
时间:2013-12-03 23:08:08

标签: loops excel-vba dynamic range msgbox




我假设我应该为此做一些Do While或Do Until或For循环,但后来我在概念上混淆了是否在循环中或循环外声明我的变量然后如何连接可能多个未列出的在最后的同一个消息框中输入名称。


Sub QANameIsListed()
'Declare the variables.
Dim nRow As Long
Dim nStart As Long, nEnd As Long
Dim sEmail As String
Dim sName As String

'Figure out what first email address is.
sEmail = Range("D2").Text

'Figure out where first group data starts.
For nRow = 1 To 65536
    If Range("D" & nRow).Value = sEmail Then
        nStart = nRow
    End If
Exit For
Next nRow

'Figure out where first group data ends.
For nRow = nStart To 65536
    If Range("D" & nRow).Value <> sEmail Then
        nEnd = nRow
    End If
Exit For
Next nRow
nEnd = nEnd - 1

'Check whether the name is listed in the second column.
With Range("G" & nStart & ":G" & nEnd)
sName = Range("B" & nStart).Text & " " & Range("C" & nStart).Text
    Set c = .Find(sEmail)
    If c Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox (sName & " " & "isn't listed." _
        & "  " & "Please add their information before continuing.")
        MsgBox ("All clear!")
    End If
End With
End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我的帖子中没有真正的问题。 :)但是,这是我的看法。

首先,您将Exit For放在错误的位置。如果您将其放在If---End If块之外,那么For循环将始终在Next nRow之前退出。

其次,你循环遍历65536个单元两次,这不仅是资源密集型的,它也不是完全兼容的。如果我的数据在第65537行,我完全回避了循环。毕竟,在Excel 2007之后,有一百万个可用行。



我对您的代码的修改未经测试,但它会捕获您尝试实现的内容,然后可能会执行某些操作。有些线路我冒昧完全删除,因为我发现它们是不必要的(Set c = .Find(sEmail),一个)。我还添加了一些其他“新手友好”的内容,例如Boolean检查以及MsgBox中多行的快速和脏方法。


Sub QANameIsListed()
'Declare the variables.
Dim nRow As Long
Dim nStart As Long, nEnd As Long
Dim sEmail As String
Dim sName As String
Dim cRng As Range, cL As Range 'BK201: Declare cRng.
Dim rStr As String 'BK201: For multiple unlisted names.
Dim aClr As Boolean 'BK201: To check if it's all clear.

'Figure out what the first email address is.
sEmail = Range("D2").Value

'Figure out where first group data starts.
nStart = Range("D:D").Find(sEmail).Row

'Figure out where first group data ends.
nEnd = Range("D:D").Rows.Find(What:=sEmail, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row

'BK201: Set the target range.
Set cRng = Range("G" & nStart & ":G" & nEnd)

'BK201: Set a default value for aClr.
aClr = True

For Each cL In cRng
    'Similar to B and C.
    sName = cL.Offset(0, -5).Value & " " & cL.Offset(0, -4).Value
    If cL.Value = sEmail Then
        'Do nothing. Let the loop continue.
        aClr = False 'BK201: Oops. At least one entry isn't listed.
        rStr = rStr & sName & vbNewLine
    End If
Next cL

If aClr Then 'BK201: If all is clear...
    MsgBox "All clear!"
Else 'BK201: Otherwise...
    rStr = "The unlisted names are:" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & rStr
    rStr = rStr & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Please add their information before continuing."
    MsgBox rStr
End If

End Sub


如果这听起来不错,请告诉我们,以便我们相应地应用它。否则,此代码将在您当前的设置或请求中正常工作。 :)


Similar set-up.



Private Sub CheckIfLeadExists()

    'Dimension area.
    Dim wSht As Worksheet
    Dim rMem As Range
    Dim vList As Variant, vElement As Variant
    Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long
    Dim sEmail As String, sName As String, rStr As String
    Dim bClear As Boolean

    'Assignment area.
    Set wSht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") 'Modify as necessary.
    vList = wSht.Range("J2:J4").Value 'Assign the unique e-mails to a variable.
    bClear = True 'Default value of boolean check for clear run.

    For Each vElement In vList 'Iterate over the e-mails.
        sEmail = vElement
        With wSht
            'Find the starting row for current e-mail of loop.
            lStart = .Columns("D").Find(sEmail).Row
            'Likewise, find the ending row for current e-mail of loop.
            lEnd = .Columns("D").Find(sEmail, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
            'Get the lead's name.
            sName = .Cells(lStart, 2).Value & " " & .Cells(lStart, 3).Value
            'Assign the member's area to a range.
            Set rMem = .Range("E" & lStart & ":G" & lEnd)
        End With
        'We now search this member's area for the current lead's e-mail.
        If Not rMem.Find(sEmail) Is Nothing Then
            'E-mail exists in member's area. Do nothing.
            bClear = False 'Oops. At least one entry isn't listed.
            rStr = rStr & sName & vbNewLine 'Add to string.
        End If
    Next vElement

    If bClear Then 'If all is clear...
        MsgBox "All clear!"
    Else 'Otherwise, list them all.
        rStr = "The unlisted names are:" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & rStr
        rStr = rStr & vbNewLine & "Please add their information before continuing."
        MsgBox rStr
    End If

End Sub


Should be perfect now.



