VB脚本If语句 - 打开Excel工作簿

时间:2013-12-11 22:42:05

标签: excel vbscript


    Dim objExcel, objWorkbook, xlModule, strCode

If ReportFileStatus("C:\scripts\test1.xls") = "True" Then
    OpenFile "C:\scripts\test1.xls", "C:\scripts\test.xls"
End If

If ReportFileStatus("C:\scripts\test2.xls") = "True" Then
    OpenFile "C:\scripts\test2.xls", "C:\scripts\test1.xls"
End If

On Error Resume Next
Set xlModule = Nothing
Set objWorkbook = Nothing
Set objExcel = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0

'~~> Sub to open the file
Sub OpenFile(sFile, DestFile)
    Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    objExcel.Visible = True
    objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False

    Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(sFile)
    Set xlModule = objWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(1)

    strCode = _
        "Sub CreateFile()" & vbCr & _
        "    Columns(""A:A"").Select" & vbCr & _
        "    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft" & vbCr & _
        "    Rows(""1:8"").Select" & vbCr & _
        "    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp" & vbCr & _
        "    Columns(""E:E"").Select" & vbCr & _
        "    Selection.ClearContents" & vbCr & _
"FName = ActiveWorkbook.Name" & vbCr & _
"If Right(FName, 4) = "".xls"" Then" & vbCr & _
"FName = Mid(FName, 1, Len(FName) - 4)" & vbCr & _
"End If" & vbCr & _
"Columns(1).Insert Shift:=xlToRight" & vbCr & _
"For i = 1 To Range(""B65000"").End(xlUp).Row" & vbCr & _
"TempString = """ & vbCr & _
"For j = 2 To Range(""HA1"").End(xlToLeft).Column" & vbCr & _
"If j <> Range(""HA1"").End(xlToLeft).Column Then" & vbCr & _
"TempString = TempString & _" & vbCr & _
"Cells(i, j).Value & ""^""" & vbCr & _
"Else" & vbCr & _
"TempString = TempString & _" & vbCr & _
"Cells(i, j).Value" & vbCr & _
"End If" & vbCr & _
"Next" & vbCr & _
"Cells(i, 1).Value = TempString" & vbCr & _
"Next" & vbCr & _
"Columns(1).Select" & vbCr & _
"Selection.Copy" & vbCr & _
"Workbooks.Add" & vbCr & _
"Range(""A1"").Select" & vbCr & _
"ActiveSheet.Paste" & vbCr & _
"Application.CutCopyMode = False" & vbCr & _
        "    ChDir ""C:\RES_BILLING\Export""" & vbCr & _
        "    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FName & "".txt"", FileFormat:=xlTextPrinter, Local:=True, CreateBackup:=False" & vbCr & _
        "    Application.WindowState = xlMinimized" & vbCr & _
        "    Application.WindowState = xlNormal" & vbCr & _
        "    Application.DisplayAlerts = False" & vbCr & _
"End Sub"

    xlModule.CodeModule.AddFromString strCode

    objWorkbook.Close (False)
End Sub

'~~> Function to check if file exists
Function ReportFileStatus(filespec)
    Dim fso, msg

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    If (fso.FileExists(filespec)) Then
        msg = "True"
        msg = "False"
    End If

   ReportFileStatus = msg
End Function







2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



Dim objExcel, objWorkbook, xlModule, strCode

If ReportFileStatus("C:\scripts\test1.xls") = "True" Then
    OpenFile "C:\scripts\test1.xls", "C:\scripts\test.xls"
End If

If ReportFileStatus("C:\scripts\test2.xls") = "True" Then
    OpenFile "C:\scripts\test2.xls", "C:\scripts\test1.xls"
End If

On Error Resume Next
Set xlModule = Nothing
Set objWorkbook = Nothing
Set objExcel = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0

'~~> Sub to open the file
Sub OpenFile(sFile, DestFile)
    Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    objExcel.Visible = True
    objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False

    Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(sFile)
    Set xlModule = objWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(1)

    strCode = _
        "sub test()" & vbCr & _
        "   msgbox ""Inside the macro"" " & vbCr & _
        "end sub"

    xlModule.CodeModule.AddFromString strCode

    objWorkbook.SaveAs DestFile

    objExcel.Run "Test"

    objWorkbook.Close (False) '<~~ Change false to true in case you want to save changes
End Sub

'~~> Function to check if file exists
Function ReportFileStatus(filespec)
    Dim fso, msg

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    If (fso.FileExists(filespec)) Then
        msg = "True"
        msg = "False"
    End If

   ReportFileStatus = msg
End Function

答案 1 :(得分:2)


Dim objExcel

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

objExcel.Visible = True
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False

InsertCode "C:\scripts\test1.xls", "C:\scripts\test1_upd.xls"
InsertCode "C:\scripts\test2.xls", "C:\scripts\test2_upd.xls"


Sub InsertCode(wbPath, newPath)
    Dim objWorkbook, xlmodule, strCode

    On Error Resume Next
    Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(wbPath)
    On Error GoTo 0

    If Not objWorkbook Is Nothing Then
        Set xlmodule = objWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(1)
        strCode = _
            "sub test()" & vbCr & _
            "   msgbox ""Inside the macro"" " & vbCr & _
            "end sub"
        xlmodule.CodeModule.AddFromString strCode
        objWorkbook.SaveAs newPath
    End If
End Sub