
时间:2013-12-19 17:58:52

标签: javascript csv google-apps-script gmail email-attachments



  1. 确定发送电子邮件的人。如果它是我需要的来源,那么请按照第2步。
  2. 如果是我需要的主题,请查看电子邮件的主题,然后继续执行第3步。
  3. 如果第1步和第2步是好的,那么下一步是从其中一个csv附件中检索数据(基于名称),这是因为电子邮件中可能有多个附件。
  4. 打开附件复制数据并将其粘贴到动态创建的Google电子表格或Excel电子表格中,或将附件保存到特定文件夹中的google驱动器,但任何一个都可以正常工作。这里的诀窍是在过去一个月内遍历收件箱中的所有电子邮件,并完成上述任务。
  5. 感谢大家的帮助,我希望我的规格清晰。


    Create time-based Gmail filters with Google Apps Script

    Trigger Google Apps Script by email

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

在研究并使用谷歌应用程序脚本文档后,我能够实现我的目标。请参阅下面的代码和评论,希望这可以提供帮助。 谢谢,

function RetrieveAttachment() {
  // variables being used i, j, k, n, m, a, d, x
  var threads = GmailApp.search('*SubjectName*') //search gmail with the given query(partial name using * as a wildcard to find anything in the current subject name).
  var msgs = GmailApp.getMessagesForThreads(threads); //retrieve all messages in the specified threads. 
  //var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.create('test_filename', 2, 8); //creates a new spreadsheet in case I need to create it on a separate file.
  //you can get the id from your own google spreadsheet in your browser bar.
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx').getSheetByName('your sheet name');
  sheet.clearContents(); //clears all the data in the specified tab, the code below will recreate the dataset once again.

  for (var i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) {
    for (var j = 0; j < msgs[i].length; j++) {
      var emailDate = msgs[i][j].getDate();
      var attachments = msgs[i][j].getAttachments();
      for (var k = 0; k < attachments.length; k++) {

        /*search for the attachment by name, stringLen returns the start position number of the word 'filename' ignoring any previous characters, counting starts at 0.
        e.g. "test_filename", will output the number 6 "test_" will ends at 5 and 6 will start at "f" for filename. Than we use substring to get the actual name out of
        attachment name then we use the stringLen variable as a starting position and also as an end position plus the number of characters in word I'm searching for
        to get the attachment name, 8 is used because this is how many letters are in the string. Finally we create the stringValue variable and compare to see which
        attachments meet the criteria that we are looking for and return only that attachment.*/
        var attachmentName = attachments[k].getName();
        var stringLen = attachmentName.search('filename');
        var stringValue = attachmentName.substring(stringLen,stringLen + 8);

        if (stringValue == 'filename') {
          var attachmentData = attachments[k].getDataAsString();
          var attachmentClean = attachmentData.split('"').join(',');
          var attachmentCleanA = attachmentClean.split(',');

          /*input headings into the spreadsheet. This is depending on how many columns or fields the attachment file has. The numbers after the "attachmentCleanA" is the
          position number of the field you want is located i.e [1][4][7][10]. The reason it skips the numbers is because the getDataAsString() method returned an array with
          multiple separations that had to be parsed by quotations. So [2][3] had an empty string value.*/

          sheet.getRange('A1').setValue(attachmentCleanA[1]); //Field One
          sheet.getRange('B1').setValue(attachmentCleanA[4]); //Field Two
          sheet.getRange('C1').setValue(attachmentCleanA[7]); //Field Three
          sheet.getRange('D1').setValue(attachmentCleanA[10]); //Field Four
          //Extra fields if you want to add.
          sheet.getRange('E1').setValue('Email Date'); //Email Date
          sheet.getRange('F1').setValue('Email Month'); //Email Month
          sheet.getRange('G1').setValue('Email Year'); //Email Year
          sheet.getRange('H1').setValue('Source Name'); //Attachment Name

          var n = LastRow(sheet); //calls the LastRow function to get the next empty cell.
          var m = attachmentCleanA.length + n;
          /*attachmentCleanA.length alone is not useful as a limit in the loop because the n variable ends up being bigger than the actual attachmentCleanA.length.
          To fix this I added the "attachmentCleanA" + "n" variable so that the n variable will always be less than the attachmentCleanA.length expression.*/

          var range = sheet.getRange('A1:H30000'); //this has to match the number of columns in the above sheet.getRange().setValue methods.
          var d = 11;

          /*now we loop through each string in the array and place it in each individual row and column. The first string position you want may vary depending
          on the file you have. The file I have has the first item and is positioned in the 12th position of the array. The reason variable d shows 11 is because 
          it will be added before the actual extraction of the value "d++" */
          for (var x = n; x < m; x++) {
            for (var a = 1; a < 5; a++) {
              var cell = range.getCell(x, a);
              //the reason of the if function is so that when I run into an empty string in the array I can simply ignore it and continue to the next string.
              if (attachmentCleanA[d] !== "" && attachmentCleanA[d] !== undefined) {
              else if (attachmentCleanA[d] == "") {
              /*the a-- is used so that when I find and empty string in the array I don't want to skip to the next column but continue to stay there until I find 
              a none empty string.*/
            /*email date - the reason of the if function is because in my situation it was producing more values at the end of the loop. So I made it stop if in 
            column A doesn't have a value*/
            var setDate = range.getCell(x, 5);
            if (range.getCell(x, 1).getValue() !== "") {
            else if (range.getCell(x, 1).getValue() == "") {
              break RowLoop;
            //source name
            var attachmentLen = attachmentName.search('filename');
            var attachmentValue = attachmentName.substring(0, attachmentLen-1);
            var setAttachmentName = range.getCell(x, 8);

            //email year
            var setYear = range.getCell(x, 7);

            //email month
            var setMonth = range.getCell(x, 6);
            var monthName = MonthFunc(emailDate.getMonth());

function LastRow(sheetName) {
  //retrieve the last row position after each attachment data file has been put into the spreadsheet
  var column = sheetName.getRange('A:A');
  var values = column.getValues(); // get all data in one call
  var ct = 0;
  while ( values[ct][0] !== "" ) {
  return (ct)+1; // add 1 to get the row which is empty

function MonthFunc(inputMonth) {
  //this function returns the short name of the month.
  var monthNumber = inputMonth
  switch (monthNumber) {
    case 0:
      return "Jan";
    case 1:
      return "Feb";
    case 2:
      return "Mar";
    case 3:
      return "Apr";
    case 4:
      return "May";
    case 5:
      return "Jun";
    case 6:
      return "Jul";
    case 7:
      return "Aug";
    case 8:
      return "Sep";
    case 9:
      return "Oct";
    case 10:
      return "Nov";
    case 11:
      return "Dec";