iOS CPU使用率在这里猛增

时间:2013-12-08 16:41:50

标签: ios objective-c loops xcode5 cpu-usage




FROM PHONE WHERE COMMUNICATIONID IN (3761, 3793, 5530, 4957, 4320, 1914, 3715, 6199, 5548,
5580, 5994, 5867, 1437, 4943, 6217, 3765, 2442, 227, 4084, 977, 6822, 5680, 263, 4502, 
327, 6112, 136, 7053, 5571, 6958, 6799, 5525, 6530, 4779, 604, 2182, 6198, 3792, 6071, 
4383, 5866, 7444, 1309, 226, 4083, 5916, 1295, 626, 1249, 1950, 2141, 3369, 326, 135, 
6780, 5411, 5938, 4424, 6034, 649, 6179, 5861, 4778, 5479, 2181, 6197, 3791, 5815, 6070, 
6420, 7935, 4542, 4319, 6679, 4942, 4082, 4974, 5533, 5788, 5597, 976, 3764, 1917, 6202, 
134, 6779, 3768, 5410, 5665, 7880, 7052, 6033, 5492, 6815, 3118, 4218, 5110, 6529, 6115, 
6069, 348, 4318, 4382, 1498, 6406, 4941, 7443, 2376, 4623, 5755, 5532, 6201, 6392, 625, 
7270, 4977, 6396, 6524, 5664, 7051, 725, 6032, 6701, 6160, 5491, 5937, 6273, 1875, 6114, 
5477, 6528, 5573, 4936, 6705, 2180, 3758, 5527, 5368, 5814, 7328, 7424, 429, 5991, 1434, 
6391, 6200, 7283, 5868, 5900, 228, 4085, 6109, 1106, 5791, 692, 6095, 7210, 2893, 1188, 
6814, 4217, 5572, 3757, 5813, 3694, 796, 605, 6486, 128, 4144, 5722, 5754, 1915, 5676, 
5549, 5581, 4976, 5917, 5822, 2174, 6158, 1633, 4566, 5267, 4885, 4503, 1874, 6113, 5476, 
4425, 4871, 5526, 6531, 7886, 1496, 5194, 127, 4780, 5721)


- (void)processRequest
    if( requestQueue.count == 0 )

    if( processingQueue.count > 3 )

    Request *request = requestQueue[0];
    [requestQueue removeObjectAtIndex:0];
    DADataTable *source = request.source;
    NSString *destTableName = request.destTableName;
    NSString *sourceKey = request.sourceKey;
    NSString *query = request.query;
    NSArray *destKeys = request.destKeys;
    NSString *originMethodName = request.originMethodName;
    NSArray *destinationMethods = request.destinationMethods;
    NSString *message = request.loadingMessage;

    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"GATHERINGDATA" object:nil];

    // Cycle through the rows in the source table and extract the keys we need.
    // originMethodName is needed because some tables require additional checks
    // to determine what kind of key we are working with
    // sourceKey is the string that holds the key we're looking for, which is
    // used on tables that don't need specific filtering
    NSSet *set = [self getSourceSet:source originMethodName:originMethodName sourceKey:sourceKey];

    // getLists takes the set generated by getSourceSet and converts the list of
    // ids into a comma separated list of items suitable for passing into a query
    // Currently there is a 1400 item limit per list to keep from exceeding the server
    // limit, which is currently 1500
    NSArray *lists = [self getLists:set];

    NSString *msg = @"Loading Data";
    NSLog(@"%@", message);
    for( NSString *tList in lists ) {
        if( tList.length == 0 ) {
             NSLog(@"%@ not needed", originMethodName);

        query = [query stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@)", tList];

        NSLog(@"%@: %@", destTableName, query);
        DAAsyncRequest __block *r = [fda beginGetDataTableWithSQL:query withBlock:^(DADataTable *table){
             DADataTable *destination = [tables valueForKey:destTableName];
             if( tables.count == 0 ) destination = table;
             else if( [destination rowCount] > 0 )
                //dispatch_async(queue, ^(){
                [destination mergeTable:table withPrimaryKeys:destKeys];

                destination = table;

             [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setValue:msg forKey:@"LoadingMessage"];
             [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:InitialViewControllerNotificationLoadingUpdate object:nil];
             [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"UpdateStatus" object:nil];

             //dispatch_async(queue, ^(){
             [tables setValue:destination forKey:destTableName];

             for( NSString *method in destinationMethods) {
                SEL tMethod = NSSelectorFromString(method);
                if( [self respondsToSelector:tMethod]) {
                    [self performSelector:tMethod withObject:table];

             if( [self busy] &&
                 [[source name] isEqualToString:DataAccessTableCustomer])
                [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setValue:nil forKey:@"FETCHINGJOB"];
                [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"JOBFETCHED" object:nil];
             if( [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] valueForKey:@"FETCHINGCONTACT"] isEqualToString:@"YES"] &&
                ([[source name] isEqualToString:DataAccessTablePerson] ||
                 [[source name] isEqualToString:DataAccessTableOrganization] ||
                 [[source name] isEqualToString:DataAccessTableOrganizationAddress]))
                 [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setValue:nil forKey:@"FETCHINGCONTACT"];
                 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"CONTACTFETCHED" object:nil];
            [processingQueue removeObject:r];
            [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"PROCESSREQUEST" object:nil];
        [processingQueue addObject:r];


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

是。基本上黄金法则是:do not optimize prematurely

但无论如何。我的第一个猜测是:将NSString query替换为NSMutableString query。因为您在堆上创建了1500个NSString对象,并且总是增加长度,所以只需要在下一个循环中将它们丢弃。 NSMutalbeString在追加时会将内存保持更长的时间 - 而且您总是在与同一个对象进行通话。 '(然后使用appendFormat而无需重新分配,而不是使用stringByAppendingFormat进行分配!)

请看这里:Is NSMutableString's -appendString: method an efficient way to build up a large string?

答案 1 :(得分:1)

让CPU爬升到100%以上并不一定是件坏事。在具有多个内核(iPhone 4s和更高版本)的设备上,CPU利用率是内核数量的100%。所以4s最大值是200%,而5s则是400%。



我的建议是重写代码以在GCD后台队列上运行。首先尝试默认优先级(与UI相同的优先级。)在多核计算机上,这将占用其中一个核心。但是,在iPhone 4上,它可能会使UI变得迟钝。在这种情况下,您可以切换到下一个较低的优先级,这将花费更长的时间,但为UI提供更高的优先级。

