
时间:2013-12-19 07:47:46

标签: javascript if-statement


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Jordan's Space Explorer </title>

// Tells user what they are about to play.
confirm ("You are about to play Jordan's Space Explorer?")

// Prompt user for their name.
userName="Capt. "+prompt("What is your name?");
shipName=prompt("What is your ship's name?")

// Declare start locations, default star system locations, and check for encounters.
var min = -10;
var max = 10;
var locationY = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
var locationX = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
var locationZ = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
var locationYEast;
var locationYWest;
var locationXNorth;
var locationXSouth;
var locationZAbove;
var locationZBelow;
var solLocationX = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
var solLocationY = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
var solLocationZ = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
var spacePortLocationX = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
var spacePortLocationY = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
var spacePortLocationZ = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
var sensors = false;
var locationName = false;
var credits = 1000
var health = 100
var shipSpeed = 1
var lasers = 10

//Go directions
function goNorth(){
    locationY = locationY +shipSpeed;
    console.log("You head North.");
    console.log("Y = "+locationY);
function goSouth(){
    locationY = locationY- shipSpeed;
    console.log("You head South.");
    console.log("Y = "+locationY);
function goEast(){
    locationX = locationX+shipSpeed;
    console.log("You head East");
    console.log("X = "+ locationX);
function goWest(){
    locationX = locationX-shipSpeed;
    console.log("You head West");
    console.log("X = "+locationX);
function goUp(){
    locationZ = locationZ +shipSpeed;
    console.log("You go up.");
    console.log("Z = "+locationZ);
function goDown(){
    locationZ = locationZ-shipSpeed;
    console.log("You go down.");
    console.log("Z = "+locationZ);

// Encounters
 function encounters()
// Sol
    if(locationX === solLocationX && locationY === solLocationY && locationZ === solLocationZ){
     locationName = "Sol";
     console.log(shipName + " is at " + locationName)
     alert("Arrived at " + locationName);
// Center of Galaxy
    if(locationX===0  && locationY===0  && locationZ===0)
        locationName = "Center of Galaxy";
        console.log(shipName + " is at " + locationName)
       alert("Arrived at " + locationName);
// SpacePort
 if(locationX === spacePortLocationX && locationY === spacePortLocationY && locationZ === spacePortLocationZ)
  locationName = "SpacePort"
  console.log(shipName + " is at " + locationName)
  alert("Arrived at " + locationName);
         else{locationName = "empty space."}

// Purchase
function makePurchase()
    if (locationName !== "SpacePort"){alert("You are not at the SpacePort.")}
    if (locationName === "SpacePort")
        var buy = prompt(userName + ", "+"what do you purchase?","Lasers, Sensors, or Repair Ship")
        var purchase = buy.toUpperCase();{
            if(purchase === "LASERS" && credits>=5000){lasers=lasers+10, credits= credits-5000, alert(userName+ "'s ship," + shipName +", has had it's lasers upgraded.")}
            if(purchase === "SENSORS"){alert("These are not ready at this time.")}
            if(purchase === "REPAIR SHIP"){shipDamage=0, alert(shipName+" has been repaired.")}


// Display Credits.
function creditsRemaining(){
    console.log("Credits remaining: "+ credits);
// Display Laser Strength.
 function laserStrength(){
    console.log("Laser Strength: "+ lasers);
// Display Health.
function healthDisplay(){

// Find things.
// Find current location.
function locationQuery(){
    console.log(userName + " your ship, "+ shipName + ", is at " +locationName);
    console.log("X = " +locationX);
    console.log("Y = " +locationY);
    console.log("Z = " +locationZ);

// Find Sol.
function solQuery(){
    console.log("Sol is at:")
    console.log("X = " + solLocationX);
    console.log("Y = " + solLocationY);
    console.log("Z = " + solLocationZ);
// Find SpacePort.
function spacePortQuery(){
    console.log("The SpacePort is at:")
    console.log("X = " + spacePortLocationX);
    console.log("Y = " + spacePortLocationY);
    console.log("Z = " + spacePortLocationZ);

// GoTo
function goToSpacePort(){
 locationX = spacePortLocationX
 locationY = spacePortLocationY
 locationZ = spacePortLocationZ
 locationName = "SpacePort"

// Quit
function quit()
var quitWindow = window.open("","_self");
   function loose()
        var looseWindow = window.open("","_self");
// Suicide
function suicide()
    health = health-100;

// Loose Conditions.
if(health <= 0){
    console.log("You have lost the game.")

   Controls: <br>
    <button onclick="goEast()">Go East</button>
    <button onclick="goWest()">Go West</button>
    <button onclick="goNorth()">Go North</button>
    <button onclick="goSouth()">Go South</button>
    <button onclick="goUp()">Go Up</button>
    <button onclick="goDown()">Go Down</button>
    <button onclick="creditsRemaining()">Credits</button>
    <button onclick="healthDisplay()">Heath</button>
    <button onclick="laserStrength()">Lasers</button>
    <button onclick="locationQuery()">Where am I?</button>
    <button onclick="quit()">Quit</button>
    <button onclick="makePurchase()">Purchase</button>
  Debug: <br>
     <button onclick="spacePortQuery()">Where is SpacePort?</button><br>
     <button onclick="solQuery()">Where is Sol?</button><br>
     <button onclick="engageSensors()">Engage Sensors</button><br>
     <button onclick="goToSpacePort()">SpacePort</button><br>
     <button onclick="suicide()">Suicide!</button>
     <button onclick="loose()">Loose</button>


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

if语句不在任何函数中,因此它将在脚本加载时执行。 此时,变量 health 的值为100,所以通常不应该调用函数 loose()



function suicide()
    health = health-100;

function checkHealth() {
   // Loose Conditions.
   if(health <= 0){
       console.log("You have lost the game.")

答案 1 :(得分:0)


function checkLost() {
    // Loose Conditions.
    if(health <= 0){
        console.log("You have lost the game.")

    setTimeout(checkLost, 100);
setTimeout(checkLost, 100);
