我应该在NASM中编写程序(并在DosBox下测试),该程序将使用一个约束计算阶乘:结果将存储在高达128位。因此,要计算的最大值是阶乘(34)。 我的问题是我不知道如何打印这么大的数字。我唯一的提示是使用DOS中断,但经过长时间的研究后,我发现没有什么可以帮助我。
org 100h
section .text
factorial dw 1200h
xor edx, edx
xor eax, eax
mov ax, 6d ;we'll be calculating 6!
mov word [factorial+16], 1d ;current result is 1
mov cx, 08h ;set loop iterator to 8
xor edx, edx ;clear edx
mloop: ;iterate over cx (shift)
mov bx, cx ;copy loop iterator to bx (indirect adressing will be used)
add bx, bx ;bx*=2
push ax ;store ax (number to multiply by)
mul word[factorial+bx] ;multiply ax and result
mov word[factorial+bx], ax ;store new result in [factorial+2*cx]
pop ax ;restore previous ax
push dx ;transfer from mul is stored in stack
loop mloop ;loop over cx until it's 0
mov cx, 7h ;set loop iterator to 7
tloop: ;iterate over cx, adding transfers to result
pop dx ;pop it from stack
mov bx, cx ;bx = cx
add bx, bx ;bx = bx+bx
adc [factorial+bx],dx ;add transfer to [factorial+2*cx]
loop tloop ;loop over cx until it's 0
pop bx ;one redundant transfer is removed from stack
dec ax ;decrease ax (number to multiply by)
cmp ax, 0 ;if ax is non-zero...
jne wloop ;...continue multiplying
movzx eax, word[factorial+16] ;load last 32 bits of result...
call println ;...and print them
jmp exit ;exit program
println: ;Prints from eax
push eax
push edx
mov ecx, 10
xor edx, edx
div ecx ; eax <- eax/10, edx <- eax % 10
push eax ; stack <- eax (store, because DOS will need it)
add dl, '0' ; edx to ASCII
mov ah,2 ; DOS char print
int 21h ; interrupt to DOS
pop eax ; stack -> eax (restoring)
cmp eax, 0
jnz loopr
mov dl, 13d ;Carriage Return
mov ah, 2h
int 21h
mov dl, 10d ;Line Feed
mov ah, 2h
int 21h
pop edx
pop eax
答案 0 :(得分:6)
通过遍历从最大到最不重要的扩展整数中的单词,除以10,并将中间余数作为上部单词(在DX中,其中),将十字的多字除法很容易实现。 DIV划分DX:AX。)
uint16_t extended_div(uint16_t *num, uint16_t den, size_t len) {
ldiv_t acc = { 0 };
num += len;
do {
acc = ldiv(acc.rem << 16 | *--num, den);
*num = acc.quot;
} while(--len);
return acc.rem;
首先,如果您还没有,请确保自己拥有一个可用的调试器,因此您可以逐步完成测试用例并在纸上进行操作。我个人在当天使用了Turbo Debugger,我相信NASM能够产生兼容的符号信息。我不是故意唠叨,但以前关于16位DOS组装的海报往往忽略了这个过程的关键步骤。