混合双打时使用int和unsigned int之间的速度差异

时间:2010-01-11 18:31:21

标签: c++ c performance x86


double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i, ++data, ++x) sum += *data * x;

如果x是unsigned int,那么代码的长度是int!



#include <iostream>                                      
#include <cstdlib>                                       
#include <vector>
#include <time.h>

typedef unsigned char uint8;

template<typename T>
double moments(const uint8* data, int N, T wrap) {
    T pos = 0;
    double sum = 0.;
    for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i, ++data) {
        sum += *data * pos;
        if (pos == wrap) pos = 0;
    return sum;

template<typename T>
const char* name() { return "unknown"; }

const char* name<int>() { return "int"; }

const char* name<unsigned int>() { return "unsigned int"; }

const int Nr_Samples = 10 * 1000;

template<typename T>
void measure(const std::vector<uint8>& data) {
    const uint8* dataptr = &data[0];
    double moments_results[Nr_Samples];
    time_t start, end;
    for (int i = 0; i != Nr_Samples; ++i) {
        moments_results[i] = moments<T>(dataptr, data.size(), 128);
    double avg = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i != Nr_Samples; ++i) avg += moments_results[i];
    avg /= Nr_Samples;
    std::cout << "With " << name<T>() << ": " << avg << " in " << (end - start) << "secs" << std::endl;

int main() {
    std::vector<uint8> data(128*1024);
    for (int i = 0; i != data.size(); ++i) data[i] = std::rand();
    measure<unsigned int>(data);
    return 0;


luispedro@oakeshott:/home/luispedro/tmp/so §g++  test.cpp    
luispedro@oakeshott:/home/luispedro/tmp/so §./a.out
With int: 1.06353e+09 in 9secs
With unsigned int: 1.06353e+09 in 14secs
With int: 1.06353e+09 in 9secs


luispedro@oakeshott:/home/luispedro/tmp/so §g++  -O3  test.cpp
luispedro@oakeshott:/home/luispedro/tmp/so §./a.out
With int: 1.06353e+09 in 3secs
With unsigned int: 1.06353e+09 in 12secs
With int: 1.06353e+09 in 4secs


我的机器是运行Ubuntu 9.10的Intel 32位。


int version:

40: 0f b6 14 0b             movzbl (%ebx,%ecx,1),%edx
     sum += *data * pos;
44: 0f b6 d2                movzbl %dl,%edx
47: 0f af d0                imul   %eax,%edx
4a: 83 c0 01                add    $0x1,%eax
      sum += *data * pos;
4d: 89 95 54 c7 fe ff       mov    %edx,-0x138ac(%ebp)
      if (pos == wrap) pos = 0;
53: 31 d2                   xor    %edx,%edx
55: 3d 80 00 00 00          cmp    $0x80,%eax
5a: 0f 94 c2                sete   %dl
  T pos = 0;
  double sum = 0.;
  for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i, ++data) {
5d: 83 c1 01                add    $0x1,%ecx
      sum += *data * pos;
60: db 85 54 c7 fe ff       fildl  -0x138ac(%ebp)
      if (pos == wrap) pos = 0;
66: 83 ea 01                sub    $0x1,%edx
69: 21 d0                   and    %edx,%eax
  T pos = 0;
  double sum = 0.;
  for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i, ++data) {
6b: 39 f1                   cmp    %esi,%ecx
      sum += *data * pos;
6d: de c1                   faddp  %st,%st(1)
  T pos = 0;
  double sum = 0.;
  for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i, ++data) {
6f: 75 cf                   jne    40


50: 0f b6 34 13             movzbl (%ebx,%edx,1),%esi
      sum += *data * pos;
54: 81 e6 ff 00 00 00       and    $0xff,%esi
5a: 31 ff                   xor    %edi,%edi
5c: 0f af f0                imul   %eax,%esi
5f: 83 c0 01                add    $0x1,%eax
      if (pos == wrap) pos = 0;
62: 3d 80 00 00 00          cmp    $0x80,%eax
67: 0f 94 c1                sete   %cl
  T pos = 0;
  double sum = 0.;
  for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i, ++data) {
6a: 83 c2 01                add    $0x1,%edx
      sum += *data * pos;
6d: 89 bd 54 c7 fe ff       mov    %edi,-0x138ac(%ebp)
73: 89 b5 50 c7 fe ff       mov    %esi,-0x138b0(%ebp)
      if (pos == wrap) pos = 0;
79: 89 ce                   mov    %ecx,%esi
7b: 81 e6 ff 00 00 00       and    $0xff,%esi
      sum += *data * pos;
81: df ad 50 c7 fe ff       fildll -0x138b0(%ebp)
      if (pos == wrap) pos = 0;
87: 83 ee 01                sub    $0x1,%esi
8a: 21 f0                   and    %esi,%eax
  for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i, ++data) {
8c: 3b 95 34 c7 fe ff       cmp    -0x138cc(%ebp),%edx
      sum += *data * pos;
92: de c1                   faddp  %st,%st(1)
  for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i, ++data) {
94: 75 ba                   jne    50

