
时间:2013-12-05 10:19:10

标签: javascript jquery




  1. 我可以显示“16点指南针中的风向”现在我得到西/西南的WSW,但我需要它作为W / SW并且是丹麦V / SV如何/在哪里可以自己翻译。< / LI>
  2. 使用每小时公里的风速,所以我得到的速度可能是35 km / t,但我需要它以m / s为单位我能翻译/转换它我知道km / h是35,所以我该如何转换它乘以((35 * 1000)/(60 * 60))= 9,7((km / h * 1000m / km)/(60min / h * 60sec / m))并在其后显示1个数字。
  3. 我在哪里可以翻译“天气状况描述”,所以我用丹麦语来表达。
  4. 希望someoe可以指导我如何制作它以及如何调用它。


    <script type="text/javascript">
        var template =  '<div class="{{cssClass}}">\
                            <div class="current">\
                                    <span class="temperature">{{currentCondition.temp}}°<sup>{{typeTemp}}</sup></span>\
                                    <span class="climacon {{currentWeatherIcon}} pic"></span>\
                                    <span class="location">{{city}}, Danmark</span>\
                                    <span class=""><img src="{{options.uri}}/images/precipitation.png" alt="Nedbør" /> {{currentCondition.precipMM}} mm</span>\
                                    <span class="climacon wind" title="Vind hastighed"> {{currentCondition.windspeedKmph}} km/t</span>\
                                    <span class="climacon degree">Vind Retning {{currentCondition.winddir16Point}}</span>\
                                    <span class="climacon templow">Laveste måling {{tempMin}}°</span>\
                                    <span class="climacon tempmax">Højeste måling {{tempMax}}°</span>\
                                    <span class="climacon obse">Luftfugtighed {{currentCondition.humidity}}%</span>\
                            <div class="next-days" style="display:none">\
                                    <span class="day">{{day}}</span>\
                                    <span class="temp-max">{{max}}</span>\
                                    <span class="temp-min">{{min}}</span>\
                                    <span class="temp-pic"></span>\
                                    <span class="day">{{date}}</span>\
                                    <span class="temp-max">{{tempMax}}°</span>\
                                    <span class="temp-min">{{tempMin}}°</span>\
                                    <span class="climacon {{dayWeatherIcon}} temp-pic"></span>\
         id: "",
         day: "Date",
         max: "Max",
         min: "Min",
         refresh: 0,
         templates: [template]


