select DISTINCT publ_id, publ_name
from a_bkinfo.publishers
join a_bkinfo.books using (publ_id)
join a_bkinfo.book_topics using (book_id)
join a_bkorders.order_details using (book_id)
join a_bkorders.order_headers USING (order_id)
where book_id in (
Select book_id
From a_bkinfo.book_topics
Where topic_id = 'SQL'
And book_id in (
Select book_id
From a_bkinfo.book_topics
Where topic_id = 'DB'
And book_id in
Select book_id
From a_bkinfo.book_topics
Where year(order_date) > 2005
-- create publishers
create table a_bkinfo.publishers (
publ_id integer not null
, publ_name varchar(25) not null
, constraint bk_publishers_pk primary key(publ_id)
, constraint publ_id_range check (publ_id >1000)
)engine = INNODB;
-- create books
create table a_bkinfo.books (
book_id integer not null
, title varchar(75) not null
, publ_id integer null
, year_publd integer not null
, isbn varchar(17) null
, page_count integer null
, list_price numeric(6,2) null
, constraint bk_books_pk primary key (book_id)
, constraint bk_books_publ_fk foreign key(publ_id)
references a_bkinfo.publishers (publ_id)
, constraint book_id_range check (book_id > 1000)
, constraint bk_page_count_ck check (page_count >= 0)
, constraint bk_price_ck check (list_price >= 0)
, constraint bk_books_year_ck check (year_publd >= 1850)
)engine = INNODB;
-- create book_topics
create table a_bkinfo.book_topics (
book_id integer not null
, topic_id varchar(5) not null
, constraint bk_book_topics_pk primary key (book_id, topic_id)
, constraint bk_books_topics_fk foreign key(topic_id)
references a_bkinfo.topics(topic_id)
, constraint bk_books_id_fk foreign key(book_id)
references a_bkinfo.books(book_id)
)engine = INNODB;
-- create order_headers
create table a_bkorders.order_headers (
order_id integer not null
, order_date date not null
, cust_id integer not null
, constraint bk_orders_pk primary key (order_id)
, constraint bk_orders_cust_fk foreign key(cust_id)
references a_bkorders.customers(cust_id)
, constraint bk_order_id_range check (order_id > 100)
, constraint bk_order_date_ck check (order_date >= '2000-01-01')
)engine = INNODB;
-- create order_details
create table a_bkorders.order_details (
order_id integer not null
, order_line integer not null
, book_id integer not null
, quantity integer not null
, order_price numeric(6,2) not null
, constraint bk_orderline_pk primary key (order_id, order_line)
, constraint bk_orderline_order_fk foreign key (order_id)
references a_bkorders.order_headers(order_id) on delete cascade
, constraint bk_orderline_book_fk foreign key (book_id )
references a_bkinfo.books(book_id)
, constraint bk_quantity_ck check (quantity > 0)
, constraint bk_ordprice_ck check (order_price >= 0)
)engine = INNODB;
-- publishers
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9000, 'Microsoft Press') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9456, 'New Directions') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9102, 'Alfred A. Knopf') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9325, 'Addison Wesley') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9745, 'Morgan Kaufmann') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9521, 'Benjamin/Cummings') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9822, 'O''Reilly') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9030, 'McGraw Hill') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9444, 'APress') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9528, 'Manning');
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9020, 'Princeton Univer Press') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9021, 'Yale University Press') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9022, 'Havard University Press') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9507, 'J.Q. Vanderbildt');
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9664, 'WROX') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9825, 'MySQL Press') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9623, 'Prentice Hall') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9725, 'Springer') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9561, 'Houghton Mifflin');
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9902, 'W.W. Norton ') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9023, 'Holt Paperbacks') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9024, 'Univ of California Press') ;
Insert into a_bkinfo.publishers values (9776, 'Simon and Schuster') ;
-- topics
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('ADO', 'ADO');
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('CMP', 'Computer Science');
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('DB', 'Database Systems');
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('FCT', 'Fiction');
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('HIST', 'History');
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('MySQL', 'MySQL Database');
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('NET', '.NET Technologies');
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('NOSQL', 'Alternate Data Storage');
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('ORA', 'Oracle Database');
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('POE', 'Poetry');
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('PGM', 'General Programming');
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('SCI', 'Science');
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('SQL', 'SQL');
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('SSRV', 'SQL Server Database');
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('VB', 'Visual Basic');
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('XML', 'XML Techniques');
