
时间:2013-12-09 13:24:44

标签: ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-4


我的例子:(我使用了radio_button_tag并且随机方法正常工作.Ther est返回空bcoz它不是radio_button _tag)

<%= form_for(@generator, :url => user_generators_path(:user_id => current_user.id, :id => @generator.id)) do |f| %>
        <% if @generator.errors.any? %>
            <div id="error_explanation">
              <h2><%= pluralize(@generator.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this generator from being saved:</h2>

              <% @generator.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
                <li><%= msg %></li>
              <% end %>
        <% else %>
        <fieldset class ="primer">
        <legend><strong>Method Use :</strong></legend><br>  
            <h3 align="left"><font size ="5"><b>Step 1: <u>Choose only ONE of the methods</u></font></b></h3> 
        <table class="p_gen">
                <th class="method1"><label>Randomly</label><br />
                <%= radio_button_tag(:choice, 'Randomly',checked:true )%>
                <p> ( Generate a primer randomly )</p></th>

                <th class="method2"><label>Specified ATGC</label><br />
                <%= f.radio_button(:choice,'Specified ATGC')%> 
                <p> ( Generate a primer with number of A,T,G and C )</p></th>

                <th class="method3"><label>Seating</label><br />
                <%= f.radio_button(:choice,'Seating')%> 
                <p> ( Generate a primer according to your preference )</p></th>

                <td class="method1">
                    <p> Input length of the primer you want : </p>
                    <label>Primer Length :</label>
                    <%= f.number_field :primer_length , min: 6 , max: 35%>
                <td class="method2">
                    <p>Input the number of each base the primer should have</p>
                    <label>Number of A :</label>
                    <%= f.number_field :no_A %><br />
                    <label>Number of T :</label>
                    <%= f.number_field :no_T %><br />
                    <label>Number of G :</label>
                    <%= f.number_field :no_G %><br />
                    <label>Number of C :</label>
                    <%= f.number_field :no_C %><br />
                    Total bases:<span></span>
                <td class="method3">
                    <p> Input your preference sequence (only IUPAC nucleotide).</p>
                    <p><b><u>IUPAC Nucleotide :</u></b></p>
                    <p>A,T,G,C,R,Y,S,W,K,M,B,D,H,V,N </p>
                    Example: <br /> 
                    Preference primer = TAGGCT<b>N</b>TTA<b>N</b>GAC<b>N</b> <br />
                    N = Any base ( A/ T / G / C) <br /><br />               
                    <label>Desired sequence :</label><br>
                    <%= f.text_field :user_seq,maxlength: 35%>

        <fieldset class ="sample">
        <h4><font size="5"><b>Step 2: <u>Choose 'Yes' if you want to input reference sequence for Binding-time analysis </font></u></b></h4> 
        <legend><strong>Do you have NCBI data to extract / FASTA file to input?</strong></legend><br>
            <%= f.radio_button(:result_choice,'Yes')%> 
            <%= f.radio_button(:result_choice,'No')%>

        <br><div class = "button"> 
           <%=f.submit("Generate", :class => "Gbutton_class") %>
    <%end %>    


def create    
    @generator = current_user.generators.build(params[:generator])
    @generator.choice = params[:choice]
      if params[:choice] == 'Randomly'
      elsif params[:choice] == 'Specified ATGC'
      elsif params[:choice] == 'Seating'

    respond_to do |format|
       if @generator.result_choice == 'Yes'
              format.html { redirect_to(user_generator_path(:user_id => current_user.id, :id => generator.id)) }
              format.html { redirect_to(user_generators_path(@generator) ) }

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