     * WhatWeather 1.2, jQuery plugin
     * Copyright(c) 2013, Salman Amakran
     * http://getkode.be/whatweather/
     * WhatWeather provides weather's data and let you manage the display
     * You may use WhatWeather under the terms of the GNU GPL licence
     * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
            whatWeather: function (settings) {
                var $this = $(this);
                function WhatWeather(settings){
                    // unique id
                    var uuid     = new Date().getTime();
                    //get the current dir
                    var uri      = window.location.protocol+'//'+window.location.host;
                    var pathname = window.location.pathname != "/" ? window.location.pathname.split("/") : [], dir = "";
                    for (var i = 1; i < pathname.length -1; i++) {
                        dir += "/"+ pathname[i]; 
                    uri = uri + dir;
                    // default settings    
                    var options = {
                        uuid: uuid,
                        uri: uri,
                        id: "",
                        city: "",
                        days: 1,
                        latitude: 0,
                        longitude: 0,
                        ip: false,
                        geolocation: false,
                        async: true,
                        refresh: 600,
                        cache: false,
                        dayAndNight: false,
                        cssClass: "widget-1",
                        typeTemp: "C",
                        day: "Date",
                        max: "Max",
                        min: "Min",
                        msgError: "Loading error",
                        weekDays: ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],
                        months: ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],
                        dateFormat: "{{dd}}/{{mm}}/{{yy}}",
                        updateDateFormat: "{{DD}} {{M}} {{d}}, {{yy}}",
                        template: 0,
                        templates: ['<div class="{{cssClass}}">\
                             <div class="current">\
                                 <span class="temperature">{{currentCondition.temp}}°<sup>{{typeTemp}}</sup></span>\
                                 <span class="climacon {{currentWeatherIcon}} pic"></span>\
                                 <span class="location">{{city}}, {{country}}</span>\
                             <div class="next-days" style="display:none">\
                                 <span class="day">{{day}}</span>\
                                 <span class="temp-max">{{max}}</span>\
                                 <span class="temp-min">{{min}}</span>\
                                 <span class="temp-pic"></span>\
                                 <span class="day">{{date}}</span>\
                                 <span class="temp-max">{{tempMax}}°</span>\
                                 <span class="temp-min">{{tempMin}}°</span>\
                                 <span class="climacon {{dayWeatherIcon}} temp-pic"></span>\
                            '<div class="{{cssClass}}">\
                             <div class="current">\
                                 <span class="temperature">{{currentCondition.temp}}°<sup>{{typeTemp}}</sup></span>\
                                 <span class="climacon {{currentWeatherIcon}} pic"></span>\
                                 <span class="location">{{city}}, {{country}}</span>\
                            '<div class="{{cssClass}}">\
                             <div class="current">\
                                 <span class="climacon {{currentWeatherIcon}} pic"></span>\
                                 <span class="temperature">{{currentCondition.temp}}°<sup>{{typeTemp}}</sup></span>\
                                 <span class="location">{{city}}</span>\
                        icons: {
                            day: {
                                'w-395':'flurries sun',
                                'w-392':'lightning sun',
                                'w-386':'lightning sun',
                                'w-374':'hail sun',
                                'w-371':'fleurries sun',
                                'w-368':'snow sun',
                                'w-365':'sleet sun',
                                'w-362':'sleet sun',
                                'w-356':'downpour sun',
                                'w-353':'showers sun',
                                'w-335':'fleurries sun',
                                'w-326':'snow sun',
                                'w-323':'snow sun',
                                'w-305':'rain sun',
                                'w-299':'rain sun',
                                'w-296':'drizzle sun',
                                'w-263':'drizzle sun',
                                'w-260':'flog sun',
                                'w-248':'flog sun',
                                'w-200':'lightning sun',
                                'w-179':'sleet sun',
                                'w-176':'drizzle sun',
                                'w-143':'haze sun',
                                'w-116':'cloud sun',
                            night: {
                                'w-395':'fleurries moon',
                                'w-392':'lightning moon',
                                'w-386':'lightning moon',
                                'w-374':'hail moon',
                                'w-371':'fleurries moon',
                                'w-368':'snow moon',
                                'w-365':'sleet moon',
                                'w-362':'sleet moon',
                                'w-356':'downpour moon',
                                'w-353':'showers moon',
                                'w-335':'fleurries moon',
                                'w-326':'snow moon',
                                'w-323':'snow moon',
                                'w-305':'rain moon',
                                'w-299':'rain moon',
                                'w-296':'drizzle moon',
                                'w-263':'drizzle moon',
                                'w-260':'flog moon',
                                'w-248':'flog moon',
                                'w-200':'lightning moon',
                                'w-179':'sleet moon',
                                'w-176':'drizzle moon',
                                'w-143':'haze moon',
                                'w-116':'cloud moon',
                        before: function(el, options){
                            el.html('<div class="loading"></div>');
                        after: function(el, options){
                            if ($(".next-days", el).length) {
                                $(".next-days", el).delay(500).toggle("fast");
                        success: function(el, data, options){
                            data.data.current_condition[0].temp = options.typeTemp.toLowerCase() == "c"  ? 
                                                                        data.data.current_condition[0].temp_C :
                            data.data.current_condition[0].dayOrNight = "day";
                            if (options.dayAndNight) {                                            
                                data.data.current_condition[0].dayOrNight = isDay(data.data.current_condition[0].localObsDateTime) ? "day" : "night";
                            data.data.current_condition[0].localObsDateTime = Mustache.render(options.updateDateFormat, 
                            var icons = options.icons.day;
                            for (var i = 0; i < data.data.weather.length; i++) {
                                data.data.weather[i].dayWeatherIcon = icons["w-"+data.data.weather[i].weatherCode];
                                data.data.weather[i].dayWeatherPic = data.data.weather[i].weatherCode;
                                data.data.weather[i].date = Mustache.render(options.dateFormat, getDate(data.data.weather[i].date));
                                data.data.weather[i].tempMin = options.typeTemp.toLowerCase() == "c"  ? 
                                                                    data.data.weather[i].tempMinC :
                                data.data.weather[i].tempMax = options.typeTemp.toLowerCase() == "c"  ? 
                                                                    data.data.weather[i].tempMaxC :
                            var weather = {
                                "day": options.day,
                                "max": options.max,
                                "min": options.min,
                                "cssClass": options.cssClass,
                                "typeTemp": options.typeTemp,
                                "currentCondition": data.data.current_condition[0],
