
时间:2013-12-11 17:47:04

标签: arrays vba memory arraylist

我尝试加载长度为64个字符的6.000.000(6 mio)字符串,以便在VBA中对它们进行排序。 我注意到的是: 1.当我使用数组时,占用的内存大约为916 MB 2.当我使用ArrayList时,占用的内存为1.105 MB 它们都不合理,因为字符串大小约为380 MB。 我做错了什么? 随着弦乐数量的快速增长,我将很快面对“失去记忆”。 任何想法都会受到欢迎。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

大多数问题是VBA本身使用BSTRs,这是Unicode字符串。我假设您的计算~380 mb基于600万* 64个字符@每个1字节。实际上,数学算法是这样的:

  • VBA字符串是Unicode,在这种情况下表示每个字符为2 字节。

  • VBA中的字符串是4个字节,用于内部存储之前的长度 字符串,字符串末尾的unicode Null为2个字节,和 每个字符2个字节。

  • 每64个字符为4 +(64 * 2)+ 2 = 134个字符 字符串。

  • String数组中的每个条目实际上都是指向String的指针,

  • 假设有600万个这样的字符串,即828,000,000字节(使用 逗号(美国风格),depending upon your definition of mb,为789.6或828 mb。


无论如何,我建议您使用64个插槽字节数组来加载和存储字符串,假设它是ASCII字符。消除(4 + 64 + 2)* 6,000,000字节,您的代码可能会运行得更快,因为它不需要比较多少字节。您可以通过一次比较Word(32位或64位,具体取决于您的处理器)而不是逐个字符来优化排序。


我认为我在计算上有点不对劲。字节数是SAFEARRAYs,它们本身有很多开销,大约20个字节。因此节省的资金将接近(4 + 64 + 2 - 20)* 6,000,000。


在您查看此示例之前,请接受我的建议并将您的文本导入Access以进行排序。 600万字符串总共380 MB,完全在Access' limits之内,Access可以(据我所知)对它们进行排序,而无需同时将所有字符串加载到内存中



添加代码模块并将其命名为“mdlQuickSort”并添加以下代码。我没有评论太多,但如果你对它是如何工作感到好奇,你可以阅读Wikipedia's article on QuickSort或让我知道,我会添加更好的评论。

Option Explicit

Public Sub QuickSortInPlace(ByRef arrArray() As Variant)
    If UBound(arrArray) <= 1 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    qSort arrArray, 0, UBound(arrArray)
End Sub

Private Sub qSort(ByRef arrArray() As Variant, left As Long, right As Long)
    Dim pivot As Long
    Dim newPivotIndex As Long
    If left < right Then
        pivot = MedianOf3(arrArray, left, right)
        newPivotIndex = partition(arrArray, left, right, pivot)
        qSort arrArray, left, newPivotIndex - 1
        qSort arrArray, newPivotIndex + 1, right
    End If
End Sub

Private Function partition(ByRef arrArray() As Variant, left As Long, right As Long, pivot As Long) As Long
    Dim pivotValue As Variant
    pivotValue = arrArray(pivot)
    Swap arrArray, pivot, right
    Dim storeIndex As Long
    storeIndex = left
    Dim i As Long
    For i = left To right - 1
        If CompareFunc(arrArray(i), pivotValue) = -1 Then
            Swap arrArray, i, storeIndex
            storeIndex = storeIndex + 1
        End If
    Swap arrArray, storeIndex, right
    partition = storeIndex
End Function

Private Sub Swap(ByRef arrArray() As Variant, indexA As Long, indexB As Long)
    Dim temp As Variant
    temp = arrArray(indexA)
    arrArray(indexA) = arrArray(indexB)
    arrArray(indexB) = temp
End Sub

Private Function MedianOf3(ByRef arrArray() As Variant, left As Long, right As Long) As Long
    Dim a As Variant, b As Variant, c As Variant
    Dim indexA As Long, indexB As Long, indexC As Long
    Dim ab As Long
    Dim bc As Long
    Dim ac As Long
    indexA = left
    indexB = (left + right) \ 2
    indexC = right
    a = arrArray(indexA)
    b = arrArray(indexB)
    c = arrArray(indexC)

    ab = CompareFunc(a, b)
    bc = CompareFunc(b, c)
    ac = CompareFunc(a, c)

    If ab = -1 Then
        If ac = -1 Then
            If bc = -1 Or bc = 0 Then
                'a b c
                'Already in B
                'a c b
                Swap arrArray, indexB, indexC
            End If
            'c a b
            Swap arrArray, indexA, indexB
        End If
        If bc = -1 Then
            If ac = -1 Then
                'b a c
                Swap arrArray, indexA, indexB
                'b c a
                Swap arrArray, indexB, indexC
            End If
            'c b a
            'Already in B
        End If
    End If
    MedianOf3 = indexB
End Function

Private Function CompareFunc(str_a As Variant, str_b As Variant) As Long
    Dim a As Byte
    Dim b As Byte
    Dim i As Long

    For i = 0 To 63
        a = str_a(i)
        b = str_b(i)
        If a <> b Then
            Exit For
        End If
    If i <= 63 Then
        If a < b Then
            CompareFunc = -1
            CompareFunc = 1
        End If
        CompareFunc = 0
    End If

End Function


Option Explicit

Public Sub Main()
    Dim arrStrings() As Variant
    Dim i As Long

    'Get the strings from the file
    FillArrStringsInPlace arrStrings

    'Print the unsorted list
    Debug.Print "Unsorted Strings" & vbCrLf & "---------------------"
    For i = 0 To UBound(arrStrings)
        Debug.Print StrConv(arrStrings(i), vbUnicode)

    'Sort in place
    QuickSortInPlace arrStrings

    'Print the sorted list
    Debug.Print vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Sorted Strings" & vbCrLf & "---------------------"
    For i = 0 To UBound(arrStrings)
        Debug.Print StrConv(arrStrings(i), vbUnicode)
End Sub

Public Sub FillArrStringsInPlace(ByRef arr() As Variant)
    Dim iFile As Integer
    Dim strInput As String
    Dim lineCount As Long
    Dim arrBytes() As Byte

    'Open a file in the same folder as this Access db called "data.txt"
    iFile = FreeFile
    Open ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\data.txt" For Input As iFile

    'Since I already know how many strings there are, I'm assigning it here.
    'The alternatives would be to either "dynamically resize" the array, which
    'is equivalent to copying the entire thing everytime you add a new string,
    'Or to count the number of newlines in the file and dimensioning the array
    'to that size before reading in the strings line by line.  Neither is as
    'efficient as just defining it before-hand.
    ReDim arr(0 To 7)

    While Not EOF(iFile)
        Line Input #iFile, strInput
        arrBytes = StrConv(strInput, vbFromUnicode)
        ReDim Preserve arrBytes(0 To 63)
        arr(lineCount) = arrBytes
        lineCount = lineCount + 1

    Close iFile
End Sub
