
时间:2013-12-02 18:19:25

标签: salesforce force.com


我想要做的是将DevOrg中的DevOrg对象,代码,页面等传输到我创建的新组织(NewOrg)中的沙箱。 NewOrg及其沙箱没有与应用程序相关的任何代码/对象。我已经使用迁移工具从DevOrg中检索代码,并以各种方式设计package.xml以获取部署NewOrg沙箱的代码,但我不断遇到大量错误,例如:

 [sf:deploy]  SomeClass: line 1014, column 95: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:
 [sf:deploy]  SomceClass2: line 475, column 37: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

我进入Eclipse IDE并从DevOrg检出项目,导出项目并将其导入到指向NewOrg沙箱的项目中。我想也许这会给我一些关于工作package.xml的提示,因为我可以在Eclipse IDE中的DevOrg项目中工作而没有任何问题/错误。


Save error: 
sObject type 'SomeClass__c' is not supported. 
If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. 
Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.


Save error:
Appointment_Type_Form__c.Form__c : referenceTo value of 'Form_Template__c' 
does not resolve to a valid sObject type Appointment_Type_Form__c.object 

Save error:
Form__c : Cannot set ControlledByParent on a CustomObject without a 
MasterDetail relationship field Form__c.object

Save error:
Form__c.All : In field: columns - no CustomField named 
Form__c.Form_Template__c found   Form__c.object

Save error:
Form__c.Form_Template__c : referenceTo value of 'Form_Template__c'
 does not resolve to a valid sObject type Form__c.object

Save error:
Form_Template__c : formoverride does not exist or is not 
a valid override for action Edit.  Form_Template__c.object

Save error:
GWAPI_Log__c : log_detail does not exist or is not 
a valid override for action View.    GWAPI_Log__c.object

Save error:
Idea.Ideas_Last_7_Days : Could not resolve list 
view column: IDEA.IDEA_THEME    Idea.object

Save error:
Message__c.Form_in_Question__c : referenceTo value of 'Form_Template__c'
 does not resolve to a valid sObject type   Message__c.object

Save error:
News__c : customarticle does not exist or is not a valid override
for action Edit.  News__c.object

Save error:
Question__c : Cannot set ControlledByParent on a CustomObject without
 a MasterDetail relationship field Question__c.object

Save error:
Question__c.All : In field: columns - no CustomField named 
Question__c.Form_Template__c found   Question__c.object

Save error:
Question__c.Form_Template__c : referenceTo value of 'Form_Template__c'
 does not resolve to a valid sObject type Question__c.object

Save error:
Section__c : Cannot set ControlledByParent on a CustomObject without
 a MasterDetail relationship field  Section__c.object

Save error:
Section__c.Form_Template__c : referenceTo value of 'Form_Template__c' 
does not resolve to a valid sObject type  Section__c.object

Save error:
Security_Question_Answer__c.Question_Text__c : Field Is_Patient__c 
does not exist. Check spelling.  Security_Question_Answer__c.object

Save error:
sObject type 'Portal_Session__c' is not supported. If you are 
attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' 
after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



  1. 部署与标准对象关系的自定义对象
  2. 部署标准sObjects
  3. 部署其余的sObjects
  4. 部署触发器和顶点代码
  5. 部署VF页面/ VF电子邮件模板
  6. 部署剩余的元数据
  7. 之后我只使用迁移工具进行部署。

