{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
data Types = DefaultType | MyTypeA
toString :: (MyTypeAString a, DefaultString a) => Types -> a -> String
toString DefaultType a = toDefaultString DefaultType a
toString MyTypeA a = toMyTypeAString a
class DefaultString a where
toDefaultString :: Types -> a -> String
data TheThingA = TheThingA TheThingB
data TheThingB = TheThingB
instance DefaultString TheThingA where
toDefaultString myType (TheThingA thingB) = "Thing A has " ++ toString myType thingB
instance DefaultString TheThingB where
toDefaultString myType thing = "a thing B!"
class MyTypeAString a where
toMyTypeAString :: (DefaultString a) => a -> String
instance MyTypeAString a where
toMyTypeAString thing = toDefaultString MyTypeA thing
instance MyTypeAString TheThingB where
toMyTypeAString thing = "a thing B created by MyTypeA"
test1 = toString DefaultType (TheThingA TheThingB)
> "Thing A has a thing B!"
test2 = toString MyTypeA (TheThingA TheThingB)
> "Thing A has a thing B created by MyTypeA"
那么,这是怎么回事?我们为“toString”函数设置了一个基本行为,无论使用“DefaultType”还是“MyTypeA”,它都会以相同的方式运行。您现在可以想象我们不仅有“TheThingA”和“TheThingB”,还有数百种其他数据类型,每种数据类型都有自己的“DefaultString”类专用实例。 另一方面,假设类“MyTypeAString”对于这些数据类型的90%具有完全相同的方式,因此具有非常少的特定实例。使用“OverlappingInstances”,我们可以保存数百行代码,并且仅针对“MyTypeAString”需要不同行为的情况具有特定实例,这非常简洁。
到目前为止,这么好。但现在,我想创建一个新的“类型”,我想称之为“MyTypeB” 这不是太复杂 - 我只能修改数据类型“Types”和“toString”函数类型签名 - 但它不是很干净,在某种意义上我需要更改“Types”数据类型本身和“toString” “功能在同一个模块中。我想要实现的是让用户在自己的模块中定义自己的类型和相关类,而无需修改“toString”函数和“Types”数据类型。 但是,到目前为止,我找不到实现这一目标的方法,所以问题是如何做到这一点?
非常感谢您的帮助: - )
答案 0 :(得分:0)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts
, FlexibleInstances
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, OverlappingInstances
, UndecidableInstances #-}
data DefaultType = DefaultType
data MyTypeA = MyTypeA
data TheThingA = TheThingA TheThingB
data TheThingB = TheThingB
{- |
This type class only purpose is to be able to use it as constraint in type
signatures. It therefor implements only a dummy function.
class Types a where
-- | A dummy function.
getName :: a -> String
instance Types DefaultType where
getName a = "Default Type"
instance Types MyTypeA where
getName a = "My Type A"
{- |
The "toString" function is converted to a type class.
The Types class is used to constraint type a.
class Stringable a b where
toString :: Types a => a -> b -> String
{- |
Constraints are put in the instance head declaration. This way, one can add new Types
such as MyTypeA, without modifying the toString type signature itself.
instance (DefaultString MyTypeA b, MyTypeAString b) => Stringable MyTypeA b where
toString a b = toMyTypeAString b
instance DefaultString DefaultType b => Stringable DefaultType b where
toString = toDefaultString
class DefaultString a b where
toDefaultString :: Types a => a -> b -> String
{- |
Multiparam type class allows us to put a constraint on the second parameter of the
function which is necessary due to the use of the toString function.
instance Stringable a TheThingB => DefaultString a TheThingA where
toDefaultString myType (TheThingA thingB) = "Thing A has " ++ toString myType thingB
instance DefaultString a TheThingB where
toDefaultString myType thing = "a thing B!"
class MyTypeAString a where
toMyTypeAString :: DefaultString MyTypeA a => a -> String
instance MyTypeAString a where
toMyTypeAString thing = toDefaultString MyTypeA thing
instance MyTypeAString TheThingB where
toMyTypeAString thing = "a thing B created by MyTypeA"
test1 = toString DefaultType (TheThingA TheThingB)
> "Thing A has a thing B!"
test2 = toString MyTypeA (TheThingA TheThingB)
> "Thing A has a thing B created by MyTypeA"
如果您找到更好的答案(例如,不依赖于如此多的GHCI扩展或更简单的类型签名),请不要犹豫发布: - )
答案 1 :(得分:0)
data DefaultType = DefaultType
data MyTypeA = MyTypeA
data TheThingA = TheThingA TheThingB
data TheThingB = TheThingB
We define in a type class a specific toString functions for each data type
(TheThingA and TheThingB). The one for TheThingA is our "toString" function.
On top of that, a default implementation is added.
class Stringable a where
toString :: a -> TheThingA -> String
toString a (TheThingA thingB) = "Thing A has " ++ toStringB a thingB
toStringB :: a -> TheThingB -> String
toStringB a thing = "a thing B!"
Since the default implementation covers the behavior for the DefaultType,
there is no need to specify any functions for this instance.
instance Stringable DefaultType where
For the MyTypeA class, only the toStringB function needs to be defined.
instance Stringable MyTypeA where
toStringB a thing = "a thing B created by MyTypeA"
test1 = toString DefaultType (TheThingA TheThingB)
> "Thing A has a thing B!"
test2 = toString MyTypeA (TheThingA TheThingB)
> "Thing A has a thing B created by MyTypeA"
答案 2 :(得分:0)
data TheThingA = TheThingA TheThingB
data TheThingB = TheThingB
A data record type is created which holds the functions.
data Stringable = Stringable {
_toString :: Stringable -> TheThingA -> String
, _toStringB :: TheThingB -> String
The default function "toString" is implemented.
toString :: Stringable -> TheThingA -> String
toString a (TheThingA thingB) = "Thing A has " ++ (_toStringB a) thingB
The default type is now a function which returns a Stringable with a specific
toStringB function.
defaultType =
Stringable toString toStringB
toStringB b = "a thing B!"
the myTypeA is the same as the defaultType but with a different toStringB
Note: here we constructed the type from scratch. But using a library such as
Lens, we could re-use the defaultType and modify the only the records for which
we need another function.
myTypeA =
Stringable toString toStringB
toStringB b = "a thing B created by MyTypeA"
test1 = toString DefaultType(TheThingA TheThingB)
test2 = toString MyTypeA(TheThingA TheThingB)
“Thing A有一个由MyTypeA创建的东西”
这可能比使用类型类的前一个答案稍长一些,但这肯定是一种更灵活的方法,因为它允许您使用Lens等库在代码中的任何时刻修改Stringable的行为。 / p>