Insert into a_bkinfo.topics values ('ART', 'Arts, Photography');
-- books
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1101, 'Programming SQL Server with VB.NET', 9000, 2002, '0735615357', 300, 59.99);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1102, 'Practical Standards for VB.NET', 9000, 2003, '0735613568', 250, 49.99);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1103, 'Selected Poems', 9456, 1949, null, 125, 12.00);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1104, 'Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior', 9102, 2001, '0679451234', 604, 45.00);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1105, 'SQL:1999 Relational Language Concepts', 9745, 2002, '1558604561', 450, 59.95);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1106, 'SQL for Smarties', 9745, 1995, '1558603239', 250, 29.00);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1107, 'SQL Puzzles and Answers', 9745, 1997, '1558604537', 325, 25.00);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1108, 'Database Systems', 9325, 1996, null, 680, 39.95);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1109, 'Intro to DB Systems-7th Ed', 9325, 2000, '0201385902', 650, 80.00);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1110, 'Adv SQL:1999 Object_Relational Features', 9745, 2002, '1558606077', 520, 59.95);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1128, 'Temporal Data and the Relational Model', 9325, 2003, 'na', 275, 49.95);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1133, 'Leaves of Grass', 9623, 1902, null, 125, 19.95);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1142, 'Relational Database Theory', 9521, 1993, null, 879, 95.00);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1161, 'SQL Programming Style', 9745, 2005, '0120887975', 780, 35.00);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1162, 'Trees and Hierarchies', 9745, 2004, '1558609202', 350, 35.00);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1180, 'MySQL Database Design and Tuning', 9825, 2005, '9780672234650', 400, 49.99);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1175, 'MySQL in a Nutshell', 9822, 2008, '9780596514331', 538, 34.99);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1182, 'MySQL Cookbook', 9822, 2007, '9780596527082', 918, 49.99);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1185, 'MySQL Stored Procedures', 9822, 2007, '9780596100896', 595, 49.99);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1184, 'MySQL Developer''s Library', 9325, 2009, '9780672329388', 650, 49.99);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1301, 'ADO and Oracle Workbook', 9000, 2002, '0265615357', 0, 59.99);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1302, 'ADO: the ebook', 9000, 2002, '0852515358', null, 49.99);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1303, 'Rainbows and Rainbows', 9521, 2002, '0657895157', null, 59.99);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1304, 'Stories of Discoveries', 9325, 2002, '0777788887', 300, 59.99);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1305, 'Journeys Through Flatland', 9325, 1958, '0387515357', 100, 9.99);
insert into a_bkinfo.books values (1306, 'Myths of SQL',
9664, 2000, '0454615027', 2895,259.99);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(30822, '2012-03-12', 211483);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(30822, 1, 1128, 10, 49.95);
/* Apr 2012 */
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(30824, '2012-04-05', 222477);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(30824, 1, 1670, 10, 40.00);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(30824, 4, 2005, 20, 45.00);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(2001, '2012-04-02', 272787);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(2001, 1, 1448, 50, 25.00);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(2002, '2012-04-12', 272787);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(2002, 1, 1103, 20, 10.95);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(2003, '2012-04-12', 272787);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(2003, 1, 1103, 2, 12.00);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(1564, '2012-04-18', 227105);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1564, 1, 1106, 50, 34.95);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1564, 2, 1107, 50, 20.95);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1564, 3, 2001, 50, 39.00);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(1800, '2012-04-12', 217796);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1800, 1, 2009, 5, 34.95);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1800, 2, 2008, 1, 46.95);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(1801, '2012-04-13', 217796);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1801, 1, 1103, 2, 10.95);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1801, 2, 1106, 1, 29.00);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(30825, '2012-04-21', 221297);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(30825, 1, 1776, 4, 45.49);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(30826, '2012-04-24', 211483);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(30826, 2, 1161, 16, 35.00);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(30833, '2012-04-14', 211483);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(30833, 1, 1448, 50, 25.00);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(30834, '2012-04-17', 211483);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(30834, 1, 1128, 1, 49.95);
/* May 2012 */
