
时间:2013-12-07 23:32:35

标签: java oop



  1. 它是不可变的,我想多次创建新的板对象只是为了初始化它似乎没必要。
  2. 理想情况下,董事会应该填充一次,并且应通过Chessboard界面进一步更改董事会。
  3. 我创建了一个在PieceSet构造函数中传递的可变Chessboard类。

    // Showing as interface instead of class, because implementation is not important
    public interface PieceSet
        void putBishop(Square square, Color color) throws UndefinedSquareException;
        void putKing(Square square, Color color) throws UndefinedSquareException;
        void putKnight(Square square, Color color) throws UndefinedSquareException;
        void putPawn(Square square, Color color) throws UndefinedSquareException;
        void putQueen(Square square, Color color) throws UndefinedSquareException;
        void putRook(Square square, Color color) throws UndefinedSquareException;
        void removePiece(Square square);
        void relocate(Square fromSquare, Square toSquare) throws UndefinedSquareException;


    if(null == square)
        throw new UndefinedSquareException(...);


    public final class Chessboard
        private PieceSet pieces;
        public Chessboard()
            this.pieces = new PieceSet();
        public Chessboard(PieceSet initialPieces)
            this.pieces = new PieceSet(initialPieces);
        public Chessboard removePiece(Square square) throws UndefinedSquareException
             * Check for null here and throw exception??
             * PieceSet does the same thing.
            PieceSet newPieces = new PieceSet(this.pieces);
            return new Chessboard(newPieces);
        public Chessboard movePiece(Square fromSquare, Square toSquare)  throws UndefinedSquareException
             * Check for null here and throw exception??
             * PieceSet does the same thing.
            PieceSet newPieces = new PieceSet(this.pieces);
            newPieces.relocate(fromSquare, toSquare);
            return new Chessboard(newPieces);

    接下来的问题是,由于Chessboard也会收到Square类型参数而且它们不应该是null,我是否也将警卫放在Chessboard的{​​{1}}中removePiece 1}}和movePiece方法?

    if(null == square)
        throw new UndefinedSquareException(...);



    public interface PieceSet
        putBishop(Square square, Color color) throws UndefinedSquareException;
        putKing(Square square, Color color) throws UndefinedSquareException;
        // Same from above, etc. EXCEPT no remove or relocate methods
        // This is new
        Chessboard createBoard();
    // The Chessboard doesn't have to use PieceSet. It can be implemented using any data structure to store pieces.
    public final class Chessboard
        private Map<Square, Piece>pieces;
        public Chessboard(Map<Square, Piece> initialPieces)
            this.pieces = new HashMap<Square, Piece>(initialPieces);
        public Chessboard removePiece(Square square)
            // No more duplication of checking for null square, and throwing exception
        public Chessboard movePiece(Square fromSquare, Square toSquare)
            // No more duplication of checking for null square, and throwing exception

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



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答案 1 :(得分:1)

如果某个功能验证了一个也被其呼叫者验证的条件,则表明设计需要改进。特别是有几个空检查是一个糟糕的设计。这可以通过更好地安排职责来避免,有时候使用Null Object Pattern

第一个例子中的设计似乎不必要地复杂化。 PieceSet是可变的,但每次更改时都会重新创建。为什么不把它变成第一名呢?

其次,棋盘的责任尚不清楚。所有工作都由PieceSet完成。 PieceSet知道碎片的位置,如何移动它们,如何移除它们等等。棋盘只是Middle Man


你的第二个想法更容易理解,也不那么复杂。 PieceSet仅负责初始人群,并且不会在棋盘内造成持续污染。棋盘负责移动和移除碎片。明确区分关注点。


putPiece (Piece piece, Square square, Color color)
