我有一个Linq to Entites查询,我已经实现了逻辑。但是,我在字符串连接后执行了查询where
// But the below query throws string join cannot be converted to store expression.
var NewBibContentsModel = (from x in db.BibContents
where (x.TagNo == "245" && string.Join(" ", x.NormValue) == aa.CurrentTitle) || ((x.TagNo == "020") || (x.TagNo == "022") && string.Join(" ", x.NormValue) == aa.CurrentISBN)
select new
BibId = x.BibId,
Title = (from a in db.BibContents where a.BibId == x.BibId && a.TagNo == "245" orderby a.Id ascending select a.NormValue),
Author = (from a in db.BibContents where a.BibId == x.BibId && splitted.Contains(a.TagNo) && a.NormValue != null select a.TagNo).FirstOrDefault(),
ISBN = (from a in db.BibContents where a.BibId == x.BibId && a.NormValue != null && (a.TagNo == "020" || a.TagNo == "022") orderby a.Id ascending select a.NormValue)
}).AsEnumerable().Select(x => new BibContentsModel
BibId = x.BibId,
Title = string.Join(" ", x.Title),
Author = string.Join(" ", (from a in db.BibContents where a.BibId == x.BibId && a.TagNo == x.Author orderby a.Id select a.NormValue)),
ISBN = string.Join(" ", x.ISBN),
RRId = aa.RRId
var NewBibContentsModel = (from x in db.BibContents
select new
BibId = x.BibId,
Title = (from a in db.BibContents where a.BibId == x.BibId && a.TagNo == "245" orderby a.Id ascending select a.NormValue),
//Tit = (from a in db.BibContents where a.BibId == line.BibId && a.TagNo == "245" && a.Sfld == "a" select a.NormValue).FirstOrDefault(),
Author = (from a in db.BibContents where a.BibId == x.BibId && splitted.Contains(a.TagNo) && a.NormValue != null select a.TagNo).FirstOrDefault(),
ISBN = (from a in db.BibContents where a.BibId == x.BibId && a.NormValue != null && (a.TagNo == "020" || a.TagNo == "022") orderby a.Id ascending select a.NormValue)
}).AsEnumerable().Select(x => new BibContentsModel
BibId = x.BibId,
Title = string.Join(" ", x.Title),
Author = string.Join(" ", (from a in db.BibContents where a.BibId == x.BibId && a.TagNo == x.Author orderby a.Id select a.NormValue)),
ISBN = string.Join(" ", x.ISBN),
RRId = aa.RRId
}).Where (x=> x.Title == aa.CurrentTitle || (x.ISBN == aa.CurrentISBN)).ToList();