doc.Principal = confdoc.mDefaultPrincipal(0)
doc.SendTo = curdoc.empShortID(0)
Call doc.Send(False, False)
Print "Error in function TriggerMail -- " & Cstr(Error) & " -- occured at line - " & Cstr(Erl())
MsgBox Err
If Err = 4294 Then
curdoc.Flag = "Invalid 'To' Shortname"
curdoc.defaulterSLACount = CInt(defaultCount)
Call curdoc.Save(False, True)
Exit function
End If
答案 0 :(得分:0)
不幸的是,只要至少有一个地址可以,就不会产生错误。 您必须手动检查所有地址以获取错误。最好的方法是遍历所有地址,然后查看($ Users) - 在domino目录中查看。 这可能如下所示:
Dim varRecipients as Variant
varRecipients = doc.SendTo
varRecipients = ArrayUnique( ArrayAppend( varRecipients, doc.CopyTo ) )
varRecipients = ArrayUnique( ArrayAppend( varRecipients, doc.BlindCopyTo ) )
Dim dbNab as NotesDatabase
Dim viwLkp as NotesView
Dim docPerson as NotesDocument
Set dbNab = New NotesDatabase( db.Server, "names.nsf" )
Set viwLkp = dbNab.GetView( "($Users)" )
Forall strRecipient in varRecipients
'- this check is optional. Addresses with an @ never create an err 4294
'- If your function never sends mails outside of the domain, you can omit it.
If instr( strRecipient, "@" ) = 0 then
Set docPerson = viwLkp.GetDocumentByKey( strRecipient, True )
If docPerson is Nothing then
'- flag your document, do whatever you want,
'- as this recipient does not exist
End If
End If
End Forall