
时间:2010-01-15 11:22:53

标签: f#

(我知道this question,但它与序列有关,这不是我的问题)


let testlist = 

let pred (s:string) = s.StartsWith("*")

我希望能够致电MyFunc pred testlist并获得此输出:



let shunt pred sq =
    let shunter (prevpick, acc) (pick, a) = 
        match pick, prevpick with
        | (true, true)  -> (true, (a :: (List.hd acc)) :: (List.tl acc))
        | (false, _)    -> (false, acc)
        | (true, _)     -> (true, [a] :: acc)

        |> Seq.map (fun a -> (pred a, a))
        |> Seq.fold shunter (false, []) 
        |> snd
        |> List.map List.rev
        |> List.rev

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


> testlist |> List.partition (fun s -> s.StartsWith("*"))
val it : string list * string list =
  (["*text1"; "*text2"; "*text5"; "*text6"; "*text7"], ["text3"; "text4"])



let partition pred list = 
  // Helper function, which keeps results collected so
  // far in 'accumulator' arguments outTrue and outFalse
  let rec partitionAux list outTrue outFalse =
    match list with 
    | [] -> 
        // We need to reverse the results (as we collected
        // them in the opposite order!)
        List.rev outTrue, List.rev outFalse
    // Append element to one of the lists, depending on 'pred'
    | x::xs when pred x -> partitionAux xs (x::outTrue) outFalse
    | x::xs -> partitionAux xs outTrue (x::outFalse)

  // Run the helper function
  partitionAux list [] []   

答案 1 :(得分:3)



//divides a list L into chunks for which all elements match pred
let divide pred L =
    let rec aux buf acc L =
        match L,buf with
        //no more input and an empty buffer -> return acc
        | [],[] -> List.rev acc 
        //no more input and a non-empty buffer -> return acc + rest of buffer
        | [],buf -> List.rev (List.rev buf :: acc) 
        //found something that matches pred: put it in the buffer and go to next in list
        | h::t,buf when pred h -> aux (h::buf) acc t
        //found something that doesn't match pred. Continue but don't add an empty buffer to acc
        | h::t,[] -> aux [] acc t
        //found input that doesn't match pred. Add buffer to acc and continue with an empty buffer
        | h::t,buf -> aux [] (List.rev buf :: acc) t
    aux [] [] L


> divide pred testlist;;
val it : string list list =
  [["*text1"; "*text2"]; ["*text5"; "*text6"; "*text7"]]



let dividestream pred L =
    let rec aux buf L =
        seq { match L, buf with
              | [],[] -> ()
              | [],buf -> yield List.rev buf
              | h::t,buf when pred h -> yield! aux (h::buf) t
              | h::t,[] -> yield! aux [] t
              | h::t,buf -> yield List.rev buf
                            yield! aux [] t }
    aux [] L



//divides a list L into chunks for which all elements match pred
let divide2 pred L =
    let f x (acc,buf) =
        match pred x,buf with
        | true,buf -> (acc,x::buf)
        | false,[] -> (acc,[])
        | false,buf -> (buf::acc,[])

    let rest,remainingBuffer = List.foldBack f L ([],[])
    match remainingBuffer with
    | [] -> rest
    | buf -> buf :: rest

答案 2 :(得分:2)


let Shunt p l =
    let mutable r = List.rev l
    let mutable result = []
    while not r.IsEmpty do
        let mutable thisBatch = []
        while not r.IsEmpty && not(p r.Head) do
            r <- r.Tail 
        while not r.IsEmpty && p r.Head do
            thisBatch <- r.Head :: thisBatch
            r <- r.Tail
        if not thisBatch.IsEmpty then
            result <- thisBatch :: result



答案 3 :(得分:0)


let shunt pred lst =
    let rec tWhile pred lst = 
        match lst with
        | []                    -> [], []
        | hd :: tl when pred hd -> let taken, rest = tWhile pred tl
                                   (hd :: taken), rest
        | lst                   -> [], lst
    let rec collect = function
        | []  -> []
        | lst -> let taken, rest = tWhile pred lst
                 taken :: (collect (snd (tWhile (fun x -> not (pred x)) rest)))
    collect lst

这个避免List.rev,但它不是尾递归 - 所以只适用于小列表。

答案 4 :(得分:0)


let partition pred lst = 
    let rec trec xs cont =
        match xs with
        | []               -> ([],[]) |> cont
        | h::t when pred h -> (fun (y,n) -> h::y,n) >> cont |> trec t
        | h::t             -> (fun (y,n) -> y,h::n) >> cont |> trec t
    trec lst id


let shunt pred lst = lst |> partition pred |> (fun (x,y) -> [x;y])