
时间:2013-12-11 02:25:45

标签: python python-2.7


调整主代码中的动画循环以使用函数来绘制对象的多个实例。 我遇到的问题是尝试使用函数重新编码,我不知道如何做到这一点。 这是我的代码:

# Name:         Animations.py
# Purpose:      Draws a picture of a farm and shooting star that moves and makes it rain while the song Raining Men
# Author:   
# Created:      12/10/2013
import os
os.environ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER']= 'windib'
#Imports OS
import random
import pygame

#Initiates music mixer and plays music

black    = (   0,   0,   0)
white    = ( 255, 255, 255)
dsblue   = (   0, 191, 255)
red      = ( 255,   0,   0)
green    = (   0, 255,   0)
white    = ( 255, 255, 255)
sbrown   = ( 139,  69,  19)
fbrick   = ( 178,  34,  34)
yellow   = ( 255, 255,   0)
hgrey    = (  30,  30,  30)
hyellow  = ( 255, 255, 102)
#Defines colours

done = False

shooting_star_x = 0
shooting_star_y = 50
#Starting position of shooting star

shooting_star_change_x = 10
shooting_star_change_y = 10
#Speed and direction of shooting star

size = [700,500]
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
#Sets the screen

pygame.display.set_caption("The Big Red Farm!")
#Sets header for pygame

rain_list = []

for i in range(100):
    x = random.randrange(0,700)
    y = random.randrange(0,700)

clock = pygame.time.Clock()
#Sets clock to manage how fast screen updates

#Program Loop ----------------------------------------------------------
while done == False:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT: #If clicked close
            print ("User asked to quit.")
            done = True
            #Terminates loop

#Sets background colour to a dark grey

    pygame.draw.circle(screen,hyellow, (130, 80),55)
#Draws the moon

    print shooting_star_y
    shooting_star_x += shooting_star_change_x
    if shooting_star_x <= 699:
        shooting_star_x += shooting_star_change_x
    elif shooting_star_x >= 700:
        shooting_star_x = 25
        shooting_star_x += shooting_star_change_x
    elif shooting_star_x >= 300:
#Draws Shooting star

    pygame.draw.rect   (screen,red,[300,200,400,300])
#Draws farm

#Draws roof

    pygame.draw.rect   (screen, sbrown, [475,350,75,150])
#Draws Door

    pygame.draw.rect   (screen,  yellow, [350,200,20,20])
    pygame.draw.rect   (screen,  yellow, [375,200,20,20])
    pygame.draw.rect   (screen,  yellow, [350,225,20,20])
    pygame.draw.rect   (screen,  yellow, [375,225,20,20])
#Draws the window on the top left side of the big red farm

    pygame.draw.rect   (screen,  yellow, [610,200,20,20])
    pygame.draw.rect   (screen,  yellow, [635,200,20,20])
    pygame.draw.rect   (screen,  yellow, [610,225,20,20])
    pygame.draw.rect   (screen,  yellow, [635,225,20,20])
#Draws the window on the top right side of the big red farm

    pygame.draw.rect   (screen,  yellow, [350,350,60,100])
#Draws the window on the left bottom part of the big red farm

    pygame.draw.rect   (screen,  yellow, [600,350,60,100])
#Draws the window on the right bottom part of the big red farm

    pygame.draw.rect   (screen,red,     [0,295,300,500])
#Draws the garage that is attached to the big red barn

    pygame.draw.rect   (screen, sbrown, [65,400,190,400])
#Draws the garage door

    for i in range(len(rain_list)):
        pygame.draw.circle(screen,dsblue, rain_list[i],2)
        rain_list[i][1] += 3

        if rain_list[i][1] > 700:
            y = random.randrange(-50,-10)
            rain_list[i][1] = y
            x = random.randrange(0,700)
            rain_list[1][0] = x


#Terminates program

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