因此,经过几个小时的打击,我现在完全迷失了。 我正在尝试做的基本上是将第一个根目录条目加载到内存中,但它似乎在读取部分失败了。我正在使用virtualbox来模拟!
[BITS 16]
[ORG 0x7C00]
BytesPerSector dw 0x0200
SectorsPerCluster db 0x01
ReservedSectors dw 0x227E
TotalFATs db 0x02
MaxRootEntries dw 0x0000
NumberOfSectors dw 0x0000
MediaDescriptor db 0xF8
SectorsPerFAT dw 0x0000
SectorsPerTrack dw 0x003D
SectorsPerHead dw 0x0002
HiddenSectors dd 0x00000001
TotalSectors dd 0x00200000
BigSectorsPerFAT dd 0x00003EC1
Flags dw 0x0000
FSVersion dw 0x0000
RootDirectoryStart dd 0x00000002
FSInfoSector dw 0x0001
BackupBootSector dw 0x0006
times 12 db 0
DriveNumber db 0x80
db 0x00
Signature db 0x29
VolumeID dd 0xFFFFFFFF
VolumeLabel db "APACU BOOT "
SystemID db "FAT32 "
mov Byte[DriveNumber], dl
; code located at 0000:7C00, adjust segment registers
mov ax, 0x7C00
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
; create stack
mov ax, 0x7C00
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0xFFFF
mov ah, 0x41
mov dl, [DriveNumber]
mov bx, 0x55AA
int 0x13
jnc continue
mov ah, 0x0E
mov al, "N"
int 0x10
;int 0x18
; No Support For Extended Reading
; size of a cluster in sectors is stored in cx
mov cx, WORD[SectorsPerCluster]
; compute location of the begining of the Data area and store in ax
mov al, BYTE [TotalFATs] ; Total number of FATs
mul WORD[BigSectorsPerFAT] ; Number of sectors for a FAT
add ax, WORD [ReservedSectors] ; Find the start of the Data area
mov WORD [datasector], ax ; Store the begining of the Data area
; read 1st data cluster into memory (7C00:0200)
mov ax, WORD[RootDirectoryStart]
call ClusterLBA
mov bx, 0x0200 ; copy 1st data cluter above bootcode
call ReadSectors
; Point Index register to 1st File Entry
mov di, 0x0200 + 0x20
mov si, msgCRLF
call DisplayMessage
;Point to the offset where the file location information contains
mov dx, WORD [di + 0x001A]
mov WORD [cluster], dx
;Set up the segments where the kernel needs to be loaded
mov ax, 0100h ; set ES:BX = 0100:0000
mov es, ax
mov bx, 0
;Read the cluster which contains the kernel
mov cx, 0x0008
mov ax, WORD[cluster]
call ClusterLBA
call ReadSectors
mov si, msgCRLF
call DisplayMessage
;Jump to the location where the kernel was loded
push WORD 0x0100
push WORD 0x0000
;An error has occured if this part is executed
mov si, msgFailure
call DisplayMessage
mov ah, 0x00
int 0x16 ; await keypress
int 0x19 ; warm boot computer
; PROCEDURE ReadSectors
; reads cx sectors from disk starting at ax into
;memory location es:bx
mov di, 0x0005 ; five retries for error
push ax
push bx
push cx
mov ah, 0x02 ; BIOS read sector
mov al, 0x01 ; read one sector
mov ch, BYTE [absoluteTrack] ; track
mov cl, BYTE [absoluteSector] ; sector
mov dh, BYTE [absoluteHead] ; head
mov dl, BYTE [DriveNumber] ; drive
int 0x13 ; invoke BIOS
jnc .SUCCESS ; test for read error
xor ax, ax ; BIOS reset disk
int 0x13 ; invoke BIOS
dec di ; decrement error counter
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
jnz .SECTORLOOP ; attempt to read again
int 0x18
mov si, msgProgress
call DisplayMessage
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
add bx, WORD [BytesPerSector] ; queue next buffer
inc ax ; queue next sector
loop .MAIN ; read next sector
; PROCEDURE DisplayMessage
; display ASCIIZ string at ds:si via BIOS
lodsb ; load next character
or al, al ; test for NUL character
jz .DONE
mov ah, 0x0E ; BIOS teletype
mov bh, 0x00 ; display page 0
mov bl, 0x07 ; text attribute
int 0x10 ; invoke BIOS
jmp DisplayMessage
; convert FAT cluster into LBA addressing scheme
; FileStartSector = ((X - 2) * SectorsPerCluster(0x08))
sub ax, 0x0002 ; zero base cluster number
xor cx, cx
mov cl, BYTE [SectorsPerCluster] ; convert byte to word
mul cx
add ax, WORD [datasector] ; base data sector
; convert ax LBA addressing scheme to CHS addressing scheme
; absolute sector = (logical sector / sectors per track) + 1
; absolute head = (logical sector / sectors per track) MOD number of heads
; absolute track = logical sector / (sectors per track * number of heads)
mov word[SectorsPerTrack], 0x003D
mov word[SectorsPerHead], 0x0002
xor dx, dx ; prepare dx:ax for operation
div WORD [SectorsPerTrack] ; calculate
inc dl ; adjust for sector 0
mov BYTE [absoluteSector], dl
xor dx, dx ; prepare dx:ax for operation
div WORD [SectorsPerHead] ; calculate
mov BYTE [absoluteHead], dl
mov BYTE [absoluteTrack], al
absoluteSector db 0x00
absoluteHead db 0x00
absoluteTrack db 0x00
cluster dw 0x0000
datasector dw 0x0000
;messages that needs to be shown
msgProgress db ".", 0x00
msgFailure db 0x0D, 0x0A, "Kernel loading failed...", 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x00
msgCRLF db 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x00
TIMES 510-($-$$) DB 0
DW 0xAA55
我知道它失败了,因为它在读取扇区循环中触发了int 0x18。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我认为你不能像这样使用boot hook interrupt(int 0x18)。我认为这不是你自己的代码。如果你想使用clear bootloader,你必须使用二进制文件(在其他操作中使用)如果你想制作自己的引导加载程序,你必须浪费大量时间进行编码和编译。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
对于[细分:偏移] RealMemory = Segment * 16 + Offset
但是,您要将段寄存器设置为7C00。对于您选择的原点,段值将为0.如果选择[org 0],则段值为0x07C0。 此外,您必须将CS:IP与您为代码选择的地址空间对齐。
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
push word RealignmentPoint
;variable addresses are mapped into 'usable' memory locations.
mov ax, 0x07C0
mov ds, ax
push ax
push word RealignmentPoint
;variable addresses are mapped into acceptable memory locations