
时间:2010-01-11 06:55:38

标签: cocoa macos applescript

    NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init] ;

 NSAppleEventDescriptor *eventDescriptor;
 NSAppleScript *script ;
 NSString* source ;
 NSDictionary* errorDic ;

 source=@"tell application \"iTunes\" \n"
 @"set tname to name of track 1 of playlist 1 \n"
 @"set tartist to artist of track 1 of playlist 1 \n"
 @"set talbum to album of track 1 of playlist 1 \n"
 @"set ttime to time of track 1 of playlist 1 \n"
 @"set tbitrate to bit rate of track 1 of playlist 1 \n"
 @"set tsize to size of track 1 of playlist 1 \n"
 @"set trating to rating of track 1 of playlist 1 \n"
 @"end tell";

 script = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:source];
 eventDescriptor = [script executeAndReturnError:&errorDic];
 NSString* frontUrl = [eventDescriptor stringValue];

 /*NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc]init];
 [alert setMessageText:frontUrl];
 [alert runModal];
 [alert release];*/

 [pool release] ;



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