这是-O3版本,这就是源线上下跳跃的原因。 谢谢。

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:33)

原因如下:许多常见架构(包括x86)都有硬件指令将signed int转换为double,但没有从unsigned到double的硬件转换,因此编译器需要在软件中合成转换。此外,Intel上唯一的无符号乘法是全宽乘法,而有符号乘法则可以使用带符号的乘法低指令。

GCC从unsigned int到double的软件转换很可能不是最理想的(考虑到你观察到的减速幅度,几乎可以肯定),但是当使用有符号整数时,代码的预期行为会更快。 / p>

假设一个智能编译器,64位系统上的差异应该小得多,因为64位有符号整数 - &gt;双转换可用于有效地进行32位无符号转换。


sum += *data * x;


mov       (data),   %eax
imul      %ecx,     %eax
cvtsi2sd  %eax,     %xmm1
addsd     %xmm1,    %xmm0


    mov       (data),   %eax
    mul       %ecx            // might be slower than imul
    cvtsi2sd  %eax,     %xmm1 // convert as though signed integer
    test      %eax,     %eax  // check if high bit was set
    jge       1f              // if it was, we need to adjust the converted
    addsd     (2^32),   %xmm1 // value by adding 2^32
1:  addsd     %xmm1,    %xmm0

对于unsigned而言,这将是“可接受的”codegen - &gt;双转换;它可能很容易变坏。


答案 1 :(得分:3)

这是VC ++ 6.0生成的一些代码 - 没有优化:

4:        int x = 12345;
0040E6D8   mov         dword ptr [ebp-4],3039h
5:        double d1 = x;
0040E6DF   fild        dword ptr [ebp-4]
0040E6E2   fstp        qword ptr [ebp-0Ch]
6:        unsigned int y = 12345;
0040E6E5   mov         dword ptr [ebp-10h],3039h
7:        double d2 = y;
0040E6EC   mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-10h]
0040E6EF   mov         dword ptr [ebp-20h],eax
0040E6F2   mov         dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],0
0040E6F9   fild        qword ptr [ebp-20h]
0040E6FC   fstp        qword ptr [ebp-18h]


答案 2 :(得分:1)

使用带有intel Q6600的visual studio 2010输出

(注意:我将循环次数从128 * 1024增加到512 * 1024)


With int: 4.23944e+009 in 9secs
With unsigned int: 4.23944e+009 in 18secs
With int: 4.23944e+009 in 9secs


With int: 4.23944e+009 in 34secs
With unsigned int: 4.23944e+009 in 58secs
With int: 4.23944e+009 in 34secs

处于发布模式的ASM ......(无符号)

    for (int i = 0; i != Nr_Samples; ++i) { 
011714A1  fldz  
011714A3  mov         edx,dword ptr [esi+4]  
011714A6  add         esp,4  
011714A9  xor         edi,edi  
011714AB  sub         edx,dword ptr [esi]  
        moments_results[i] = moments<T>(dataptr, data.size(), 128); 
011714AD  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-1388Ch]  
011714B3  fld         st(0)  
011714B5  xor         eax,eax  
011714B7  test        edx,edx  
011714B9  je          measure<unsigned int>+79h (11714E9h)  
011714BB  mov         esi,edx  
011714BD  movzx       ebx,byte ptr [ecx]  
011714C0  imul        ebx,eax  
011714C3  mov         dword ptr [ebp-138A4h],ebx  
011714C9  fild        dword ptr [ebp-138A4h]  //only in unsigned
011714CF  test        ebx,ebx  //only in unsigned
011714D1  jns         measure<unsigned int>+69h (11714D9h)  //only in unsigned
011714D3  fadd        qword ptr [__real@41f0000000000000 (11731C8h)]  //only in unsigned
011714D9  inc         eax  
011714DA  faddp       st(1),st  
011714DC  cmp         eax,80h  
011714E1  jne         measure<unsigned int>+75h (11714E5h)  
011714E3  xor         eax,eax  
011714E5  inc         ecx  
011714E6  dec         esi  
011714E7  jne         measure<unsigned int>+4Dh (11714BDh)  
011714E9  fstp        qword ptr [ebp+edi*8-13888h]  
011714F0  inc         edi  
011714F1  cmp         edi,2710h  
011714F7  jne         measure<unsigned int>+3Dh (11714ADh)  