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(30835, '2012-05-17', 211483);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(30835, 1, 1103, 25, 10.95);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(30836, '2012-05-20', 258595);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(30836, 1, 2008, 2, 12.50);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(1811, '2012-05-12', 221297);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1811, 1, 2007, 1, 40.49);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1811, 2, 1357, 2, 23.40);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1811, 3, 1537, 3, 28.19);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(1812, '2012-05-12', 227105);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1812, 1, 2009, 1, 26.99);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(1814, '2012-05-15', 290298);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1814, 1, 1258, 1, 45.99);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(1818, '2012-05-16', 212921);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1818, 1, 1106, 30, 20.00);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1818, 2, 1537, 2, 25.00);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1818, 3, 1180, 1, 46.99);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1818, 4, 1979, 1, 53.99);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(1710, '2012-05-08', 261502);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1710, 1, 1776, 99, 45.49);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(1712, '2012-05-09', 290298);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1712, 1, 1835, 1, 45.99);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1712, 2, 1162, 99, 30.00);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(2004, '2012-05-22', 272787);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(2004, 2, 1161, 1, 35.00);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(2005, '2012-05-30', 272787);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(2005, 1, 1448, 50, 25.00);
/* June 2012 */
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(2012, '2012-06-22', 272787);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(2012, 1, 1448, 50, 25.00);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(2013, '2012-06-22', 272787);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(2013, 1, 2009, 2, 12.50);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(30847, '2012-06-20', 296598);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(30847, 1, 1103, 2, 12.00);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(30848, '2012-06-21', 263119);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(30848, 1, 2007, 2, 12.50);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(30849, '2012-06-22', 217796);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(30849, 1, 1448, 50, 25.00);
/* July 2012 */
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(31840, '2012-07-01', 267780);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(31840, 1, 1103, 2, 12.00);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(31841, '2012-07-02', 272787);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(31841, 1, 1448, 50, 25.00);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(31850, '2012-07-02', 234138);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(31850, 1, 1279, 1, 40.49);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(1045, '2012-07-18', 222477);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1045, 1, 1894, 1, 35.99);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(1200, '2012-07-18', 212921);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1200, 1, 1200, 5, 16.33);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1200, 2, 1199, 5, 18.39);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1200, 3, 1457, 5, 53.99);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1200, 4, 1133, 5, 18.15);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1200, 5, 1894, 5, 36.79);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1200, 6, 1948, 5, 40.94);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1200, 7, 1180, 5, 45.99);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1200, 8, 1128, 5, 46.20);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(1205, '2012-07-20', 212921);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1205, 1, 1448, 1, 27.29);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_headers values(1212, '2012-07-20', 290298);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1212, 1, 1894, 1, 37.59);
Insert into a_bkorders.order_details values(1212, 2, 1894, 1, 18.75);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
SELECT p.publ_id, p.publ_name, oh.order_date
FROM a_bkinfo.publishers p
JOIN a_bkinfo.books b USING (publ_id)
JOIN a_bkinfo.book_topics bt USING (book_id)
JOIN a_bkorders.order_details od USING (book_id)
JOIN a_bkorders.order_headers oh USING (order_id)
WHERE bt.topic_id IN ('SQL', 'DB') AND YEAR(oh.order_date) >= 2005
GROUP BY p.publ_id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT bt.topic_id) = 2;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
首先是警告。我认为这是我写过的第一个MySQL查询!所以我可能没有正确的语法。你加入的方式对我来说很奇怪。根据我的经验,对于什么和什么领域的联系,联接更加明确。我也不确定在SELECT子句中包含publ_name和order_date但在GROUP BY中不包括。无论GROUP BY子句如何,这会为每个发布者产生多个结果吗?
max(p.publ_name) as publ_name,
max(oh.order_date) as order_date
a_bkinfo.publishers p INNER JOIN a_bkinfo.books b
ON p.publ_id = b.publ_id
INNER JOIN a_bkinfo.book_topics bt
ON b.book_id = bt.book_id
INNER JOIN a_bkinfo.book_topics bt2
ON b.book_id = bt2.book_id
INNER JOIN a_bkorders.order_details od
ON b.book_id = od.book_id
INNER JOIN a_bkorders.order_headers oh
ON od.order_id = oh.order_id
bt.topic_id = 'SQL' AND
bt2.topic_id = 'DB' AND
YEAR(oh.order_date) >= 2005