
时间:2013-12-17 07:32:26

标签: c# downcast


Base b = new Derived(); // Upcasting
// Some actions
Derived d = (Derived)b; // Downcasting 


问题是: 由于没有引用保存的类型的派生部分,只是Base。可能会发生GC的某些操作或活动会在转发发生时擦除或覆盖以前包含派生成员的内存块吗?换句话说,转发Derived d = (Derived)b会失败吗?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


答案 1 :(得分:1)

在上下文中,这是一个安全的演员。您已创建Derived实例 这就是为什么将 Derived as Derived 视为永远安全的原因;没有GC 活动可以破坏实例的一部分。铸造是一种 治疗(我将把实际 Derived作为 仅Base:我承诺只调用方法的一个子集,属性) 并且投射到自身 始终是安全的

  // Actual instance is derived, but I'm going to restrict 
  // my work with them: I've promissed not to call for "b"
  // any derived methods/properties  
  Base b = new Derived(); 

  // What is the actual type of "b"?
  String typeName = b.GetType().Name; // <- "Derived"

  // Try to convert to Derived 
  // This's better way to cast then (Derived) b
  Derived d = b as Derived;

  // Since "b" is actually Derived d will ne not null
  if (Object.RefrenceEquals(null, d)) {
    Console.Write("b is Derived");

  // You can also check
  if (b is Derived) {
    Console.Write("b is a Derived instance.");

答案 2 :(得分:0)


Base b = new b();
// Some actions
Derived d = (Derived)b; // will fail, b never was of type Derived.

答案 3 :(得分:0)


2)Base b = new Derived(); 我不明白你为什么要做这个“向上倾斜”。 您的代码已经具有强大的参考/类型Derived,也可以使用Derived b = ....