正如在previous question中讨论的那样,我已经构建了一个原型(使用MVC Web API,NAudio和NAudio.Lame),在将其转换为mp3后实时流式传输低质量音频。源流是PCM:8K,16位,单声道,我正在使用html5的音频标签。
在两者 Chrome和IE11上,在从浏览器听到音频之前有一个 15-34秒延迟(高延迟),我被告知,对我们的最终用户来说是不可接受的。理想情况下,延迟不会超过 5秒。即使在我的音频标签中使用preload =“none”属性,也会发生延迟。
答案 0 :(得分:5)
您无法减少延迟,因为您无法控制浏览器代码和缓冲大小。 HTML5规范没有强制执行任何约束,因此我没有看到任何改进的原因。
然而,您可以使用webaudio API实现解决方案(它非常简单),您可以自己处理流式传输。
关键是使用AudioContext :: decodeAudioData。
// Fix up prefixing
window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var context = new AudioContext();
var offset = 0;
var byteOffset = 0;
var minDecodeSize = 16384; // This is your chunk size
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.onprogress = function(evt)
if (request.response)
var size = request.response.length - byteOffset;
if (size < minDecodeSize) return;
// In Chrome, XHR stream mode gives text, not ArrayBuffer.
// If in Firefox, you can get an ArrayBuffer as is
var buf;
if (request.response instanceof ArrayBuffer)
buf = request.response;
ab = new ArrayBuffer(size);
buf = new Uint8Array(ab);
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++)
buf[i] = request.response.charCodeAt(i + byteOffset) & 0xff;
byteOffset = request.response.length;
context.decodeAudioData(ab, function(buffer) {
}, onError);
request.open('GET', url, true);
request.responseType = expectedType; // 'stream' in chrome, 'moz-chunked-arraybuffer' in firefox, 'ms-stream' in IE
request.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');
function playSound(buffer) {
var source = context.createBufferSource(); // creates a sound source
source.buffer = buffer; // tell the source which sound to play
source.connect(context.destination); // connect the source to the context's destination (the speakers)
source.start(offset); // play the source now
// note: on older systems, may have to use deprecated noteOn(time);
offset += buffer.duration;