
时间:2013-12-06 18:53:25

标签: perl


  1. 连接博客服务并提供最近更新的博客的名称。
  2. 将博客名称保存在文本文件中。
  3. 如何连接网页并从中读取数据?并保存该数据?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

Perl拥有各种Web套件,可以完成不同的任务。您可以考虑使用LWP::UserAgent + HTML::TreeWeb::QueryMojo。我更希望Mojo


use strict;    # safety net
use warnings;  # safety net
use feature 'say'; # a better "print"

use Mojo;

# fetch the stackoverflow perl page

my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my $perl_page = $ua->get('http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/perl')->res->dom;

# extract all questions:

my $questions = $perl_page->at('#questions');
for my $question ($questions->find('h3 > a')->each) {
  say $question->all_text;
  say "  <", $question->attr('href'), ">";


Perl script, parse text file between words
Having issues with Spreadsheet::WriteExcel that makes me run the script twice to get desired file
Calculate distance between a single atom and other atoms in a pdb file; print issue
Exit status of child spawned in a pipe
How get data from a web page and save it with perl?
GatoIcon.py automatically generated <?> from images via perl?
How and when can I use PPMs that weren't built in in ActivePerl 5.18?
Translating perl to python - What does this line do (class variable confusion)
Fix files “corrupted” by Perl
how to add slash separator in perl
negative look ahead on whole number but preceded by a character(perl)
Use variable expansion in heredoc while piping data to gnuplot
How do I create multiple database connections in Catalyst with DBIC
Moose's attribute vs simple sub?
How to use unicode in perl CGI param

答案 1 :(得分:2)


use WWW::Mechanize;
    my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();

    $mech->get( $url );

    $mech->follow_link( n => 3 );
    $mech->follow_link( text_regex => qr/download this/i );
    $mech->follow_link( url => 'http://host.com/index.html' );

        form_number => 3,
        fields      => {
            username    => 'mungo',
            password    => 'lost-and-alone',

        form_name => 'search',
        fields    => { query  => 'pot of gold', },
        button    => 'Search Now'

    # get all textarea controls whose names begin with "customer"
    my @customer_text_inputs = $mech->find_all_inputs(
        type       => 'textarea',
        name_regex => qr/^customer/,

    # get all text or textarea controls called "customer"
    my @customer_text_inputs = $mech->find_all_inputs(
        type_regex => qr/^(text|textarea)$/,
        name       => 'customer',

答案 2 :(得分:1)


use LWP::Simple;
my $content = get $url;

open (MYFILE, '>>data.txt');
print MYFILE $content;
close (MYFILE);

Perl手册的Windows help file格式电子书位于https://code.google.com/p/htmlhelp/downloads/detail?name=perl-5.10.0.chm