
时间:2013-12-03 23:20:00

标签: arrays regex perl reference






DateTime    Temp    SpCond  Salinity    DO% DO Conc DO Charge   Depth   pH  pHmV    Chlorophyll %Fluorescence
M/D/Y   C   mS/cm   ppt %   mg/L        m       mV  ug/L    %FS
2/17/2009 14:01 2.79    45.303  28.45   124.4   13.87   46  1.092   8.56    -93.4   4.7 1.1


Date/Time   Temp    Speci Cond  Salinity    DO  DO  DO Charge   Depth   pH  pH
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss °C  mS/cm   PPT %   mg/L    DOchrg  meters  pH  mV
7/13/2010 13:31 23.52   46.821  30.44   72.8    5.19    39  9.369   7.69    -46.3


Date/Timemm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss    Temperature°C  Specific CondmS/cm  SalinityPPT DO% DOmg/L  DO ChargeDOchrg Depthmeters pHpH    pHmV    Chlorophyllug/L ChlorophyllRFU  Temperature°C   ConductivitymS/cm   ResistivityKOhm.cm  TDSg/L  Densityg/cm3    

1/15/2010 13:30 2.41    49.78   31.49   129.7   14.31   98  1.108   8.08    -85.6   7.7 1.8 -9999   -9999   -9999   -9999   -9999
1/15/2010 13:45 2.26    49.708  31.42   126.7   14.03   98  1.104   8.08    -85.7   9.1 2.2 -9999   -9999   -9999   -9999   -9999
1/15/2010 14:00 2.23    49.664  31.38   126.3   14  99  1.092   8.1 -86.5   8.5 2   -9999   -9999   -9999   -9999   -9999
1/15/2010 14:15 2.19    49.685  31.39   125.1   13.88   97  1.091   8.11    -87 8.3 2   -9999   -9999   -9999   -9999   -9999
1/15/2010 14:30 2.22    49.703  31.41   125.3   13.89   99  1.105   8.11    -87.5   8.4 2   -9999   -9999   -9999   -9999   -9999



#1-find all unique headers in each file
#2-put the data from each file into a new one that is defined by the unique headers

use Tie::File;  #each txt file is represented as an array

my @tog=(); #where I will store the headers and units I find
my @lines=();
     opendir my $CWD, '.' or die "opendir .: $!\n";

    my @files = grep /\.txt$/i, readdir $CWD; #read the txt file
    closedir $CWD;
    for (@files) {
        tie my @lines, 'Tie::File', $_ or die $!;
            my @headers = split(/\t/,$lines[0]); 
            my @units=split(/\t/,$lines[1]);        
            for( my $i=0 ; $i<=$#headers; $i++){
            my $one= join "",$headers[$i],$units[$i];


#1-get the unique headers
my %seen;
@tog = grep { ! $seen{$_}++ } @tog; #get the unique headers of all the files in the folder
@tog = grep {$_} @tog;

my $UH=@tog;
my @headers=();
#create a new file's headers name based on unique header name
for( my $f=0; $f<=$UH; $f++){
    print "$tog[$f] \t $f\n"; #when I do this I see that I haven't gotten rid of the blank ones!
    push(@headers, $tog[$f]); # create header based on unique variable

open my $fh, '>', 'DATAEXPORT.txt' or die "Could not open file: $!"; #declare your function handle fh. this will do the writing
print $fh join("\t", @headers), "\n";

#2-put the data from each file into a new one that is defined by the unique headers
    opendir my $CWD, '.' or die "opendir .: $!\n";
    my @files = grep /\.txt$/i, readdir $CWD; #read the txt file
    closedir $CWD;      
    for (@files) {
    my @search=();  
        tie my @lines, 'Tie::File', $_ or die $!;
            my @headers = split(/\t/,$lines[0]); 
            my @units=split(/\t/,$lines[1]);    
            for( my $i=0 ; $i<=$#units; $i++){
            my $one= join "",$headers[$i],$units[$i];
        my @expr=@tog;
        @pattern= grep {$_} @search;
#this is the array that contains the headers and units of the particular file I am looking at       
            #Now that I have read what matches the expression, I should use these things to write into a txt file

    my $Nlines=$#lines; #grab the number of lines you will be working with  
        for( my $j=0; $j<=$Nlines; $j++){
                my @dataline_array=split(/\t/,$lines[$j]);
                my @datarow=();
                for(my $i=0; $i<=$#expr; $i++){                             
                    for(my $ii=0; $ii<=$#pattern; $ii++){ #Do this until you are cycling through all data points                                                                                    
                        if ($pattern[$ii] =~ m/$expr[$i]/){                         
                    if($found eq 0){ #if we looked through all of them, and didn't find a match
                    undef $found;                   
                    #loop through each expression                
                #do this for every row you write                
                open(my $fh, '>>', 'DATAEXPORT.txt') or die "Could not open file '$filename' $!"; #open an append to bottom of file
                print $fh join("\t",@datarow), "\n";
                close $fh;

                undef @datarow;

        #Now that we have gone through all of our lines, lets print out doc 
        undef @expr;
        undef @pattern;     

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


my @headers = grep { /\S/ } split(/\t/,$lines[0]);
my @units=grep { /\S/ } split(/\t/,$lines[1]);


my @headers = split /\s*\t\s*/, $lines[0];
my @units = split /\s*\t\s*/, $lines[0];



  • 使用Tie::File表示如果修改@lines的其中一个元素,则该更改将更新文件的内容。我不认为这就是你想要做的。如果没有,那么这样做可能会更加安全:

    open(FILE, $_) or die $!;
    @lines = <FILE>;
    close FILE;
  • 看起来@headers数组与@tog之间没有任何区别。您可以删除将@tog复制到@headers

  • 的代码
  • 在每个文件中结合@headers@units的代码可以移动到子程序中,以便更容易理解您的代码:

    sub combined_headers_and_units {
        my ($header_line, $units_line) = @_;
        chomp $header_line;
        chomp $units_line;
        my @headers = split /\s*\t\s*/, $header_line;
        my @units = split /\s*\t\s*/, $units_line;
        my @combined = ();
        for( my $i=0 ; $i <= $#headers; $i++) {
            my $one= join ",",$headers[$i],$units[$i];
            push @combined, $one;
        return @combined;


    for (@files) {
        open (FILE, $_) or die $!;
        my $header_line = <FILE>;
        my $units_line = <FILE>;
        close FILE;
        push @tog, combined_headers_and_units($header_line, $units_line);