                                "currentWeatherIcon":   data.data.current_condition[0].dayOrNight == "night" ?
                                                            options.icons.night["w-"+data.data.current_condition[0].weatherCode] :
                                "city": data.data.nearest_area[0].areaName[0].value,
                                "country": data.data.nearest_area[0].country[0].value,
                                "nextDays": (options.days > 0 ? data.data.weather : null),
                                "options": options
                            if (window.localStorage && options.refresh > 0) {
                                localStorage.setItem(options.id ? options.id : options.city, JSON.stringify(weather));
                                localStorage.setItem((options.id ? options.id : options.city)+"-time", new Date().getTime() + (options.refresh * 1000));
                            displayWather(el, weather);
                        fail: function(el, options){
                            el.html('<div class="error"><span>'+options.msgError+'</span></div>');
                    // The function getWeather excute an Ajax request to get weather data
                    var getWeather = function(){
                        var el          = $(Mustache.render(options.templates[options.template], options));
                        var needRefresh = window.localStorage && options.refresh > 0 ? 
                                            (new Date().getTime() > window.localStorage.getItem((options.id ? options.id : options.city)+"-time") ? true : false) 
                                            : true;
                        if (needRefresh) {
                            // call before method
                                url : options.uri +'/get_weather.php',
                                type: 'GET',
                                data: {
                                    city: encodeURIComponent(options.city),
                                    days: options.days,
                                    latitude: options.latitude,
                                    longitude: options.longitude,
                                    ip: options.ip,
                                    refresh: options.refresh,
                                    cache: options.cache,
                                    uuid: uuid
                                dataType: 'json',
                                async: options.async,
                                beforeSend : options.before(el, options)
                                if (response.data.error) {
                                    options.msgError = response.data.error[0].msg;
                                    options.fail(el, options);
                                } else {
                                    options.success(el, response, options);
                            }).fail(function(options) {
                                options.fail(el, options);
                        } else {
                            displayWather(el, JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(options.id ? options.id : options.city)));
                     * This function display the weather
                     * @param el a jQuery object
                     * @param weather a JSON object contains the weather data
                    var displayWather =  function(el, weather) {
                        tmp = $(Mustache.render(options.templates[options.template], weather));
                        options.after(tmp, options);
                     * The getLocation function is called by the Geolocation API
                     * @param postion is a Geolocation object
                    var getLocation = function (position) {
                        options.latitude  = position.coords.latitude;
                        options.longitude = position.coords.longitude;
                     * This function is called if the geolocation fail
                     * @param error contains the error's message
                    var errorGetLocation = function (error) {
                        var info = "Error during the geolocation : ";
                        switch(error.code) {
                            case error.TIMEOUT:
                                info += "Timeout !";
                            case error.PERMISSION_DENIED:
                                info += "You have not given permission";
                            case error.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE:
                                info += "The position could not be determined";
                            case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR:
                                info += "Unknown error";
                        // in this case, the IP option is activated.
                        options.ip = true;
                     * getDate function get a date and parses it
                     * @param date a string 
                     * @return a JSON object
                    var getDate = function (date) {
                        var d = new Date(date);
                        // parse date
                        if (date) {
                            tmp = date.split(/[^0-9]/);
                            for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                                tmp[i] = tmp[i] != undefined ? tmp[i] : "00";
                            d = new Date(tmp[0],tmp[1]-1,tmp[2],tmp[3],tmp[4]);
                        parse = {
                            "a": ""+ (d.getHours() > 12 ? "pm" : "am"),
                            "A": ""+ (d.getHours() > 12 ? "PM" : "AM"),
                            "g": ""+ (d.getHours() > 12 ? d.getHours()-12 : d.getHours()),
                            "gg": ""+ (d.getHours() < 10 ? "0"+ d.getHours() : (d.getHours() > 12 ? d.getHours()-12 : d.getHours())),
                            "h": ""+ (d.getHours()),
                            "hh": ""+ (d.getHours() < 10 ? "0"+ d.getHours() : d.getHours()),
                            "i": ""+ (d.getMinutes()), 
                            "ii": ""+ (d.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0"+ d.getMinutes() : d.getMinutes()), 
                            "s": ""+ (d.getSeconds()),
                            "ss": ""+ (d.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0"+ d.getSeconds() : d.getSeconds()),
                            "d": ""+ (d.getDate()), 
                            "dd": ""+ (d.getDate() < 10 ? "0"+ d.getDate() : d.getDate()),
                            "m": ""+ (d.getMonth()+1),
                            "mm": ""+ (d.getMonth() < 9 ? "0"+ (d.getMonth()+1) : d.getMonth()+1),
                            "y": ""+ (d.getYear()-100),
                            "yy": ""+ (d.getFullYear()),
                            "DD": options.weekDays[d.getDay()],
                            "D": options.weekDays[d.getDay()].substring(0,3),
                            "MM": options.months[d.getMonth()],
                            "M": options.months[d.getMonth()].substring(0,3)
                        return parse;
                     * getUpdateDate get the update date and parses it
                     * @param date a string
                    var getUpdateDate = function(date){
                        var tmp  = date.split(" ");
                        var time = tmp[1].split(":");
                        if (tmp[2] == "PM") {
                            time[0] = time[0] == 12 ? time[0] : parseInt(time[0]) + 12;
                        return getDate(tmp[0]+"T"+time.join(":"));
                     * This function tests if the current time is day
                     * @param time a string
                     * @return true or false
                    var isDay = function(time){
                        var tmp  = time.split(" ");
                        var time = tmp[1].split(":"); 
                        if ((tmp[2].indexOf("AM") != -1 && parseInt(time[0]) > 5) || (tmp[2].indexOf("PM") != -1 && parseInt(time[0]) < 8)) {
                            return true;
                        } else {
                            return false;
                     * setDefaults function set the default settings
                     * @param settings JSON object
                    var setDefaults = function(settings) {
                        $.extend(options, settings);
                        return this;
                    // set dafault settings
                    setDefaults(settings || {});
                    if (navigator.geolocation && options.geolocation) {
                        navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position){getLocation(position)}, function(error){errorGetLocation(error)});
                    } else {
                // initialisation 
                return this.each(function() { 
                    new WhatWeather(settings);
                    return this;

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