处于发布模式的ASM ......(已签名)

    for (int i = 0; i != Nr_Samples; ++i) { 
012A1351  fldz  
012A1353  mov         edx,dword ptr [esi+4]  
012A1356  add         esp,4  
012A1359  xor         edi,edi  
012A135B  sub         edx,dword ptr [esi]  
        moments_results[i] = moments<T>(dataptr, data.size(), 128); 
012A135D  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-13890h]  
012A1363  fld         st(0)  
012A1365  xor         eax,eax  
012A1367  test        edx,edx  
012A1369  je          measure<int>+6Fh (12A138Fh)  
012A136B  mov         esi,edx  
012A136D  movzx       ebx,byte ptr [ecx]  
012A1370  imul        ebx,eax  
012A1373  mov         dword ptr [ebp-1388Ch],ebx  
012A1379  inc         eax  
012A137A  fild        dword ptr [ebp-1388Ch]  //only in signed
012A1380  faddp       st(1),st  
012A1382  cmp         eax,80h  
012A1387  jne         measure<int>+6Bh (12A138Bh)  
012A1389  xor         eax,eax  
012A138B  inc         ecx  
012A138C  dec         esi  
012A138D  jne         measure<int>+4Dh (12A136Dh)  
012A138F  fstp        qword ptr [ebp+edi*8-13888h]  
012A1396  inc         edi  
012A1397  cmp         edi,2710h  
012A139D  jne         measure<int>+3Dh (12A135Dh)  


With int: 4.23944e+009 in 8secs
With unsigned int: 4.23944e+009 in 10secs
With int: 4.23944e+009 in 8secs

    for (int i = 0; i != Nr_Samples; ++i) { 
00F614C1  mov         edx,dword ptr [esi+4]  
00F614C4  xorps       xmm0,xmm0  //added in sse version
00F614C7  add         esp,4  
00F614CA  xor         edi,edi  
00F614CC  sub         edx,dword ptr [esi]  
        moments_results[i] = moments<T>(dataptr, data.size(), 128); 
00F614CE  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-13894h]  
00F614D4  xor         eax,eax  
00F614D6  movsd       mmword ptr [ebp-13890h],xmm0  //added in sse version
00F614DE  test        edx,edx  
00F614E0  je          measure<unsigned int>+8Ch (0F6151Ch)  
00F614E2  fld         qword ptr [ebp-13890h]  //added in sse version
00F614E8  mov         esi,edx  
00F614EA  movzx       ebx,byte ptr [ecx]  
00F614ED  imul        ebx,eax  
00F614F0  mov         dword ptr [ebp-1388Ch],ebx  
00F614F6  fild        dword ptr [ebp-1388Ch]  
00F614FC  test        ebx,ebx  
00F614FE  jns         measure<unsigned int>+76h (0F61506h)  
00F61500  fadd        qword ptr [__real@41f0000000000000 (0F631C8h)]  
00F61506  inc         eax  
00F61507  faddp       st(1),st  
00F61509  cmp         eax,80h  
00F6150E  jne         measure<unsigned int>+82h (0F61512h)  
00F61510  xor         eax,eax  
00F61512  inc         ecx  
00F61513  dec         esi  
00F61514  jne         measure<unsigned int>+5Ah (0F614EAh)  
00F61516  fstp        qword ptr [ebp-13890h]  
00F6151C  movsd       xmm1,mmword ptr [ebp-13890h]  //added in sse version
00F61524  movsd       mmword ptr [ebp+edi*8-13888h],xmm1  //added in sse version
00F6152D  inc         edi  
00F6152E  cmp         edi,2710h  
00F61534  jne         measure<unsigned int>+3Eh (0F614CEh)  

答案 3 :(得分:0)

我在运行Linux的64位机器上运行gcc 4.7.0。 我用clock_gettime调用替换了时间调用。

CPU:Intel X5680 @ 3.33 GHZ

GCC标志:-Wall -pedantic -O3 -std = c ++ 11


With int time per operation in ns: 11996, total time sec: 1.57237
Avg values: 1.06353e+09
With unsigned int time per operation in ns: 11539, total time sec: 1.5125
Avg values: 1.06353e+09
With int time per operation in ns: 11994, total time sec: 1.57217
Avg values: 1.06353e+09
