
时间:2013-12-12 20:47:04

标签: clojure ring



具体来说,会发生一些中间件(在我的情况下为ring.middleware.json/wrap-json-body中间件)在body slurp对象上执行InputStream,这会更改对象的内部状态,以便将来调用slurp会返回一个空字符串。因此,从请求图中有效地丢失了[内容]。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)





答案 1 :(得分:3)


(defn with-request-copy
  "Transparently store a copy of the request in the given atom.
  Blocks until the entire body is read from the request.  The request
  stored in the atom (which is also the request passed to the handler)
  will have a body that is a fresh (and resettable) ByteArrayInputStream
  [handler atom]
  (fn [{orig-body :body :as request}]
    (let [{body :stream} (groundhog/tee-stream orig-body)
          request-copy (assoc request :body body)]
      (reset! atom request-copy)
      (handler request-copy))))

(defn wrap-error-page
  "In the event of an exception, do something with the exception
  (e.g. report it using an exception handling service) before
  returning a blank 500 response.  The `handle-exception` function
  takes two arguments: the exception and the request (which has a
  ready-to-slurp body)."
  [handler handle-exception]
  ;; Note that, as a result of this top-level approach to
  ;; error-handling, the request map sent to Rollbar will lack any
  ;; information added to it by one of the middleware layers.
  (let [request-copy (atom nil)
        handler (with-request-copy handler request-copy)]
    (fn [request]
        (handler request)
        (catch Throwable e
          (.reset (:body @request-copy))
          ;; You may also want to wrap this line in a try/catch block.
          (handle-exception e @request-copy)
          {:status 500})))))

答案 2 :(得分:1)

我认为你会遇到某种“保留副本以防万一”的策略。不幸的是,它在请求must be an InputStream上看起来像:body而没有其他内容(在响应上它可能是String或其他事情,这就是我提到它的原因)

草图:在一个非常早期的中间件中,将:body InputStream包装在InputStream中,在关闭(example)时自行重置。并非所有InputStream都可以重置,因此您可能需要在此处进行一些复制。一旦被包裹,可以在关闭时重新读取流,并且你很好。如果您有巨大的请求,那么这里存在内存风险。


(require '[clojure.java.io :refer [copy]])
(defn wrap-resettable-body
  (fn [request]
    (let [orig-body (:body request)
          baos (java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream.)
          _ (copy orig-body baos)
          ba (.toByteArray baos)
          bais (java.io.ByteArrayInputStream. ba)
          ;; bais doesn't need to be closed, and supports resetting, so wrap it
          ;; in a delegating proxy that calls its reset when closed.
          resettable (proxy [java.io.InputStream] []
                       (available [] (.available bais))
                       (close [] (.reset bais))
                       (mark [read-limit] (.mark bais read-limit))
                       (markSupported [] (.markSupported bais))
                       ;; exercise to reader: proxy with overloaded methods...
                       ;; (read [] (.read bais))
                       (read [b off len] (.read bais b off len))
                       (reset [] (.reset bais))
                       (skip [n] (.skip bais)))
          updated-req (assoc request :body resettable)]
      (handler updated-req))))