Public Function EncryptPassword(Password As String) As String
Dim EPassword As String = String.Empty
' Generate Random 128 Base64 Salt String
Dim Salt As String = Var.Simple3Des.GenerateSalt
' Divide into Substrings, and combine into splitable string
Dim SmallSalts As String = Salt.Substring(0, 32) + "." + Salt.Substring(32, 32) + "." + Salt.Substring(64, 32) + "." + Salt.Substring(96, 32)
' Create the Salt Array
Dim SaltArray = Split(SmallSalts, ".")
' Randomly Choose part of the array to actually use as salt
Dim rnd As New Random
Dim TrueSalt As String = SaltArray(rnd.Next(0, SaltArray.Length))
' Encrypt The Password
Dim Security As New Var.Simple3Des(TrueSalt)
EPassword = Security.EncryptData(Password)
' Divide up the salt and password and place into same string
Dim PasswordString As String = Salt.Substring(0, 16) + EPassword.Substring(0, 6) + Salt.Substring(16, 112) + EPassword.Substring(6, EPassword.Length - 6)
Return PasswordString
End Function
Public Function DecryptPassword(NtID As String)
' Grab The Users Encrypted Password
Dim UserID As Integer = GetAppUserID(NtID)
Dim User As Users = Var.db.Web.Users.Find(UserID)
Dim EPassword = User.Password
' Divided the Encrypted Password Into Salt and Actual Password
Dim Salt As String = EPassword.Substring(0, 16) + EPassword.Substring(22, 112)
Dim Password As String = EPassword.Substring(16, 6) + EPassword.Substring(134, EPassword.Length - 134)
Dim DPassword As String = String.Empty
' Try each substring of Salt until password is Decrypted.
If DPassword = String.Empty Then
Dim Security As New Var.Simple3Des(Salt.Substring(0, 32))
DPassword = Security.DecryptData(Password)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
DPassword = String.Empty
End Try
If DPassword = String.Empty Then
Dim Security As New Var.Simple3Des(Salt.Substring(32, 32))
DPassword = Security.DecryptData(Password)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
DPassword = String.Empty
End Try
If DPassword = String.Empty Then
Dim Security As New Var.Simple3Des(Salt.Substring(64, 32))
DPassword = Security.DecryptData(Password)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
DPassword = String.Empty
End Try
If DPassword = String.Empty Then
Dim Security As New Var.Simple3Des(Salt.Substring(96, 32))
DPassword = Security.DecryptData(Password)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
DPassword = String.Empty
End Try
Return DPassword
End Function
我的问题是 A.除了可能出现的性能问题外,这种方法还有哪些危险? B.这是否过度,是否正在腌制和存储这样的盐/密码甚至是必要的? C.如果这是不必要的,我可以使用其他方法来加盐和存储盐/密码吗?
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