Loaded into eax: 49
我一直在跟英特尔manual(pdf)完全一样(或至少我认为)。 Page 175通用寄存器字符串指令。
.global main
str: .string "Loaded into eax: %d\n"
one: .string "1"
pushl $4 #push size of malloc
call malloc #call malloc
popl %ecx #clear malloc size off of stack
movl %eax, %edi #move address to destination
movl %edi, %ecx #
movb one, %al #move a 1 into %al
stosb #store the 1 in %al to the address in destination
movl %ecx, %esi #move address to source for lodsb
movl $0, %eax #clear eax register
lodsb #load content of (%esi) into %eax
pushl %eax #push that content onto stack
pushl $str #push string format onto stack
call printf #call printf
popl %ecx #clear stack
popl %ecx #clear stack