
时间:2013-12-06 09:36:05

标签: batch-file file-io

我有源和目标路径。 从源路径,任何.xls文件都将复制到目标路径,并将重命名为“data.csv”

假设文件未被复制或重命名。 我想在我的脚本中包含一个命令,该命令显示“data.csv”因zyx原因而无法复制或重命名。



@echo off
set DateFolder=04.2013
set TargetFolder=F:\Financial\Data\%DateFolder%\Final Reports

:: copy the newest file from AccruntPnLMTD and rename it to PNL.csv
call :copyAndRename "F:\Financial\Data\Reports\AccruntPnLMTD" "%TargetFolder%\PNL.csv"

:: copy the newest file from AccountPnlMTD and rename it to AC.csv
call :copyAndRename "F:\Financial\Data\Reports\AccountPnlMTD" "%TargetFolder%\AC.csv"

:: copy the newest file from ExpensesMTD and rename it to EXPMTD.csv
call :copyAndRename "F:\Financial\Data\Reports\ExpensesMTD" "%TargetFolder%\EXPMTD.csv"

:: Done
goto :eof

set SourceFolder=%~1
set TargetFile=%~2

:: Find the newest file in the source folder
for /f "tokens=*" %%F in ('dir /b /od /a-d "%SourceFolder%"') do set "NewestFile=%%F"

:: copy and rename it to the target
copy "%SourceFolder%\%NewestFile%" "%TargetFile%"

:: Done with this subroutine
goto :eof

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


set SourceFolder=%~1
set TargetFile=%~2

:: Find the newest file in the source folder
for /f "tokens=*" %%F in ('dir /b /od /a-d "%SourceFolder%"') do set "NewestFile=%%F"

for /f "tokens=*" %%F in ('dir /b /od /a-d "%SourceFolder%"') do (
    if NOT "%%F" == "%SourceFolder%\%NewestFile%" echo "%%F" not copied because it is an older file.

:: copy and rename it to the target
copy "%SourceFolder%\%NewestFile%" "%TargetFile%"

:: Done with this subroutine
goto :eof




:: copy and rename it to the target
copy "%SourceFolder%\%NewestFile%" "%TargetFile%"
if errorlevel 1 echo File "%SourceFolder%\%NewestFile%" not copied.

this post中所述,脚本的输出可以重定向到文件,以使用语法> logfile 2>&1进行记录。根据注释假设日志文件为F:\Financial\Data,命令行将变为

myscript.bat > F:\Financial\Data 2>&1

答案 1 :(得分:0)

set flag=%random%
(for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d /o-d') do (
    if not defined %flag% (
        echo copy "sourcefolder\%%~a" "targetfolder">con
        set %flag%=%random%
    ) else (
        echo Not copied: %%~a
type nocopy.log