
时间:2010-01-14 15:12:15

标签: c# .net security hard-drive







6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  • 创建一个充满任意文本的大型文本文件(最好使用预先创建的文件,而不是出于性能原因随机重新生成。请测试它。)
  • 创建一个聪明的文件夹和文件命名方案,以便能够跟踪文件。您还应该使用您的应用程序跟踪文件,但如果它崩溃了,特别是在前几次测试运行结束时,您将希望能够轻松找到并清理您的方便工作。
  • 将其写入硬盘直至其已满
  • 删除您创建的文件
  • 重复上述步骤两次


  • 首次传递写入0x0000值的文件(所有位关闭)
  • 在第二次传递时将所有位写为0xFFFF(所有位都打开)
  • 在最后一次传递中重复使用0x0000


答案 1 :(得分:2)


您可以使用Defrag APIs (here's a C# wrapper)来获取驱动器“map”,并专门定位自由空间并将垃圾写入磁盘的那些部分。

答案 2 :(得分:1)

此代码来自The Code Project我认为。我不确定orignal文章在哪里,但它符合你的要求:



  1. 制作1个大文件,填充驱动器上剩余的空闲大小。然后只需擦除此文件。

  2. 制作多个文件,直到您的驱动器已满。 (如果要在机器运行时使用机器,这可能会更好)。然后你可以开始擦除每个文件,所以实际上系统有一个完整的硬盘驱动器的总时间小于使用方法1.但它可能会慢一些,并使用更多的代码。

  3. 使用的优点是一些简单的代码供您使用。您不必使用可能会让您失望的低级API。

    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Security.Cryptography;
    namespace QuickStarterShared
        public class Wipe
            /// <summary>
            /// Deletes a file in a secure way by overwriting it with
            /// random garbage data n times.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="filename">Full path of the file to be deleted</param>
            /// <param name="timesToWrite">Specifies the number of times the file should be overwritten</param>
            public void WipeFile(string filename, int timesToWrite)
    #if !DEBUG
                    if (File.Exists(filename))
                        // Set the files attributes to normal in case it's read-only.
                        File.SetAttributes(filename, FileAttributes.Normal);
                        // Calculate the total number of sectors in the file.
                        double sectors = Math.Ceiling(new FileInfo(filename).Length/512.0);
                        // Create a dummy-buffer the size of a sector.
                        byte[] dummyBuffer = new byte[512];
                        // Create a cryptographic Random Number Generator.
                        // This is what I use to create the garbage data.
                        RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
                        // Open a FileStream to the file.
                        FileStream inputStream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);
                        for (int currentPass = 0; currentPass < timesToWrite; currentPass++)
                            // Go to the beginning of the stream
                            inputStream.Position = 0;
                            // Loop all sectors
                            for (int sectorsWritten = 0; sectorsWritten < sectors; sectorsWritten++)
                                // Fill the dummy-buffer with random data
                                // Write it to the stream
                                inputStream.Write(dummyBuffer, 0, dummyBuffer.Length);
                        // Truncate the file to 0 bytes.
                        // This will hide the original file-length if you try to recover the file.
                        // Close the stream.
                        // As an extra precaution I change the dates of the file so the
                        // original dates are hidden if you try to recover the file.
                        DateTime dt = new DateTime(2037, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
                        File.SetCreationTime(filename, dt);
                        File.SetLastAccessTime(filename, dt);
                        File.SetLastWriteTime(filename, dt);
                        File.SetCreationTimeUtc(filename, dt);
                        File.SetLastAccessTimeUtc(filename, dt);
                        File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(filename, dt);
                        // Finally, delete the file
    #if !DEBUG
                catch(Exception e)
        # region Events
        # region PassInfo
        public delegate void PassInfoEventHandler(PassInfoEventArgs e); 
        public class PassInfoEventArgs : EventArgs
            private readonly int cPass;
            private readonly int tPass;
            public PassInfoEventArgs(int currentPass, int totalPasses)
                cPass = currentPass;
                tPass = totalPasses;
            /// <summary> Get the current pass </summary>
            public int CurrentPass { get { return cPass; } }
            /// <summary> Get the total number of passes to be run </summary> 
            public int TotalPasses { get { return tPass; } }
        # endregion
        # region SectorInfo        
        public delegate void SectorInfoEventHandler(SectorInfoEventArgs e);
        public class SectorInfoEventArgs : EventArgs
            private readonly int cSector;
            private readonly int tSectors;
            public SectorInfoEventArgs(int currentSector, int totalSectors)
                cSector = currentSector;
                tSectors = totalSectors;
            /// <summary> Get the current sector </summary> 
            public int CurrentSector { get { return cSector; } }
            /// <summary> Get the total number of sectors to be run </summary> 
            public int TotalSectors { get { return tSectors; } }
        # endregion
        # region WipeDone        
        public delegate void WipeDoneEventHandler(WipeDoneEventArgs e);
        public class WipeDoneEventArgs : EventArgs
        # endregion
        # region WipeError
        public delegate void WipeErrorEventHandler(WipeErrorEventArgs e);
        public class WipeErrorEventArgs : EventArgs
            private readonly Exception e;
            public WipeErrorEventArgs(Exception error)
                e = error;
            public Exception WipeError{get{ return e;}}
        # endregion
        # endregion

答案 3 :(得分:0)

你将不得不做一些低级别的操作,所以你肯定要和Win32 API交谈。我没有做过这类事情,所以我不能给你详细说明,但是开始寻找的好地方可能是Win32 API参考:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383749%28VS.85%29.aspx

我根本不是这个领域的专家,但我天真的理解似乎是你需要: 1)获取文件系统启动位置的信息&amp;停止 2)使用未删除的文件作为参考,获取应该是可用空间的物理位置列表 3)将0写入那些位置


答案 4 :(得分:0)


答案 5 :(得分:-1)

System.Diagonstics.Process.Start("chipher.exe /WC:\");
