C ++链接列表遗留代码到STL - 动态分配链表大小

时间:2010-01-12 09:10:50

标签: c++ linked-list




更新 我修改了代码。这类似于我的主要代码。但为了避免任何混淆,我在下面编写一个伪代码来解释它是如何工作的。


  1. 将大小elementIds分配给链接列表(struct my_list
  2. 还有另一个链接列表meshElem,我对meshElem->elem struct中的一些值感兴趣。
    • 例如:我需要elemId = meshElem->elem->id;elemId位于0 to elementIds范围内。
    • elemId将用作索引,以查找struct my_list lst中的特定元素,例如lst[elemId]
  3. doSomething ()函数中,循环浏览0 to elementIds。在此循环中,如果满足某些条件,则为lst->number分配一个整数值= someArray[i],其中i在范围0 to N中(在appendElement中完成)
  4. next中没有struct my_list lst条目的元素会被清理(问题:这可以避免吗?)
  5. lst->数字值在代码中进一步用于其他一些处理。
  6. 现在修改后的代码:

    struct my_list
      int  number;
      struct my_list *prev;
      struct my_list *next;
    void doSomething(void){
         const int N = 50000;
         const int elementIds = 10000;
         int i, elemId, node_i;     
         struct my_list *lst;     
         lst = new struct my_list[elementIds];
         int someArray[12];
         meshElem = mesh->next;     
         for(i=0; i<=elementIds; i++) {
            lst[i].num = 0;
            lst[i].next   = NIL;
            lst[i].prev  = NIL;
        while(meshElem != NIL){
            // Element id (int) 
            // Note that any elemId will be in range [0 - elemId ]
            elemId = meshElem->elem->id;
            // Do some operations to populate "lst"    
            // Note that 'lst' gets values ONLY for certain 
            // values of i
            for (i = 0; i<=N; i++){        
                // if certain conditions are satisfied, 
                // it updates the  linked list element 
                // lst[meshIdx]. foo1(), foo2() are just some conditions...
                if (foo1()){
                   appendElement(someArray[i], &lst[meshIdx])
                else if (foo2()){
                   appendElement(someArray[i], &lst[meshIdx])           
          meshElem = meshelem->next;
      } // End of while(meshElem != NIL)
      // Clean up the linked list lst 
      // by removing unassigned items. 
       struct my_list *lst_2
       for(i=1; i<=N; i++) {
         lst_2 = &lst[i];
         while( lst != NIL ) {      
          if( lst->next != NIL && lst->next->number == 0 ) {
            delete lst_2->next;
            lst_2->next = NIL;
          } // end of if loop
          lst = lst_2->next;
        } // end of while while( lst != NIL )
      } // End of for(i=1; i<=N; i++)
      //  Do some more stuff that uses struct my_list lst
      for(i=1;i<=elementIds;i++) {
          while( lst[i] != NIL && (node_i = lst[i]->number) ) {
                if( node_i == 0) {
                  lst[i] = lst[i]->next; 
                // Use this "node_i" index in some other arrays to
                // do more stuff. 
                lst[i] = lst[i]->next;    
    void appendElement(int n, struct my_list *lst) {
      int exists = 0;
      while( lst->next != NIL ) {
        if( lst->number == n ) {
        exists = 1;
      if( exists < 1 ) {
        lst->number = n2;
        insertElemAfter(lst, 0);

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)



class ThreadedSparseVector {
    std::vector<Data*> m_thread;
    std::vector<int> m_sparse_vector;


void ThreadedSparseVector::appendElement(int i) {
    if (-1 == m_sparse_vector[i]) {
        // Add new data
        m_sparse_vector[i] = m_thread.size()
        m_thread.push_back(new Data(i));

    Data* data = m_thread[m_sparse_vector[i]];
    // Initialize/update data as necessary



答案 1 :(得分:1)


答案 2 :(得分:0)

struct my_list {
    int number;

void doSomething(void){
    std::list<my_list> lst;
    const int N = 10000;        
    for (int i = 0; i<=N; ++i) {        
        if (1 == foo(N)) { //I'm guessing this is what you meant
            my_list new_element; //Initalize with something;

foo(int n) {
    // some function that returns 0 or 1 based on 
    // the value of n
    return 1;

答案 3 :(得分:0)

std::list<int> lst;

答案 4 :(得分:0)


for (i = 0; i<=N; i++)
    if ( i == foo(N) )
        node = createNode();

答案 5 :(得分:0)


std::list<int> lst;

for (i = 0; i<=N; i++){        
    if ( i == foo(N) )
    lst.push_back(/*some new value*/);