跟进这个问题(和jorgeca的回答): Fast Way to slice image into overlapping patches and merge patches to image我想在补丁数组的索引处添加一个偏移量,即:
A = np.arange(W*H).reshape(H,W)
P = patchify(A,(X,Y))
假设X,Y是奇数,P的大小将等于W-X + 1,H-Y + 1,因此以P [0,0]为中心的像素实际上对应于A [(Y -1)/ 2,(X-1)/ 2]。
def patchify(img, patch_shape):
img = np.ascontiguousarray(img) # won't make a copy if not needed
X, Y = img.shape
x, y = patch_shape
shape = ((X-x+1), (Y-y+1), x, y) # number of patches, patch_shape
# The right strides can be thought by:
# 1) Thinking of `img` as a chunk of memory in C order
# 2) Asking how many items through that chunk of memory are needed when indices
# i,j,k,l are incremented by one
strides = img.itemsize*np.array([Y, 1, Y, 1])
return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(img, shape=shape, strides=strides)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
P = np.roll(np.roll(P, X/2, 0), Y/2, 1)
>>> W, H, X, Y = 10, 14, 5, 7
>>> A = np.arange(W*H).reshape(W,H)
>>> P = patchify(A,(X,Y))
>>> P = np.roll(np.roll(P, X/2, 0), Y/2, 1)
>>> all(map(all, P[X/2, Y/2] == A[:X, :Y]))