Private Sub CheckIfLeadExists()

    'Dimension area.
    Dim wSht As Worksheet
    Dim rMem As Range
    Dim vList As Variant, vElement As Variant
    Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, lRow As Long
    Dim sEmail As String, sName As String, rStr As String
    Dim bClear As Boolean
    Dim oDict As Object, vMails As Variant, vItem As Variant
    Dim lCount As Long

    'Assignment area.
    Set wSht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") 'Modify as necessary.

    'Get first all the emails with duplicates. Modify as necessary.
    vMails = wSht.Range("D2:D" & Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row).Value
    'Create a dictionary.
    Set oDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    With oDict
        For Each vItem In vMails
            If Not .Exists(vItem) And Not IsEmpty(vItem) Then
                .Add vItem, Empty
            End If
        Next vItem
    End With
    'Copy unique list of e-mails to column J.
    lRow = oDict.Count
    wSht.Range("J2").Resize(lRow, 1).Value = Application.Transpose(oDict.Keys)
    vList = wSht.Range("J2:J" & lRow + 1).Value 'Assign the unique e-mails to a variable.
    bClear = True 'Default value of boolean check for clear run.

    For Each vElement In vList 'Iterate over the e-mails.
        sEmail = vElement
        With wSht
            'Find the starting row for current e-mail of loop.
            lStart = .Columns("D").Find(sEmail).Row
            'Likewise, find the ending row for current e-mail of loop.
            lEnd = .Columns("D").Find(sEmail, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
            'Get the lead's name.
            sName = .Cells(lStart, 2).Value & " " & .Cells(lStart, 3).Value
            'Assign the member's area to a range.
            Set rMem = .Range("E" & lStart & ":G" & lEnd)
        End With
        'We now search this member's area for the current lead's e-mail.
        If Not rMem.Find(sEmail) Is Nothing Then
            'E-mail exists in member's area. Do nothing.
            bClear = False 'Oops. At least one entry isn't listed.
            rStr = rStr & sName & vbNewLine 'Add to string.
        End If
    Next vElement

    If bClear Then 'If all is clear...
        MsgBox "All clear!"
    Else 'Otherwise, list them all.
        rStr = "The unlisted names are:" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & rStr
        rStr = rStr & vbNewLine & "Please add their information before continuing."
        MsgBox rStr
    End If

End Sub




Private Sub CheckIfLeadExists()

    'Dimension area.
    Dim wSht As Worksheet
    Dim rMem As Range
    Dim vList As Variant, vElement As Variant
    Dim lStart As Long, lEnd As Long, lRow As Long
    Dim sEmail As String, sName As String, rStr As String
    Dim bClear As Boolean
    Dim oDict As Object, vMails As Variant, vItem As Variant
    Dim lCount As Long

    'Assignment area.
    Set wSht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet5") 'Modify as necessary.

    'Get first all the emails with duplicates. Modify as necessary.
    vMails = wSht.Range("D2:D" & Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row).Value
    'Create a dictionary.
    Set oDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    With oDict
        For Each vItem In vMails
            If Not .Exists(vItem) And Not IsEmpty(vItem) Then
                .Add vItem, Empty
            End If
        Next vItem
    End With
    'Copy unique list of e-mails to column J.
    lRow = 2 '--Changed this.
    For Each Key In oDict.Keys '--Changed this as well.
        wSht.Range("J" & lRow).Value = Key
        lRow = lRow + 1
    Next Key
    vList = wSht.Range("J2:J" & lRow + 1).Value 'Assign the unique e-mails to a variable.
    bClear = True 'Default value of boolean check for clear run.

    For Each vElement In vList 'Iterate over the e-mails.
        sEmail = vElement
        With wSht
            'Find the starting row for current e-mail of loop.
            lStart = .Columns("D").Find(sEmail).Row
            'Likewise, find the ending row for current e-mail of loop.
            lEnd = .Columns("D").Find(sEmail, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
            'Get the lead's name.
            sName = .Cells(lStart, 2).Value & " " & .Cells(lStart, 3).Value
            'Assign the member's area to a range.
            Set rMem = .Range("E" & lStart & ":G" & lEnd)
        End With
        'We now search this member's area for the current lead's e-mail.
        If Not rMem.Find(sEmail) Is Nothing Then
            'E-mail exists in member's area. Do nothing.
            bClear = False 'Oops. At least one entry isn't listed.
            rStr = rStr & sName & vbNewLine 'Add to string.
        End If
    Next vElement

    If bClear Then 'If all is clear...
        MsgBox "All clear!"
    Else 'Otherwise, list them all.
        rStr = "The unlisted names are:" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & rStr
        rStr = rStr & vbNewLine & "Please add their information before continuing."
        MsgBox rStr
    End If

End Sub

