循环代码?目标文件remotenet.conf保持不变。






    我想要一个动态代码,其中有多个csv可以保存在一个文件夹中。该序列描述为: -

    1. 从文件夹中读取每个csv文件。
    2. 将其转换为可接受的格式。
    3. 根据csv文件名更改两个变量值。例如
    4. 对于文件名malware.csv

      my $ source ='BAD-IP-Addresses-LABEL'; 我的$ type_description ='honeypots-for-examnple';


      my $ source ='bot-net'; 我的$ type_description ='top-10';


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


  • 原始代码包含chdir $seculert_dir - 这是有道理的,因为现在我们不必一直为文件名添加前缀(它等同于shell中的cd命令)
  • 原始代码并未完全使用最佳做法。我将scpssh命令包含在进行最少量错误检查的版本中。
  • 对于我们可以使用Perl执行的操作,也没有必要调用外部工具。


首先,我们开始预采样。 use warnings-w切换更优选。

use strict;
use warnings;

my $seculert_dir = "!FIXME!";
chdir $seculert_dir;  # go into that dir, so that we don't have to use prefixes

my @csv_files = ("seculert.csv"); # this is a csv which will contains IP addresses
                                  # of one specific category for e.g malware.
                                  # We only use the 2nd column

#ssh connection information 
my $qradar_console = '';
my $qradar_ssh_key = "qr-id_dsa";
my $qradar_ssh_knownhosts = "known_hosts";


# fetch the remotenet.conf from QRadar
print STDERR "Fetching configuration from QRadar...\n";
scp("root\@$qradar_console:/store/configservices/staging/globalconfig/remotenet.conf" => '.');


# write the changed conf here before uploading:
open my $new_conf, ">", "remotenet.conf.changed" or die qq(Can't open "remotenet.conf.changed" for writing: $!);


# copy old conf over, delete lines starting with "SECULERT"
open my $old_conf, "<", "remotenet.conf" or die qq(Can't open "remotenet.conf" for reading: $!);
while (<$old_conf>) {
    print {$new_conf} $_ unless /^SECULERT/;
close $old_conf;

注意我是如何使用“lexical filoehandles”(open my $fh, ...)的。这避免了一些问题,并且比使用裸字更现代。


# append the data from the CSVs
for my $csv_file (@csv_files) {
    my $source = 'BAD-IP-Addresses-LABEL';
    my $type_description = 'honeypots-for-examnple';

    open my $csv, "<", $csv_file or die qq(Can't open "$csv_file" for reading: $!);

    while (my $line = <$csv>) {
        my (undef, $ip) = split /,/, $line; # we're only interested in the 2nd column

        # Based upon the format described below I want to render the csv
        # as written in print OUT statement. This format is important, because the
        # endsystem process the file (remotenet.conf) based upon the provided layout.
        # Columns in the output:
        # 1 - Name
        # 2 - Sub-Name
        # 3 - IP Address
        # 4 - is colour, deprecated
        # 5 - database length, deprecated
        # 6 - asset weight, deprecated
        # 7 - an ID for the 'record' each unique name pair (first 2 columns) gets an ID
        print {$new_conf} "$source $type_description $ip #FF0000 0 90  29\n";


close $new_conf;

# copy the changed remotenet.conf back to QRadar
scp('remotenet.conf.changed' => "root\@$qradar_console:/store/configservices/staging/globalconfig/remotenet.conf");

# Remove our SECULERT list and the newly pushed out qradar conf
print STDERR "Cleaning up...\n";
unlink $_ or warn qq(Can't remove "$_": $!) for 'remotenet.conf', 'remotenet.conf.changed';


# QRadar magic -- run deploy script
print STDERR "Deploying in QRadar...(takes time to complete)\n";
ssh("root\@$qradar_console", '/opt/qradar/upgrade/util/setup/upgrades/');

print STDERR "Complete!\n\n";

以下是scpssh的包装器。它们是子例程(其他语言中的函数,过程或方法)。参数位于@_数组中,我们将它们解压缩为具有更好名称的变量。 system命令采用命令名称和参数列表。因为这绕过了shell,我们不必考虑shell转义。 system在成功时返回零,因此我们使用它来检查错误。

# Wrappers for SSH and SCP commands
sub scp {
    my ($from, $to) = @_;
    my $success = 0 == system 'scp',
        '-i' => $qradar_ssh_key,
        '-o' => "UserKnownHostsFile=$qradar_ssh_knownhosts",
        '-o' => "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
        $from => $to;
    return $success if defined wantarray;                # return failure when somebody checks for it
    die qq(Can't scp "$from" to "$to") if not $success;  # die when failure, and nobody checks.

sub ssh {
    my ($host, $command) = @_;
    my $success = 0 == system 'ssh',
        '-i' => $qradar_ssh_key,
        '-o' => "UserKnownHostsFile=$qradar_ssh_knownhosts",
        '-o' => "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
        $host, $command;
    return $success if defined wantarray;                           # return failure when somebody checks for it
    die qq(Can't ssh into "$host" for '$command') if not $success;  # die when failure, and nobody checks.


对于不同的文件,您似乎需要不同的$source值。为此,我们应该使用比@csv_files更复杂的数据结构 - 我使用数组的散列,例如。

my %csv_files = (
  'malware.csv' => ['BAD-IP-Addresses-LABEL', 'honeypots-for-examnple'],
  'bot.csv'     => ['bot-net', 'top-10'],


for my $csv_file (keys %csv_files) {
  my ($source, $type_description) = @{ $csv_files{$csv_file} };


表达式$csv_files{$csv_file}访问散列$csv_file中名为$csv_files的条目。此条目包含数组引用作为值。 @{…}周围将数组引用转换为数组,我们可以使用列表赋值my ($foo, $bar) = @array解包。